1. `foreman run python manage.py sanitize_usde_schools`
* `fetch_usde_csv` downloads school records and stores them to `./schools.csv`. This file name
- and location is arbitrary. As long as the same file is passed into `import_usde_csv` for
- reading, everything should be fine.
+ and location is arbitrary. As long as the same file is passed into `import_usde_csv` for
+ reading, everything should be fine.
+* `fetching_usde_csv` requires `7zip` to be installed for processing compressed
+ archives. On Debian-based systems, this entails `apt-get install p7zip-full`
## Run
1. Fetch USDE schools with
`heroku run python manage.py fetch_usde_csv ./schools.csv`
1. Upload the schools into the database with
- `heroku run python /manage.py import_usde _csv ./schools.csv`
+ `heroku run python /manage.py import_usde_csv ./schools.csv`
1. Clean up redundant information with
`heroku run python /manage.py sanitize_usde_schools`