--- /dev/null
+Karmaworld Dictionary helpers
+Finals Club (c) 2014
+Author: Bryan Bonvallet
+# I'd wager none of these are thread safe.
+import re
+from collections import MutableMapping
+needs_mapping = re.compile('{[a-zA-Z_]\w*}')
+class attrdict(object):
+ """ Access dictionary by object attributes. """
+ def __getattr__(self, attr):
+ # create call stack, if not already there, to avoid loops
+ try:
+ callstack = object.__getattribute__(self, '__callstack')
+ except AttributeError:
+ object.__setattr__(self, '__callstack', [])
+ callstack = object.__getattribute__(self, '__callstack')
+ try:
+ # don't call something already on the stack
+ if attr in callstack:
+ raise KeyError()
+ # track this attribute before possibly recursing
+ callstack.append(attr)
+ retattr = self.__getitem__(attr)
+ # success, remove attr from stack
+ callstack.remove(attr)
+ return retattr
+ except KeyError:
+ # if code is here, attr is not in dict
+ try:
+ # try to grab attr from the object
+ retattr = super(attrdict, self).__getattribute__(attr)
+ return retattr
+ finally:
+ # remove stack now that the attribute succeeded or failed
+ callstack.remove(attr)
+ def __setattr__(self, attr, value):
+ self.__setitem__(attr, value)
+ def __delattr__(self, attr):
+ self.__delitem__(attr)
+class fallbackdict(MutableMapping, attrdict):
+ """
+ Retrieve default values from a fallback dictionary and dynamically .format
+ """
+ def __init__(self, fallback, *args, **kwargs):
+ """
+ Supply dictionary to fall back to when keys are missing.
+ Other arguments are handled as normal dictionary.
+ """
+ # dodge attrdict problems by using object.__setattr__
+ classname = type(self).__name__
+ object.__setattr__(self, '_{0}__internaldict'.format(classname), {})
+ object.__setattr__(self, '_{0}__fallback'.format(classname), fallback)
+ object.__setattr__(self, '_{0}__fetching'.format(classname), [])
+ super(fallbackdict, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+ def __needs_format__(self, value):
+ """ Helper to determine when a string needs formatting. """
+ return hasattr(value, 'format') and needs_mapping.search(value)
+ def __getitem__(self, key):
+ """
+ Use this dict's value if it has one otherwise grab value from parent
+ and populate any strings with format keyword arguments.
+ """
+ indict = self.__internaldict
+ fetching = self.__fetching
+ local = (key in indict)
+ # this will throw a key error if the key isn't in either place
+ # which is desirable
+ value = indict[key] if local else self.__fallback[key]
+ if (key in fetching) or (not self.__needs_format__(value)):
+ # already seeking this key in a recursed call
+ # or it doesn't need any formatting
+ # so return as-is
+ return value
+ # if the code is this far, strings needs formatting
+ # **self will call this function recursively.
+ # prevent infinite recursion from e.g. d['recurse'] = '{recurse}'
+ fetching.append(key)
+ value = value.format(**self)
+ # undo infinite recursion prevention
+ fetching.remove(key)
+ return value
+ def __setitem__(self, key, value):
+ """
+ Set the internal dict with key/value.
+ """
+ self.__internaldict[key] = value
+ def __delitem__(self, key):
+ """ Delete the key from the internal dict. """
+ del self.__internaldict[key]
+ def __uniquekeys__(self):
+ """ Returns unique keys between this dictionary and the fallback. """
+ mykeys = set(self.__internaldict.keys())
+ fbkeys = set(self.__fallback.keys())
+ # set union: all keys from both, no repeats.
+ return (mykeys | fbkeys)
+ def __iter__(self):
+ """ Returns the keys in this dictionary and the fallback. """
+ return iter(self.__uniquekeys__())
+ def __len__(self):
+ """
+ Returns the number of keys in this dictionary and the fallback.
+ """
+ return len(self.__uniquekeys__())
--- /dev/null
+# I need to turn this into a proper unit test.
+# uhm, this is horrible. sorry everybody.
+# -Bryan
+import time
+from dicthelpers import fallbackdict
+start = time.time()
+fallback = {1: '1'}
+poop = fallbackdict(fallback)
+print 'expect 1 (fallback): ' + poop[1]
+fallback[2] = '2'
+print 'expect 2 (dynamic fallback): ' + poop[2]
+poop[2] = '3'
+print 'expect 3 (overridden): ' + poop[2]
+del poop[2]
+print 'expect 2 (fallback after delete): ' + poop[2]
+fallback['three'] = 3
+fallback[3] = '3{three}'
+print 'expect 33 (formatting): ' + poop[3]
+print 'expect 4 (len): ' + str(len(poop))
+fallback['infinite'] = '{infinite}'
+print 'simple infinite recursion test: ' + poop['infinite']
+fallback['infone'] = '{inftwo}'
+fallback['inftwo'] = '{infone}'
+print 'double infinite recursion test: ' + poop['infone']
+fallback['2infone'] = '{2inftwo}'
+fallback['2inftwo'] = '{2infone}'
+print 'double infinite recursion test: ' + poop['2inftwo']
+poop['four'] = 4
+poop[4] = '4{four}'
+print 'expect 34 (self as string mapping): {three}{four}'.format(**poop)
+print 'expect 44 (self formatting): ' + poop[4]
+# silent iter length processing.
+# this used to take 1 or 2 seconds prior to optimizations
+for x in poop: poop[x]
+stop = time.time()
+print "execution " + str(stop - start)
import os
import ConfigParser
+from cStringIO import StringIO
-from fabric.api import cd, env, lcd, prefix, run, sudo, task, local, settings
+from fabric.api import cd, lcd, prefix, run, sudo, task, local, settings
+from fabric.state import env as fabenv
from fabric.contrib import files
-######### GLOBAL
+from dicthelpers import fallbackdict
+# Use local SSH config for connections if available.
+fabenv['use_ssh_config'] = True
+######## env wrapper
+# global environment variables fallback to fabric env variables
+# (also getting vars will do format mapping on strings with env vars)
+env = fallbackdict(fabenv)
+######### GLOBALS
+env.django_user = '{user}' # this will be different when sudo/django users are
env.group = 'www-data'
env.proj_repo = 'git@github.com:FinalsClub/karmaworld.git'
-env.repo_root = '~/karmaworld' # transient setting for VMs only
+env.repo_root = '/home/{django_user}/karmaworld'
env.proj_root = '/var/www/karmaworld'
env.branch = 'prod' # only used for supervisor conf two lines below. cleanup?
env.code_root = env.proj_root
-env.supervisor_conf = '{0}/confs/{1}/supervisord.conf'.format(env.code_root, env.branch)
-env.usde_csv = '{0}/confs/accreditation.csv'.format(env.code_root)
-env.use_ssh_config = True
+env.supervisor_conf = '{code_root}/confs/{branch}/supervisord.conf'
+env.usde_csv = '{code_root}/confs/accreditation.csv'
######## Run Commands in Virtual Environment
def virtenv_path():
Deploy expected files and directories from non-apt system services.
ini_parser = ConfigParser.SafeConfigParser()
- if not ini_parser.read(env.supervisor_conf):
- raise Exception("Could not parse INI file {0}".format(env.supervisor_conf))
+ # read remote data into a file like object
+ data_flo = StringIO(run('cat {supervisor_conf}'.format(**env)))
+ ini_parser.readfp(data_flo)
for section, option in (('supervisord','logfile'),
+ if not ini_parser.has_section(section):
+ raise Exception("Could not parse INI file {supervisor_conf}".format(**env))
filepath = ini_parser.get(section, option)
# generate file's directory structure if needed
run('mkdir -p {0}'.format(os.path.split(filepath)[0]))
# touch a file and change ownership if needed
if 'log' in option and not files.exists(filepath):
sudo('touch {0}'.format(filepath))
- sudo('chown {0}:{1} {2}'.format(env.user, env.group, filepath))
+ sudo('chown {0}:{1} {2}'.format(env.django_user, env.group, filepath))
def check_secrets():