ferrumcccp [Fri, 12 Jun 2020 13:13:58 +0000 (13:13 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 92.9% (1197 of 1288 strings)
Yangjun Wang [Fri, 12 Jun 2020 13:00:56 +0000 (13:00 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 90.1% (1161 of 1288 strings)
IFRFSX [Fri, 12 Jun 2020 12:56:10 +0000 (12:56 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 90.1% (1161 of 1288 strings)
青草 [Fri, 12 Jun 2020 12:33:19 +0000 (12:33 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 90.1% (1161 of 1288 strings)
ferrumcccp [Fri, 12 Jun 2020 12:20:04 +0000 (12:20 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 90.1% (1161 of 1288 strings)
Mikołaj Zaremba [Tue, 9 Jun 2020 09:52:46 +0000 (09:52 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 77.6% (1000 of 1288 strings)
Muhammad Rifqi Priyo Susanto [Tue, 9 Jun 2020 05:20:11 +0000 (05:20 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Indonesian)
Currently translated at 97.5% (1256 of 1288 strings)
Ács Zoltán [Sat, 6 Jun 2020 22:08:51 +0000 (22:08 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 70.8% (912 of 1288 strings)
Uko Koknevics [Tue, 2 Jun 2020 13:06:02 +0000 (13:06 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Latvian)
Currently translated at 31.8% (410 of 1288 strings)
Uko Koknevics [Tue, 2 Jun 2020 13:05:41 +0000 (13:05 +0000)]
Added translation using Weblate (Latvian)
Rostyslav [Mon, 1 Jun 2020 00:39:36 +0000 (00:39 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Ukrainian)
Currently translated at 42.0% (541 of 1288 strings)
Damian Wojsław [Sun, 31 May 2020 15:28:48 +0000 (15:28 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 77.4% (997 of 1288 strings)
Dominik Kacprzak [Sun, 31 May 2020 15:28:06 +0000 (15:28 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 77.4% (997 of 1288 strings)
WaldiS [Sun, 31 May 2020 15:26:31 +0000 (15:26 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 77.4% (997 of 1288 strings)
Miniontoby [Wed, 27 May 2020 17:53:46 +0000 (17:53 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 83.1% (1071 of 1288 strings)
you can't know [Wed, 27 May 2020 17:53:16 +0000 (17:53 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 69.4% (894 of 1288 strings)
dave90dave [Wed, 27 May 2020 17:49:15 +0000 (17:49 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 69.4% (894 of 1288 strings)
Oscar [Wed, 27 May 2020 17:48:07 +0000 (17:48 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 69.4% (894 of 1288 strings)
Miniontoby [Wed, 27 May 2020 15:40:48 +0000 (15:40 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 69.4% (894 of 1288 strings)
NicHan [Sat, 23 May 2020 13:05:47 +0000 (13:05 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 96.7% (1246 of 1288 strings)
runs [Fri, 22 May 2020 11:50:51 +0000 (11:50 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Spanish)
Currently translated at 67.9% (875 of 1288 strings)
aitzol berasategi [Fri, 15 May 2020 15:59:43 +0000 (15:59 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Basque)
Currently translated at 18.6% (240 of 1288 strings)
Mivik [Wed, 13 May 2020 11:05:39 +0000 (11:05 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 89.1% (1148 of 1288 strings)
f0roots [Tue, 12 May 2020 19:15:11 +0000 (19:15 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 42.7% (551 of 1288 strings)
Balázs Vámos [Mon, 11 May 2020 19:52:47 +0000 (19:52 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 70.7% (911 of 1288 strings)
restcoser [Sat, 9 May 2020 16:48:30 +0000 (16:48 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Lithuanian)
Currently translated at 15.3% (198 of 1288 strings)
Dominik Kacprzak [Sun, 3 May 2020 20:48:37 +0000 (20:48 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 77.1% (994 of 1288 strings)
Anonymous [Sun, 3 May 2020 11:08:12 +0000 (11:08 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.0% (1237 of 1288 strings)
Andrei Stepanov [Sun, 3 May 2020 11:07:25 +0000 (11:07 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 96.0% (1237 of 1288 strings)
Janar Leas [Sat, 2 May 2020 23:50:53 +0000 (23:50 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Estonian)
Currently translated at 30.4% (392 of 1288 strings)
Anonymous [Sun, 3 May 2020 11:05:41 +0000 (11:05 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 95.4% (1230 of 1288 strings)
Andrei Stepanov [Sun, 3 May 2020 10:47:06 +0000 (10:47 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 95.4% (1230 of 1288 strings)
Anonymous [Sun, 3 May 2020 10:44:27 +0000 (10:44 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 95.3% (1228 of 1288 strings)
Andrei Stepanov [Sun, 3 May 2020 10:42:50 +0000 (10:42 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 95.3% (1228 of 1288 strings)
Matteo Gheza [Tue, 28 Apr 2020 14:15:21 +0000 (14:15 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Italian)
Currently translated at 95.4% (1229 of 1288 strings)
Roman Ondráček [Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:36:50 +0000 (16:36 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 58.9% (759 of 1288 strings)
Marek Sebera [Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:30:07 +0000 (16:30 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 58.9% (759 of 1288 strings)
Anonymous [Mon, 27 Apr 2020 16:17:47 +0000 (16:17 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Czech)
Currently translated at 58.9% (759 of 1288 strings)
Jeannette L [Thu, 23 Apr 2020 13:02:51 +0000 (13:02 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 96.6% (1245 of 1288 strings)
Muhammad Nur Hidayat Yasuyoshi [Tue, 21 Apr 2020 04:02:11 +0000 (04:02 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Malay)
Currently translated at 100.0% (1288 of 1288 strings)
ERDwaYbR [Mon, 20 Apr 2020 13:16:58 +0000 (13:16 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Chinese (Simplified))
Currently translated at 87.8% (1132 of 1288 strings)
pitchblack [Sat, 18 Apr 2020 19:06:59 +0000 (19:06 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Russian)
Currently translated at 94.8% (1222 of 1288 strings)
anonymous [Mon, 20 Apr 2020 06:54:11 +0000 (06:54 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Polish)
Currently translated at 77.0% (993 of 1288 strings)
William Desportes [Sun, 19 Apr 2020 15:26:43 +0000 (15:26 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (French)
Currently translated at 96.6% (1245 of 1288 strings)
An0n3m0us [Tue, 14 Apr 2020 18:54:42 +0000 (18:54 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 69.9% (901 of 1288 strings)
SwampTurtle [Sun, 12 Apr 2020 12:23:41 +0000 (12:23 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 61.1% (788 of 1288 strings)
anonymous [Sun, 12 Apr 2020 12:21:35 +0000 (12:21 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Dutch)
Currently translated at 61.1% (788 of 1288 strings)
Larissa Piklor [Sat, 11 Apr 2020 11:17:09 +0000 (11:17 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Romanian)
Currently translated at 18.7% (242 of 1288 strings)
Larissa Piklor [Sat, 11 Apr 2020 11:15:52 +0000 (11:15 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 69.8% (900 of 1288 strings)
Oğuz Ersen [Wed, 8 Apr 2020 12:37:56 +0000 (12:37 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Turkish)
Currently translated at 100.0% (1288 of 1288 strings)
Ács Zoltán [Wed, 8 Apr 2020 12:26:10 +0000 (12:26 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Hungarian)
Currently translated at 69.6% (897 of 1288 strings)
Eyekay49 [Tue, 7 Apr 2020 16:43:09 +0000 (16:43 +0000)]
Translated using Weblate (Hindi)
Currently translated at 6.5% (85 of 1288 strings)
sfan5 [Tue, 7 Apr 2020 16:33:24 +0000 (16:33 +0000)]
Added translation using Weblate (Hindi)
Lars Müller [Sat, 13 Jun 2020 20:46:20 +0000 (22:46 +0200)]
Exposing the zoom key to Lua API (#9903)
Co-authored-by: Raul Ferriz <raul.ferriz@gmail.com>
sfan5 [Sat, 13 Jun 2020 17:03:26 +0000 (19:03 +0200)]
Server pushing media at runtime (#9961)
luk3yx [Fri, 12 Jun 2020 16:54:20 +0000 (04:54 +1200)]
Add LevelDB player database (#9982)
sfan5 [Sun, 7 Jun 2020 17:58:09 +0000 (19:58 +0200)]
Use multiple light positions for CAO lighting
sfan5 [Wed, 10 Jun 2020 14:53:23 +0000 (16:53 +0200)]
content_cao: Do not expire visuals for texture updates
sfan5 [Wed, 10 Jun 2020 09:46:14 +0000 (11:46 +0200)]
Fix build error on Ubuntu 16.04 (again)
sfan5 [Wed, 10 Jun 2020 08:58:13 +0000 (10:58 +0200)]
Fix build error on Ubuntu 16.04
Danila Shutov [Tue, 9 Jun 2020 19:38:09 +0000 (22:38 +0300)]
Fix broken coloring of wielditems (#9969)
Fixes a regression that appeared in 5.3.0-dev.
NetherEran [Tue, 9 Jun 2020 17:38:39 +0000 (17:38 +0000)]
Some vector functions useful for working with rotations (#9572)
* added vector.rotate
* added vector.forward_from_rotation and vector.up_from_rotation
* added vector.forward_up_to_rotatiton
* fixed some bugs and formatting with vector functions
* shortened name of some new vector functions and added documentation
* made vector.rotate not require a unit vector as axis
* fixed crash with vector.forward_up_to_rot
* renamed new vector functions, made vector.rotate apply a rotation matrix, old vector.rotate is now called vector.rotate_around_axis
* documented vector function changes
* removed some whitespace to appease luacheck
* implemented and fixed optimization of vector.rotate_around_axis by SmallJoker
* added some unit tests for rotation vector functions
* clarified that rotation vectors are in radians and according to the left hand rule
* hopefully appeased luacheck
* renamed rotation_to_horizontal to forward_at_rotation, rotation_to_vertical to up_at_rotation
* handled cases where sin or cos are 0 in rotation vector functions
* added more comments
* clarified documentation of rotation vector functions
* added more unit tests
* changed way in which vector.rotate_around_axis is adjusted for left handed coordinate systems
* made vector.rotate_around_axis actually left handed
* unrolled matrix multiplication
* removed vector.forward_at_rotation and vector.up_at_rotation
* prettified vector.rotate_around_axis, made previous commits not break anything
* removed references to removed vector.forward_at_rotation and vector.up_at_rotation
* removed documentation of removed vector functions
* clarified documentation and fixed styling of rotation vector functions
* restyled comments minorly
* spelling fixes and some hopefully better comments
* allowed 'up' to be missing from vector.directions_to_rotation and removed requirement for unit vectors as arguments
* made vector.rotate_around_axis() right handed again for consistency
* documented previous changes
* made matrix multiplication actually multiply
* renamed vector.directions_to_rotation() to vector.dir_to_rotation()
* optimized a distance comparison
* Fixed potential false positive in unit tests.
Co-authored-by: NetherEran <nethereran@hotmail.com>
Paul Ouellette [Tue, 9 Jun 2020 17:37:25 +0000 (13:37 -0400)]
LuaItemStack: Add __tostring metamethod (#8785)
* LuaItemStack: Add __tostring metamethod
* Clean up LuaItemStack::checkobject
hecktest [Tue, 9 Jun 2020 17:36:47 +0000 (19:36 +0200)]
Fix player-to-object attachment teleport bug (#10008)
Fixes two bugs:
* The camera offset was not applied to an object while detaching, briefly placing the irrlicht matrixnode in world space.
* When attaching, the matrixnode's absolute position was evaluated without evaluating the parent first, resulting in zeroed positions.
MoNTE48 [Thu, 16 Apr 2020 15:37:40 +0000 (17:37 +0200)]
TouchScreenGUI: fix some bugs, cleanup
MoNTE48 [Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:49:07 +0000 (18:49 +0200)]
TouchScreen Control: fix some bugs, cleanup
Maksim [Sun, 31 May 2020 20:27:50 +0000 (22:27 +0200)]
Fix real keyboard movements on touchscreen devices
MoNTE48 [Thu, 16 Apr 2020 16:49:30 +0000 (18:49 +0200)]
Hide tooltip after ETIE_LEFT_UP (for touch control)
sfan5 [Mon, 8 Jun 2020 15:15:02 +0000 (17:15 +0200)]
devtest: Improve tool and formspec usability
also fix the yawsprite test entity
sfan5 [Sun, 7 Jun 2020 18:43:42 +0000 (20:43 +0200)]
Reset touching_ground when in free_move
This corrects local player animation after enabling fly while standing on ground.
Paul Ouellette [Sat, 6 Jun 2020 18:52:26 +0000 (14:52 -0400)]
Fix Lua panic when error() message is not a string
Danila Shutov [Sun, 7 Jun 2020 16:14:00 +0000 (19:14 +0300)]
Recalculate mesh normals for CAOs (#10000)
SmallJoker [Sun, 7 Jun 2020 12:17:32 +0000 (14:17 +0200)]
GenericCAO: Fix glow not working since
Vitaliy [Sat, 6 Jun 2020 20:25:18 +0000 (23:25 +0300)]
Restore visual_scale support for nodeboxes (and allfaces) (#9906)
rubenwardy [Sat, 6 Jun 2020 16:59:39 +0000 (17:59 +0100)]
Fix incorrect extension used for ContentDB thumbnails
rubenwardy [Sat, 6 Jun 2020 16:17:08 +0000 (17:17 +0100)]
Add HTTP API to main menu (#9998)
Maksim [Fri, 5 Jun 2020 19:42:33 +0000 (21:42 +0200)]
Fix HUD scaling (#9721)
This resolves HUD scaling issues on Android and desktops with custom DPI settings.
ANAND [Fri, 5 Jun 2020 18:04:14 +0000 (23:34 +0530)]
TestBan: Clean up properly after completing test (#9994)
Bektur [Fri, 5 Jun 2020 01:22:19 +0000 (07:22 +0600)]
Show Toast in UI thread and fix unpacking on Android 10 (#9900)
rubenwardy [Thu, 4 Jun 2020 20:53:26 +0000 (21:53 +0100)]
Add buttons to ContentDB in game bar and configure world (#9944)
SmallJoker [Thu, 4 Jun 2020 17:31:46 +0000 (19:31 +0200)]
Move shared parameters sending to UnitSAO (#9968)
Better header sorting by topic
Make UnitSAO-specific parameters private
Skip redundant recursive entity sending code (since ~5.2.0)
sfan5 [Mon, 1 Jun 2020 19:19:35 +0000 (21:19 +0200)]
Fix autoscale_mode segfault if tile doesn't have texture
closes #9965
SmallJoker [Mon, 1 Jun 2020 17:02:15 +0000 (19:02 +0200)]
Lua API: Log incorrect parameter types as error (#9954)
Incorrect parameter types are logged as errors, taking coercion into account.
This is a workaround to ensure mod compatibility.
Duplicate warnings are ignored per server instance.
SmallJoker [Mon, 1 Jun 2020 17:01:47 +0000 (19:01 +0200)]
ContentCAO: Update light of all attached entities (#9975)
Hugues Ross [Mon, 1 Jun 2020 13:22:04 +0000 (09:22 -0400)]
imageScaleNNAA: Fix image clipping on rect- instead of image dimensions (#9896)
Fixes GUI scaling filters applied on animated images and 9slice backgrounds.
Wuzzy [Fri, 29 May 2020 23:46:57 +0000 (01:46 +0200)]
Devtest: Fix missing/incorrect liquid properties (#9955)
sfan5 [Tue, 26 May 2020 14:05:06 +0000 (16:05 +0200)]
Clean up CAO nametag handling and remove deprecated AO_CMD
9eee3c3f465c071bb9908749cf48be3c131a1bdf (0.4.14)
sfan5 [Mon, 25 May 2020 21:36:45 +0000 (23:36 +0200)]
content_cao: Do not expire visuals when not necessary
fixes #6572
MoNTE48 [Wed, 11 Dec 2019 19:03:12 +0000 (20:03 +0100)]
Add disable_jump check for the player's feet
Wuzzy [Tue, 26 May 2020 00:11:19 +0000 (02:11 +0200)]
Add minetest.is_creative_enabled
rubenwardy [Thu, 28 May 2020 23:52:48 +0000 (00:52 +0100)]
Update ContentDB dialog (#9949)
sfan5 [Tue, 26 May 2020 15:38:31 +0000 (17:38 +0200)]
Value copy / allocation optimizations mostly in server, SAO and serialize code
sfan5 [Wed, 27 May 2020 13:41:28 +0000 (15:41 +0200)]
Change item entity collisionbox so that they don't sink into the ground
sfan5 [Wed, 27 May 2020 13:10:47 +0000 (15:10 +0200)]
Fix falling entity not falling through players
rubenwardy [Wed, 27 May 2020 16:02:09 +0000 (17:02 +0100)]
Make ContentDB downloads not block the UI (#9948)
sfan5 [Tue, 26 May 2020 22:17:23 +0000 (00:17 +0200)]
Fix liquids refusing to flow in X+ or Z+ in some cases (#9874)
Applies when a different:
- falling liquid is neighboring
- liquid is below
Paramat [Tue, 26 May 2020 22:11:33 +0000 (23:11 +0100)]
Devtest game: Update biome registrations (#9936)
rubenwardy [Tue, 26 May 2020 20:31:54 +0000 (21:31 +0100)]
Fix devtest being ignored by .gitignore
Wuzzy [Tue, 26 May 2020 17:49:02 +0000 (19:49 +0200)]
Devtest: Fix crash in player unittest (#9937)
Happened if player unittests run when player has exactly 3 HP
Wuzzy [Mon, 25 May 2020 22:17:52 +0000 (00:17 +0200)]
Rename “Minimal development test” to “Development Test” (#9928)