Connection information for the local machine
+ def _custom_local(command):
+ prefixed_command = '/bin/bash -l -i -c "%s"' % command
+ return local(prefixed_command)
+ env.run = _custom_local
# This is required for the same reason as above
env.proj_root = '/var/www/karmaworld'
env.cd = lcd
env.reqs = 'reqs/dev.txt'
- env.confs = 'confs/%s' % env.branch
+ env.confs = 'confs/beta'
env.branch = 'beta'
- env.run = virtenv_exec
Sync Database
- env.run('%s/manage.py syncdb --migrate' % env.proj_dir )
+ env.run('%s/manage.py syncdb --migrate' % env.proj_root )
####### Collect Static Files
def collect_static():
- Collect static files (if AWS config. present, push to S3
+ Collect static files (if AWS config. present, push to S3)
- env.run('%s/manage.py collectstatic --noinput' % env.proj_dir )
+ env.run('%s/manage.py collectstatic --noinput' % env.proj_root )
####### Run Dev Server
Runs the built-in django webserver
- env.run('%s/manage.py runserver' % env.proj_dir )
+ env.run('%s/manage.py runserver' % env.proj_root)
####### Create Virtual Environment
run('virtualenv %s/%s' % (env.proj_root, env.branch))
- env.run('pip install -r %s/reqs/%s.txt' % (env.proj_dir, env.branch) )
+ env.run('pip install -r %s/reqs/%s.txt' % (env.proj_root, env.branch) )
def start_supervisord():
####### Pull new code
def update_code():
- env.run('cd %s; git pull' % env.proj_dir)
+ env.run('cd %s; git pull' % env.proj_root )
def backup():
########## END COMMANDS
- sethwoodworth started a discussion in the diff 6 days ago