<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/setup-ajax.js"></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/note-detail.js" ></script>
<script src="{{ STATIC_URL }}js/pxem.jQuery.js"></script>
+ <script>
+ function writeNoteFrame(contents) {
+ var dstFrame = document.getElementById('noteframe');
+ var dstDoc = dstFrame.contentDocument || dstFrame.contentWindow.document;
+ dstDoc.write(contents);
+ dstDoc.close();
+ }
+ $(function() {
+ $.ajax('{{ STATIC_URL }}{{ note.get_relative_s3_path }}',
+ {
+ type: 'GET',
+ xhrFields: {
+ onprogress: function (progress) {
+ var percentage = Math.floor((progress.loaded / progress.totalSize) * 100);
+ writeNoteFrame("<h3 style='text-align: center'>" + percentage + "%</h3>");
+ }
+ },
+ success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ writeNoteFrame(data);
+ autoResize('noteframe');
+ {% if pdf_controls %}
+ setupPdfViewer();
+ {% endif %}
+ },
+ error: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR) {
+ writeNoteFrame("<h3 style='text-align: center'>Sorry, your note could not be retrieved.</h3>");
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ </script>
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
</div> <!-- .row -->
- {% comment %}
- # TODO: embed and pass the url with this included when we fix the css integration issues
- {% include 'partial/pdfembed.html' %}
- {% endcomment %}
- {% else %} {# if pdf #}
+ {% else %}
<div class="row">
<div class="small-12 small-centered columns medium-12 large-12 body_copy">
<div class="note-text">
<!-- Give crawlers a link to the iframe contents-->
<a href="{{ STATIC_URL }}{{ note.get_relative_s3_path }}" target="_blank">Open note in a new window or tab</a>.
- <iframe style="border:none; width:100%; min-height: 1000px;" id="noteframe" src="{{ STATIC_URL }}{{ note.get_relative_s3_path }}"
- onload="autoResize('noteframe'); {% if pdf_controls %} setupPdfViewer(); {% endif %}"> </iframe>
+ <iframe style="border:none; width:100%; min-height: 1000px;"
+ id="noteframe"> </iframe>
</div> <!-- .note-text -->
{% else %} {# note.static_html #}
{% endif %} {# note.static_html #}
- {% endif %} {# note.filetype == 'pdf' #}
+ {% endif %}
</div><!-- /body_copy -->