installing packages within the environment does not need superuser permissions.
virtualenv beta
source beta/bin/activate
a) Development
- pip install -r reqs/dev.txt
+ pip install -r reqs/dev.txt
b) Production
- pip install -r reqs/prod.txt
+ pip install -r reqs/prod.txt
Once all dependencies have been installed, we need to edit our file
so that we are reading the proper file:
a) Development
- ./ syncdb
- ./ migrate djcelery
+ ./ syncdb
+ ./ migrate djcelery
If notes / apps migrations exist, then:
- ./ schemamigration notes --auto
- ./ schemamigration courses --auto
+ ./ schemamigration notes --auto
+ ./ schemamigration courses --auto
If they do not exist:
- ./ schemamigration notes --init
- ./ schemamigration courses --init
+ ./ schemamigration notes --init
+ ./ schemamigration courses --init
b) Production
- sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 python-psycopg2
- sudo passwd postgres
- sudo su postgres
- sudo -u postgres createuser -P djkarma
- psql template1
- create database karmanotes owner djkarma encoding 'UTF8';
- #### add this line to your postgres install's /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf ####
- local karmanotes djkarma md5
- sudo service postgresql restart
- ./ syncdb
+ sudo apt-get install postgresql-9.1 python-psycopg2
+ sudo passwd postgres
+ sudo su postgres
+ sudo -u postgres createuser -P djkarma
+ psql template1
+ create database karmanotes owner djkarma encoding 'UTF8';
+ #### add this line to your postgres install's /etc/postgresql/9.1/main/pg_hba.conf ####
+ local karmanotes djkarma md5
+ sudo service postgresql restart
+ ./ syncdb
Then create a file called karmaworld/secret/ Please see 'secrets.rst' in $SRC_ROOT/docs/source/secrets.rst.
To get started, we need to get the .json files:
- git clone
- mv notesjson/* .
+ git clone
+ mv notesjson/* .
Then we run the imports (in our virtual environment):
- ./ import_json all
+ ./ import_json all
4. Set up S3 bucket support (optional)
to modify:
Also note that permissions for /var/run/*.pid and /var/log/*.log need