+ var showForm = function() {
+ $('#add-note-form').show();
+ $('#add-note-btn').hide();
+ };
+ var hideForm = function() {
+ $('#add-note-form').hide();
+ $('#add-note-btn').show();
+ };
+ // some but not all validation happens here
+ var validateAndSubmit = function() {
+ var year = $('#id_year').val()
+ if (year.match(/\d{4}/) || year === '') {
+ $('form#add-note').submit();
+ } else {
+ $("#id_year").css({'background-color': '#f05a28'});
+ console.log('Date is invalid');
+ };
+ };
// check if we arrived at this page planning on uploading a note
if(window.location.hash) {
// Get the first hash, remove the # character
var hash = window.location.hash.substring(1);
if (hash === 'upload-note'){
- $('#add-note-form').show();
- $('#add-note-btn').hide();
+ showForm();
// hide the thankyou message on add-another uploads
- // show the add note form
- // TODO: rewrite to .show the form with a slide transition
- $('#add-note-form').show();
+ showForm();
// Bring up the file picker automatically
- // hide the add a note button
- $('#add-note-btn').hide();
// disable the save button -- it will be enabled when the upload is complete
// Dismiss x click
- $(".icon-remove-circle").click(function() {
- $("#add-note-form").hide();
- $('#add-note-btn').show();
+ $(".icon-remove-sign").click(function() {
+ hideForm();
var uploader = new qq.FileUploader( {
$('form#add-note').attr('action', responseJSON.note_url);
// inform the user of success
- // TODO: activate the save button
+ // activate the save button
- // add the save url to form as ACTION
// add a click handler to submit the add-note form
- $('form#add-note').submit();
+ validateAndSubmit();
onAllComplete: function( uploads ) {
// uploads is an array of maps
// the maps look like this: { file: FileObject, response: JSONServerResponse }
- console.log( "All complete!" ) ;
- // TODO: set a success state
+ console.log( "All complete!" );
onProgress: function(id, fileName, loaded, total) {
console.log("running onProgress " + fileName + " " + loaded);
width: String((100*loaded/total)+'%')}, 200);
// fill out the filename
+ $('#id_name').attr('placeholder', fileName);
params: {
'csrf_token': csrf_token,