# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2012 FinalsClub Foundation
-import datetime
import magic
-import os
import re
+import json
import time
import httplib2
from apiclient.discovery import build
from apiclient.http import MediaInMemoryUpload
-from django.conf import settings
from django.core.files.base import ContentFile
-from oauth2client.client import flow_from_clientsecrets
+from oauth2client.client import SignedJwtAssertionCredentials
-from karmaworld.apps.notes.models import DriveAuth
+import secrets.drive as drive
-CLIENT_SECRET = os.path.join(settings.DJANGO_ROOT, \
- 'secret/client_secrets.json')
-#from credentials import GOOGLE_USER # FIXME
- from secrets.drive import GOOGLE_USER
- GOOGLE_USER = 'admin@karmanotes.org' # FIXME
-EXT_TO_MIME = {'.docx': 'application/msword'}
PPT_MIMETYPES = ['application/vnd.ms-powerpoint', 'application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation']
def extract_file_details(fileobj):
details = None
year = None
return {'year': year}
-def build_flow():
- """ Create an oauth2 autentication object with our preferred details """
- scopes = [
- 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive',
- 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.file',
- 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.email',
- 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/userinfo.profile',
- ]
- flow = flow_from_clientsecrets(CLIENT_SECRET, ' '.join(scopes), \
- redirect_uri='http://localhost:8000/oauth2callback')
- flow.params['access_type'] = 'offline'
- flow.params['approval_prompt'] = 'force'
- flow.params['user_id'] = GOOGLE_USER
- return flow
-def authorize():
- """ Use an oauth2client flow object to generate the web url to create a new
- auth that can be then stored """
- flow = build_flow()
- print flow.step1_get_authorize_url()
-def accept_auth(code):
- """ Callback endpoint for accepting the post `authorize()` google drive
- response, and generate a credentials object
- :code: An authentication token from a WEB oauth dialog
- returns a oauth2client credentials object """
- flow = build_flow()
- creds = flow.step2_exchange(code)
- return creds
-def build_api_service(creds):
- http = httplib2.Http()
- http = creds.authorize(http)
- return build('drive', 'v2', http=http), http
-def check_and_refresh(creds, auth):
- """ Check a Credentials object's expiration token
- if it is out of date, refresh the token and save
- :creds: a Credentials object
- :auth: a DriveAuth that backs the cred object
- :returns: updated creds and auth objects
+def build_api_service():
+ """
+ Build and returns a Drive service object authorized with the service
+ accounts that act on behalf of the given user.
+ Will target the Google Drive of GOOGLE_USER email address.
+ Returns a Google Drive service object.
+ Code herein adapted from:
+ https://developers.google.com/drive/delegation
+ """
+ # Extract the service address from the client secret
+ with open(drive.CLIENT_SECRET, 'r') as fp:
+ service_user = json.load(fp)['web']['client_email']
+ # Pull in the service's p12 private key.
+ with open(drive.SERVICE_KEY, 'rb') as p12:
+ # Use the private key to auth as the service user for access to the
+ # Google Drive of the GOOGLE_USER
+ credentials = SignedJwtAssertionCredentials(service_user, p12.read(),
+ scope='https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive',
+ sub=drive.GOOGLE_USER)
+ return build('drive', 'v2', http=credentials.authorize(httplib2.Http()))
+def download_from_gdrive(service, file_dict, extension=None, mimetype=None):
+ """ Take in a gdrive service, file_dict from upload, and either an
+ extension or mimetype.
+ You must provide an `extension` or `mimetype`
+ Returns contextual files from google
- if creds.token_expiry < datetime.datetime.utcnow():
- # if we are passed the token expiry,
- # refresh the creds and store them
- http = httplib2.Http()
- http = creds.authorize(http)
- creds.refresh(http)
- auth.credentials = creds.to_json()
- auth.save()
- return creds, auth
-def download_from_gdrive(file_dict, http, extension=None, mimetype=None):
- """ get urls from file_dict and download contextual files from google """
download_urls = {}
download_urls['text'] = file_dict[u'exportLinks']['text/plain']
download_urls['html'] = file_dict[u'exportLinks']['text/html']
content_dict = {}
for download_type, download_url in download_urls.items():
print "\n%s -- %s" % (download_type, download_urls)
- resp, content = http.request(download_url, "GET")
+ resp, content = service._http.request(download_url)
if resp.status in [200]:
print "\t downloaded!"
return content_dict
def upload_to_gdrive(service, media, filename, extension=None, mimetype=None):
""" take a gdrive service object, and a media wrapper and upload to gdrive
returns a file_dict
if extension:
extension = extension.lower()
- if extension in ['.pdf', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png'] \
- or mimetype in ['application/pdf']:
- # include OCR on ocr-able files
- file_dict = service.files().insert(body=_resource, media_body=media, convert=True, ocr=True).execute()
+ # perform OCR on files that are image intensive
+ ocr = extension in ['.pdf', '.jpeg', '.jpg', '.png'] or \
+ mimetype in ['application/pdf']
- else:
- file_dict = service.files().insert(body=_resource, media_body=media, convert=True).execute()
+ file_dict = service.files().insert(body=_resource, media_body=media,\
+ convert=True, ocr=ocr).execute()
- if u'exportLinks' not in file_dict:
+ # increase exponent of 2 for exponential growth.
+ # 2 ** -1 = 0.5, 2 ** 0 = 1, 2 ** 1 = 2, 4, 8, 16, ...
+ delay_exp = -1
+ # exponentially wait for exportLinks to be returned if missing
+ while u'exportLinks' not in file_dict or
+ u'text/plain' not in file_dict[u'exportLinks']:
# wait some seconds
- # get the doc from gdrive
- time.sleep(30)
+ print "upload_check_sleep({0})".format(2. ** delay_exp)
+ time.sleep(2. ** delay_exp)
+ delay_exp = delay_exp + 1
+ # if 31.5 seconds have passed, give up
+ if delay_exp == 5:
+ raise ValueError('Google Drive failed to read the document.')
+ # try to get the doc from gdrive
file_dict = service.files().get(fileId=file_dict[u'id']).execute()
return file_dict
""" Upload a raw document to google drive and get a Note back """
fp_file = raw_document.get_file()
- # download the file to memory
- # get the file's mimetype
- #file_type, _ = mimetypes.guess_type(raw_document.fp_file.path)
- # get the file extension
- #filename, extension = os.path.splitext(raw_document.fp_file.path)
+ # extract some properties from the document metadata
filename = raw_document.name
print "this is the mimetype of the document to check:"
mimetype = raw_document.mimetype
if raw_document.mimetype == 'text/enml':
raw_document.mimetype = 'text/html'
- if raw_document.mimetype == None:
- media = MediaInMemoryUpload(fp_file.read(),
- chunksize=1024*1024, resumable=True)
- else:
- media = MediaInMemoryUpload(fp_file.read(), mimetype=raw_document.mimetype,
- chunksize=1024*1024, resumable=True)
- auth = DriveAuth.objects.filter(email=GOOGLE_USER).all()[0]
- creds = auth.transform_to_cred()
+ # Include mimetype parameter if there is one to include
+ extra_flags = {'mimetype': raw_document.mimetype} if raw_document.mimetype \
+ else {}
+ media = MediaInMemoryUpload(fp_file.read(), chunksize=1024*1024, \
+ resumable=True, **extra_flags)
- creds, auth = check_and_refresh(creds, auth)
- service, http = build_api_service(creds)
+ service = build_api_service()
# upload to google drive
file_dict = upload_to_gdrive(service, media, filename, mimetype=mimetype)
- # check if google drive understood the file
- if not 'exportLinks' in file_dict or \
- not 'text/plain' in file_dict[u'exportLinks']:
- raise ValueError('Google Drive failed to read the document')
- # down from google drive
- content_dict = download_from_gdrive(file_dict, http, mimetype=mimetype)
+ # download from google drive
+ content_dict = download_from_gdrive(service, file_dict, mimetype=mimetype)
# this should have already happened, lets see why it hasn't
raw_document.is_processed = True
note = raw_document.convert_to_note()
- if raw_document.mimetype == 'application/pdf':
+ if mimetype == 'application/pdf':
note.file_type = 'pdf'
- elif raw_document.mimetype in PPT_MIMETYPES:
+ elif mimetype in PPT_MIMETYPES:
note.file_type = 'ppt'
note.pdf_file.save(filename + '.pdf', ContentFile(content_dict['pdf']))
# Finally, save whatever data we got back from google