--- /dev/null
+import csv
+from itertools import izip
+from django.core.management.base import BaseCommand
+from karmaworld.apps.courses.models import School
+class Command(BaseCommand):
+ args = '<filename>'
+ help = ("""Import USDE csv file. add schools to the UsdeSchool model.
+ Assumes the following header:
+ Institution_ID,Institution_Name,Institution_Address,Institution_City,Institution_State,Institution_Zip,Institution_Phone,Institution_OPEID,Institution_IPEDS_UnitID,Institution_Web_Address,Campus_ID,Campus_Name,Campus_Address,Campus_City,Campus_State,Campus_Zip,Campus_IPEDS_UnitID,Accreditation_Type,Agency_Name,Agency_Status,Program_Name,Accreditation_Status,Accreditation_Date_Type,Periods,Last Action"""
+ )
+ def parse_school_csv(self, filename):
+ """parse a csv file, and return a list of dictionaries
+ """
+ headers = False
+ schools = []
+ with open(filename) as f:
+ reader = csv.reader(f)
+ headers = reader.next()
+ for row in reader:
+ schools.append(row)
+ headers = [s.lower() for s in headers]
+ return [ dict(izip(headers,school)) for school in schools ]
+ def handle(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ if len(args) < 1:
+ self.stdout.write('Provide a filename\n')
+ return
+ filename = args[0]
+ school_dicts = self.parse_school_csv(filename)
+ self.stdout.write('Importing from list of %d schools\n' % len(school_dicts))
+ count = 0
+ for d in school_dicts:
+ if 'institution_id' not in d or not d['institution_id']:
+ print d
+ raise Exception('Error: School does not have an institution_id!')
+ try:
+ school = School.objects.get(usde_id=d['institution_id'])
+ except School.DoesNotExist:
+ school = School()
+ print d['institution_id']
+ print d['institution_name']
+ count += 1
+ school.name = d['institution_name']
+ school.location = d['institution_city'] + ', ' + d['institution_state']
+ school.url = d['institution_web_address']
+ school.usde_id = d['institution_id']
+ school.save()
+ self.stdout.write('Imported %d NEW unique schools\n' % count)