2017-06-06 sfan5Use transparency for unused part of mese post top texture
2017-06-03 MrIbbyChange "Junglewood" to "Jungle Wood" 0.4.16
2017-06-03 Michael BargatinResize book textures from 16x17 to 16x16
2017-05-24 paramatSettings: Use new settings object
2017-05-20 theFox6Default: Shorter and better ABMs (#1739)
2017-05-18 sfan5Remove set_inventory_formspec in default, remove delay...
2017-05-18 Vanessa EzekowitzChest: Redo new chests to use single-tile textures...
2017-05-15 ezhhFire: Disable fire by default in multiplayer
2017-05-15 tenplus1Chests: Revert inventory name
2017-05-13 cx384Change the selection_box of bush stems (#1733)
2017-05-08 Auke KokChest open model: UV map fix.
2017-05-08 Auke KokFix nil deref issue with people hitting chests too...
2017-05-08 SmallJokerChests: Keep old textures for mod compability
2017-05-07 EzhhAdd option to disable lavacooling (#1726)
2017-05-01 sfan5Fix merging mistake (crash in "stairs")
2017-05-01 TimStairs: Add snowblock and ice stairs and slabs
2017-05-01 Fernando Carmona... TNT: Gunpowder (and tnt.burn) will trigger the on_ignit...
2017-05-01 Auke KokImprove Chest appearance - opening chests.
2017-04-29 Auke KokDoors: place sound when placing a door.
2017-04-29 Auke KokFix books getting erased on page button use.
2017-04-27 Auke KokRemove dye craft recipe conflict.
2017-04-27 rubenwardyFix owner not being checked on write to book
2017-04-23 paramatTin: Tune mapgen, bugfix, fix texture credits
2017-04-23 paramatTextures: Reduce contrast of snow ripples
2017-04-23 Dániel JuhászCreative: Automatic item colorization for creative...
2017-04-20 paramatOres: Add tin ore, lump, ingot and block
2017-04-20 upsilonDoors: Ignore permission check if player parameter...
2017-04-20 octacianKeys: Move skeleton key to craftitems.lua
2017-04-20 octacianKeys: Allow skeleton keys to be stacked
2017-04-13 Thomas--Snodebox -> node_box
2017-04-12 paramatBushes: Add saplings
2017-04-12 paramatPB&J Pup: Remove mod
2017-04-11 EkdohibsFix .luacheckrc (missing Settings class)
2017-04-11 MarkuBuStairs: Improve stair and slab rotation on placement
2017-04-11 Alex FordScrewdriver: Allow non-native rotations if supported...
2017-04-11 LNJTextures: Replace aspen leaves texture with BlockMen's
2017-04-11 paramatLeafdecay: Do not restart aready running timers
2017-04-11 paramatCarts: Make rail recipes more generous
2017-04-02 SmallJokerdoors: Fix craftitem not listed in inventory (#1683)
2017-03-30 paramatCarts: Remove '+' added in commit 077316b
2017-03-30 paramatGlasslike_framed nodes: Add 'glasslikeliquidlevel'...
2017-03-29 zaoqiUse creative.is_enabled_for for creative mode if possib...
2017-03-29 cx384doors: add groups to the door craftitem
2017-03-26 upsilondoors: record protection violation if it cannot be dug
2017-03-26 paramatFlora spread: Re-enable dry shrub replacing flora in...
2017-03-26 Auke KokPB&J Pup.
2017-03-22 paramatFlora spread: Do not replace flora with dry shrub,...
2017-03-20 paramatFlora spread: Allow spread on rainforest litter. Other...
2017-03-20 octacianBooks: Fix backwards compatibility issues
2017-03-20 Auke KokScrewdriver: simplify logic, allow wallmounted rotation.
2017-03-19 Thomas--SDoors: Fix wood/glass doors not opening or closing
2017-03-17 paramatLeafdecay: Change Aspen radius back to 3
2017-03-17 paramatJunglegrass: Prevent seeding of dirt_with_grass
2017-03-17 octacianKeys: Fix crash when using unconfigured default:key
2017-03-17 paramatBiomes: Add and auto-select mgv7 floatland biomes
2017-03-16 Thomas--SChange doors to default.can_interact_with_node()
2017-03-15 paramatFarming: Add override for default:dirt_with_rainforest_...
2017-03-15 Auke KokSkeleton key: Change to use left-click (tool on_use)
2017-03-15 SmallJokerSapling_on_place: Restore after_place_node() calls
2017-03-15 Auke KokSethome: Migrate sethome mod to player attributes.
2017-03-14 FixerTNT: Clarify new TNT receipe
2017-03-14 paramatTextures: New textures for silver sandstone nodes
2017-03-14 Auke KokTNT: start fire nodetimers for created fire nodes.
2017-03-12 SmallJokerKeys: Update default.can_interact_with_node to new...
2017-03-12 paramatLeafdecay: Register leafdecay for bush leaves
2017-03-12 Auke KokScrewdriver: drop nodes if no longer attached.
2017-03-12 Dániel JuhászCorrect rotation of attached nodes, and rotate colored...
2017-03-12 Auke KokScrewdriver: use table lookup for facedir rotations.
2017-03-12 Auke KokScrewdriver: allow simple wallmounted rotation.
2017-03-12 Auke Kokluacheck 0.19.0 complains about `unpack()`.
2017-03-10 paramatFlint & steel sounds: Fix bugs caused by nil position
2017-03-10 paramatMapgen: Use decoration sidelen 16 for jungletrees and...
2017-03-10 paramatTree schematics: Alter jungletree, aspen, pine, appletree
2017-03-07 paramatLadder recipe: Make wooden ladder recipe more generous
2017-03-07 rubenwardysfinv: Fix wrong tab being highlighted
2017-03-07 tenplus1Screwdriver: Fix crash
2017-03-07 Diego MartínezAdd desert/silver sandstone-related blocks. (#1596)
2017-03-05 Diego MartínezFix some warnings.
2017-03-05 paramatDungeons: Use 'block' instead of 'brick' for nodebox...
2017-03-01 octacianShow title and author of book in description
2017-03-01 Auke KokAllow interaction with nodes while wielding these items.
2017-02-28 paramatBiomes: New surface node for rainforest
2017-02-28 octacianKeys: Show owner in description
2017-02-25 paramatCorals: Smaller, less dense reefs
2017-02-25 paramatLavacooling: Return to chance = 2
2017-02-25 paramatTorches: Reduce light source level from 13 to 12
2017-02-25 MarkuBuLeafdecay: Node timer based implementation, API
2017-02-21 Thomas--SGlobalize, rename and change the behaviour of has_locke...
2017-02-12 SmallJokerCarts: Fix the rail table overwrite behaviour
2017-02-12 paramatVisual scale: Update plantlike nodes to post-bugfix...
2017-02-12 octacianWaterlily: Avoid z-fighting of base texture with water...
2017-02-10 rubenwardyAdd sfinv.set_page, plus other helper functions 1549/head
2017-02-09 ParamatDefault: Add nodebox mese post light usable as a growla...
2017-02-08 Thomas--SMake drop logic work better for non-8-step-plants....
2017-02-02 paramatMapgen: Dedicated registrations for mgv6 blob ores
2017-02-01 paramatTrees: Add 'snowy' group for pine sapling snow detection
2017-02-01 paramatCreative: Cache creative mode setting
2017-02-01 paramatOres: Add silver sand blob ore, relocate other blob...
2017-01-27 rubenwardyFix node drops not being added to inventory when not...
2017-01-26 paramatDungeons: Add mapgen alias for desert stone stairs