9d44b6460ab603487dab4d916342d9ba4467e6b9 inadvertently
contained leftover logic from a previous approach to the fallback
signaling loop. it had no adverse effect, since j was always nonzero
if the loop body was reachable, but it makes no sense to be there with
the current approach to avoid signaling self.
memset(&sa.sa_mask, -1, sizeof sa.sa_mask);
__libc_sigaction(SIGSYNCCALL, &sa, 0);
for (td=self->next; td!=self; td=td->next)
- if (j) __syscall(SYS_tkill, td->tid, SIGSYNCCALL);
+ __syscall(SYS_tkill, td->tid, SIGSYNCCALL);
for (td=self->next; td!=self; td=td->next)
sa.sa_handler = SIG_IGN;