Migrate secrets to environment variables
[oweals/karmaworld.git] / requirements.txt
1 Django>=1.5.0,<1.6.0
2 django-celery==3.0.21
3 django-compressor==1.2
4 Fabric==1.5.3
5 South==0.8.4
6 oauth2client==1.0
7 urllib3==1.5
8 google-api-python-client==1.0
9 django-grappelli==2.4.8
10 django-taggit
11 git+https://github.com/btbonval/django-filepicker.git
12 filemagic==1.6
13 requests
14 beautifulsoup4
15 #cffi # here to make buildpack install libffi
16 #pyopenssl
17 python-twitter
18 gdshortener
19 git+https://github.com/flaptor/indextank-py.git
20 git+https://github.com/jhilker/html2text.git
21 django-allauth
22 boto
23 django-storages==1.1.4
24 django-reversion
25 django-ajax-selects
26 git+https://github.com/btbonval/django-ajax-selects-cascade.git
27 psycopg2
28 pyth
29 querystring_parser
30 gunicorn
31 dj-database-url
32 mock
33 cssmin==0.1.4
34 amqplib==1.0.2