# Pre-Installation
+## Code
+Before doing anything, you'll need the code. Grab it from github.
Clone the project from the central repo using your github account:
git clone git@github.com:FinalsClub/karmaworld.git
## External Service Dependencies
-Notice: This software makes use of external third party services which require accounts to access the service APIs. Without these third parties available, this software may require considerable overhaul.
+Notice: This software makes use of external third party services which require
+accounts to access the service APIs. Without these third parties available,
+this software may require considerable overhaul.
### Filepicker
-This software uses [Filepicker.io](https://www.inkfilepicker.com/) for uploading files. This requires an account with Filepicker and some additional third party file hosting site where Filepicker may send uploaded files.
+This software uses [Filepicker.io](https://www.inkfilepicker.com/) for uploading
+files. This requires an account with Filepicker.
+Filepicker requires an additional third party file hosting site where it may
+send uploaded files. For this project, we have used Amazon S3.
+Filepicker will provide an API key. This is needed by the software.
### Amazon S3
-This software uses [Amazon S3](http://aws.amazon.com/s3/) as a third party file hosting site. The primary use case is a destination for Filepicker files. A secondary use case is hosting static files.
-To obviate the need for hosting static files through S3 (noting it still serves a different purpose), see the workaround noted [in this Github ticket](https://github.com/FinalsClub/karmaworld/issues/192#issuecomment-30193617). For good measure, that workaround is repeated here. Make the following changes to `karmaworld/settings/prod.py`:
+#### for Filepicker
+This software uses [Amazon S3](http://aws.amazon.com/s3/) as a third party file
+hosting site. The primary use case is a destination for Filepicker files. The
+software won't directly need any S3 information for this use case; it will be
+provided directly to Filepicker.
+#### for Static File hosting
+A secondary use case for S3 is hosting static files. The software will need to
+update static files on the S3 bucket. In this case, the software will need the
+S3 bucket name, access key, and secret key.
+The code assumes S3 is used for static files in a production environment. To
+obviate the need for hosting static files through S3 (noting that it still might
+be necessary for Filepicker), a workaround was explained [in this Github ticket](https://github.com/FinalsClub/karmaworld/issues/192#issuecomment-30193617).
+That workaround is repeated here. Make the following changes to
1. comment out everything about static_s3 from imports
2. comment out storages from the `INSTALLED_APPS`
### Google Drive
-This software uses [Google Drive](https://developers.google.com/drive/) to convert documents to and from various file formats. Google credentials will be required as well as a Google Drive account which has been registered with the Google Cloud Console.
+This software uses [Google Drive](https://developers.google.com/drive/) to
+convert documents to and from various file formats.
+A Google Drive service account with access to the Google Drive is required. Thismay be done with a Google Apps account with administrative privileges, or ask
+your business sysadmin.
+These are the instructions to create a Google Drive service account:
+When completed, you'll have a file called `client_secrets.json` and a p12 file
+which is the key to access the service account. Both are needed by the software.
+### Twitter
+Twitter is used to post updates about new courses. Access to the Twitter API
+will be required for this task.
+If this Twitter feature is desired, the consumer key and secret as well as the
+access token key and secret are needed by the software.
+If the required files are not found, then no errors will occur.
# Development Install
If you need to setup the project for development, it is highly recommend that
-you grab an existing development virtual machine or create one yourself.
-Configure the virtual machine for production with the steps shown in the
-next section (Production Install). Instructions for creating a virtual machine
+you grab create a development virtual machine or (if available) grab one that
+has already been created for your site.
-1. Install [VirtualBox](http://www.virtualbox.com/)
+The *host machine* is the system which runs e.g. VirtualBox, while the
+*virtual machine* refers to the system running inside e.g. VirtualBox.
-1. Install [vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/) 1.3 or higher
+## Creating a Virtual Machine by hand
+Create a virtual machine with your favorite VM software. Configure the virtual
+machine for production with the steps shown in the [Production Install](#production-install) section.
+## Creating a Virtual Machine with Vagrant
+Vagrant supports a variety of virtual machine software and there is additional
+support for Vagrant to deploy to a wider variety. However, for these
+instructions, it is assumed Vagrant will be deployed to VirtualBox.
1. Configure external dependencies on the host machine:
- * Under `{project_root}/karmaworld/secret/`:
+ * Under `{project_root}/karmaworld/secret/`:
1. Copy files with the example extension to the corresponding filename
without the example extension (e.g.
`cp filepicker.py.example filepicker.py`)
1. Modify those files, but ignore `db_settings.py` (Vagrant takes care of that one)
- 1. Ensure *.py in `secret/` are never added to the git repo. (.gitignore
- should help warn against taking this action)
+ 1. Copy the Google Drive service account p12 file to `drive.p12`
+ (this filename and location may be changed in `drive.py`)
+ 1. Ensure `*.py` in `secret/` are never added to the git repo.
+ (.gitignore should help warn against taking this action)
+1. Install [VirtualBox](http://www.virtualbox.com/)
+1. Install [vagrant](http://www.vagrantup.com/) 1.3 or higher
1. Use Vagrant to create the virtual machine.
- * While in `cd {project_root}`, type `vagrant up`
+ * While in `cd {project_root}`, type `vagrant up`
-1. Connect to the VM with `vagrant ssh`
+1. Connect to the virtual machine with `vagrant ssh`
-1. While connected to the VM with SSH, type `cd karmanotes` and then follow
- the instructions starting in Production Install about running
- `fab -H first_deploy`.
+Port 80 of the virtual machine will be configured as port 6659 on the host
+system. While on the host system, fire up your favorite browser and point it at
+`http://localhost:6659/`. This connects to your host system on port 6659, which
+forwards to your virtual machine's web site.
-1. Once the above instructions are completed, port 80 on the VM will be hosted
- as port 6659 on the host system. From the host system, fire up your
- favorite browser and point it at `localhost:6659`.
+## Completing the Virtual Machine with Fabric
+1. On the virtual machine, type `cd karmanotes` to get into the code repository.
+1. In the code repo of the VM, type `fab -H first_deploy`
+ During this process, you will be queried to create a Django site admin.
+ Provide information. You will be asked to remove duplicate schools. Respond
+ with yes.
# Production Install
-If you're starting to work on this project and you need it setup for production,
-follow the steps below.
+These steps are taken care of by automatic utilities. Vagrant performs the
+first subsection of these instructions and Fabric performs the second
+subsection. These instructions are detailed here for good measure, but should
+not generally be needed.
1. Ensure the following are installed:
* `git`
+ * `7zip` (for unzipping US Department of Education files)
* `PostgreSQL` (server and client)
* `nginx`
+ * `libxslt` and `libxml2` (used by some Python libraries)
+ * `RabbitMQ` (server)
+ * `memcached` (might not be used)
* `Python`
* `PIP`
- * `virtualenv` and `virtualenvwrapper`
+ * `virtualenv`
+ * `virtualenvwrapper` (might not be needed anymore)
1. Generate a PostgreSQL database and a role with read/write permissions.
* For Debian, these instructions are helpful: https://wiki.debian.org/PostgreSql
1. Modify configuration files.
- * There are settings in `{project_root}/karmaworld/settings/dev.py`
+ * There are settings in `{project_root}/karmaworld/settings/prod.py`
+ * Most of the setting should work fine by default.
* There are additional configuration options for external dependencies
under `{project_root}/karmaworld/secret/`.
- * Copy files with the example extension to the corresponding filename
- without the example extension (e.g.
- `cp filepicker.py.example filepicker.py`)
- * Modify those files.
+ 1. Copy files with the example extension to the corresponding filename
+ without the example extension (e.g.
+ `cp filepicker.py.example filepicker.py`)
+ 1. Modify those files.
inside `db_settings.py` match the role, password, and database
generated in the previous step.
- * Ensure *.py in `secret/` are never added to the git repo. (.gitignore
- should help warn against taking this action)
+ 1. Copy the Google Drive service account p12 file to `drive.p12`
+ (this filename and location may be changed in `drive.py`)
+ 1. Ensure `*.py` in `secret/` are never added to the git repo.
+ (.gitignore should help warn against taking this action)
1. Make sure that /var/www exists, is owned by the www-data group, and that
- the user is a member of the www-data group.
+ the desired user is a member of the www-data group.
-1. Make sure that you're in the root of the project that you just cloned and
- run
+1. Configure nginx with a `proxy_pass` to port 8000 (or whatever port gunicorn
+ will be running the site on) and any virtual hosting that is desired.
+ Here is an example server file to put into `/etc/nginx/sites-available/`
- fab -H first_deploy
+ server {
+ listen 80;
+ # don't do virtual hosting, handle all requests regardless of header
+ server_name "";
+ client_max_body_size 20M;
+ location / {
+ # pass traffic through to gunicorn
+ proxy_pass;
+ }
+ }
- This will make a virtualenv, install the development dependencies and create
- the database tables.
+1. Configure the system to start supervisor on boot. An init script for
+ supervisor is in the repo at `{project_root}/karmaworld/confs/supervisor`.
+ `update-rc.d supervisor defaults` is the Debian command to load the init
+ script into the correct directories.
- During this process, you will be queried to create a Django site admin.
- Provide information. You will be asked to remove duplicate schools. Respond
- with yes.
+1. Make sure `{project_root)/var/log` and `{project_root}/var/run` exist and
+ may be written to, or else put the desired logging and run file paths into
+ `{project_root}/confs/prod/supervisord.conf`
+1. Create a virtualenv under `/var/www/karmaworld/venv`
+1. Change into the virtualenv with `. /var/www/karmaworld/venv/bin/activate`.
+ Within the virtualenv:
+ 1. Update the Python depenencies with `pip -i {project_root}/reqs/prod.txt`
+ 1. Setup the database with `python {project_root}/manage.py syncdb --migrate`
+ 1. Collect static resources and put them in the static hosting location with
+ `python {project_root}/manage.py collect_static`
+1. The database needs to be populated with schools. A list of accredited schools
+ may be found on the US Department of Education website:
+ http://ope.ed.gov/accreditation/GetDownloadFile.aspx
+ Alternatively, use the built-in scripts while in the virtualenv:
+ 1. Fetch USDE schools with
+ `python {project_root}/manage.py fetch_usde_csv ./schools.csv`
+ 1. Upload the schools into the database with
+ `python {project_root}/manage.py import_usde _csv ./schools.csv`
+ 1. Clean up redundant information with
+ `python {project_root}/manage.py sanitize_usde_schools`
+1. Startup `supervisor`, which will run `celery` and `gunicorn`. This may be
+ done from within the virtualenv by typing
+ `python {project_root}/manage.py start_supervisord`
1. If everything went well, gunicorn should be running the website on port 8000
- and nginx should be serving gunicorn on port 80.
+ and nginx should be serving gunicorn on port 80.
# Accessing the Vagrant Virtual Machine