--- /dev/null
+Here is the rough karmaworld repo layout::
+ .
+ ├── fabfile.py
+ ├── gunicorn.py.ini
+ ├── manage.py
+ ├── Procfile
+ ├── reqs
+ │ ├── common.txt
+ │ ├── dev.txt
+ │ └── prod.txt
+ ├── requirements.txt
+ ├── karmaworld
+ │ ├── apps
+ │ │ ├── __init__.py
+ │ │ ├── courses
+ │ │ │ ├── models.py
+ │ │ │ └── …
+ │ │ ├── notes
+ │ │ │ ├── models.py
+ │ │ │ └── …
+ │ ├── __init__.py
+ │ ├── libs
+ │ │ └── __init__.py
+ │ ├── settings
+ │ │ ├── common.py
+ │ │ ├── dev.py
+ │ │ ├── __init__.py
+ │ │ └── prod.py
+ │ ├── templates
+ │ │ ├── 404.html
+ │ │ └── 500.html
+ │ └── urls.py
+ └── wsgi.py
+``fabfile.py`` is a utility script (written using `Fabric
+<http://docs.fabfile.org/en/1.4.2/index.html>`_) that adds some helpful
+shortcut commands. It can automatically bootstrap a Heroku app for you, and a
+number of other useful things. You can run ``fab --list`` from the command line
+to see its usage.
+``gunicorn.py.ini`` is our `gunicorn <http://gunicorn.org/>`_ web server
+configuration file. It is optimized for large scale sites, and should work well
+in any environment.
+``manage.py`` is our default Django management script. It uses the `dev.py` settings file, so we will have to override this in production
+``Procfile`` is our Heroku process file--which tells Heroku what our three
+types of services are: ``web``, ``scheduler``, and ``worker``. To learn more
+about this, see `Heroku's Procfile documentation
+``reqs`` is a directory which contains all of our pip requirement files, broken
+into categories by the environment in which they're used. The ``common.txt``
+file contains all of our 'shared' requirements, the ``dev.txt`` file contains
+all of our local development requirements, and the ``prod.txt`` file contains
+our production requirements. This modular approach is taken to make development
+as flexible (and intuitive) as possible.
+``requirements.txt`` is a Heroku specific file which tells Heroku to install
+our production requirements *only*.
+``karmaworld`` is the Django project site. Everything inside this directory is
+considered the actual Django code.
+``karmaworld/apps`` is the directory meant to hold all of our local Django
+``karmaworld/libs`` is a directory meant to hold all of your local Django
+libraries--code which doesn't really fit into 'applications'. This usually
+includes stuff like templatetags that are used in various place, or other
+helpful utility functions.
+``karmaworld/settings`` is a directory which holds all of your Django settings files!
+Much like our pip requirements, there is a settings file for each environment:
+``dev.py``, ``prod.py``, and ``common.py`` (shared settings).
+``karmaworld/templates`` is a directory that holds all your Django templates.
+``karmaworld/urls.py`` is your standard Django urlconf.
+``wsgi.py`` is your standard Django wsgi configuration file. Our webserver
+uses this to figure things out :)
+.. image:: _static/yeah.png