# Finally, save whatever data we got back from google
+def convert_raw_document(raw_document):
+ """ Upload a raw document to google drive and get a Note back """
+ # get the file's mimetype
+ file_type, _ = mimetypes=guess_type(raw_document.fp_file.path)
+ # get the file extension
+ filename, extension = os.path.splitext(raw_document.fp_file.path)
+ if file_type == None:
+ media = MediaFileUpload(note.note_file.path,
+ chunksize=1024*1024, resumable=True)
+ else:
+ media = MediaFileUpload(note.note_file.path, mimetype=file_type,
+ chunksize=1024*1024, resumable=True)
+ auth = DriveAuth.objects.filter(email=GOOGLE_USER).all()[0]
+ creds = auth.transform_to_cred()
+ creds, auth = check_and_refresh(creds, auth)
+ service, http = build_api_service(creds)
+ # prepare the upload
+ file_dict = upload_to_gdrive(service, media, filename, extension)
+ content_dict = download_from_gdrive(file_dict, http, extension)
+ note = raw_document.convert_to_note()
+ if extension.lower() == '.pdf':
+ note.file_type = 'pdf'
+ elif extension.lower() in ['.ppt', '.pptx']:
+ note.file_type = 'ppt'
+ now = datetime.datetime.utcnow()
+ # create a folder path to store the ppt > pdf file with year and month folders
+ nonce_path = '/ppt_pdf/%s/%s/' % (now.year, now.month)
+ _path = filename + '.pdf'
+ try:
+ # If those folders don't exist, create them
+ os.makedirs(os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(_path)))
+ except:
+ print "we failed to create those directories"
+ _writer = BufferedWriter(FileIO(_path, "w"))
+ _writer.write(content_dict['pdf'])
+ _writer.close()
+ note.pdf_file = _path
+ else:
+ # PPT files do not have this export ability
+ note.gdrive_url = file_dict[u'exportLinks']['application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text']
+ note.html = content_dict['html']
+ note.text = content_dict['text']
+ # before we save new html, sanitize a tags in note.html
+ #note.sanitize_html(save=False)
+ #FIXME: ^^^ disabled until we can get html out of an Etree html element
+ # Finally, save whatever data we got back from google
+ note.save()