+++ /dev/null
-from ajaxuploader.tests.default_storage_backend import *
+++ /dev/null
-import os
-import hashlib
-from shutil import rmtree
-from django.conf import settings
-from django.test import TestCase
-from django.test.client import Client
-from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
-class AjaxUploadTest(TestCase):
- urls = 'ajaxuploader.tests.urls'
- def setUp(self):
- super(AjaxUploadTest, self).setUp()
- self.test_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- test_file = open(os.path.join(self.test_dir, '../fixtures/pony.png'),
- 'rb')
- self.test_file_1 = test_file
- # generate sha1 hash of the file
- self.test_file_1_hash = hashlib.sha1(self.test_file_1.read())\
- .hexdigest()
- # reset position to beginning of the file
- self.test_file_1.seek(0)
- def tearDown(self):
- # remove created uploads/tests directory
- rmtree(os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'uploads/tests'))
- def test_upload_raw_post_local_backend(self):
- """
- tests uploading a file to DefaultStorageUploadBackend
- """
- # there is a bug in Django 1.3.1 with raw_post_data in the django test client
- # it's fixed in trunk
- # https://code.djangoproject.com/changeset/16479
- uploaded_file_name = 'tests/foo.png'
- file_data = self.test_file_1.read()
- # post raw self.test_file_1 data to AjaxFileUploader as Ajax request
- response = self.client.post(reverse('ajax-upload-default-storage')+'?qqfile=%s' % \
- uploaded_file_name, file_data,
- content_type='application/octet-stream',
- uploaded_file_path = os.path.join(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, 'uploads',
- uploaded_file_name)
- uploaded_file = open(uploaded_file_path, 'rb')
- # uploaded file must exist in MEDIA_DIR
- self.assertTrue(os.path.exists(uploaded_file_path))
- # sha1 hash of original file and uploaded file must match
- self.assertEquals(hashlib.sha1(uploaded_file.read()).hexdigest(),
- self.test_file_1_hash)
+++ /dev/null
-from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
-from ajaxuploader.views import AjaxFileUploader
-from ajaxuploader.backends.default_storage import DefaultStorageUploadBackend
-default_storage_uploader = AjaxFileUploader(backend=DefaultStorageUploadBackend)
-urlpatterns = patterns('',
- url(r'^upload$', default_storage_uploader, name="ajax-upload-default-storage"),
super(Course, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # generate a self.id
if not self.slug:
self.slug = defaultfilters.slugify("%s %s" % (self.name, self.id))
- super(Course, self).save(*args, **kwargs) # Save the slug
+ self.save() # Save the slug
def get_updated_at_string(self):
""" return the formatted style for datetime strings """
--- /dev/null
+from selenium import webdriver
+from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
+from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
+from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
+from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
+import uuid
+import unittest
+class AddCourseTest(unittest.TestCase):
+ """Tests the Add Course form. Requires a copy of KarmaNotes
+ be available at localhost:8000. This will modify your database."""
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()
+ self.driver.implicitly_wait(3)
+ self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10)
+ def tearDown(self):
+ self.driver.close()
+ def selectAutocomplete(self, inputId, keys, fieldIndex):
+ input = self.driver.find_element_by_id(inputId)
+ input.send_keys(keys)
+ self.wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//ul[contains(@class,'ui-autocomplete')][" + str(fieldIndex) + "]/li")))
+ input.send_keys(Keys.DOWN)
+ autocompleteMenuItem = self.driver.find_element_by_id("ui-active-menuitem")
+ autocompleteMenuItem.click()
+ def testSchoolName(self):
+ self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
+ # Click "Add Course"
+ addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
+ addCourseButton.click()
+ # Scroll down so the autocomplete menu is in view
+ # This works around some weird failures
+ self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
+ # Type in part of a school name
+ schoolInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("str_school")
+ schoolInput.send_keys("harvard u")
+ # Wait for autocomplete menu to appear
+ self.wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//ul[contains(@class,'ui-autocomplete')][1]/li")))
+ # Choose the first suggestion
+ schoolInput.send_keys(Keys.DOWN)
+ activeItem = self.driver.find_element_by_id("ui-active-menuitem")
+ activeItem.click()
+ self.assertEqual(schoolInput.get_attribute("value"), "Harvard University")
+ schoolId = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_school")
+ self.assertEqual(schoolId.get_attribute("value"), "1817")
+ def testCreateCourse(self):
+ self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
+ # Click "Add Course"
+ addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
+ addCourseButton.click()
+ self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
+ # We shouldn't be able to save it yet
+ saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
+ self.assertIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
+ # Choose a school
+ self.selectAutocomplete("str_school", "northeastern u", 1)
+ # Check that save button is now enabled
+ self.assertNotIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
+ # Course name
+ newCourseName = "SELENIUM TEST COURSE " + uuid.uuid4().hex
+ courseNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_name")
+ courseNameInput.send_keys(newCourseName)
+ # Instructor name
+ newInstructorName = "SELENIUM TEST INSTRUCTOR " + uuid.uuid4().hex
+ instructorNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_instructor_name")
+ instructorNameInput.send_keys(newInstructorName)
+ # Click "Save"
+ saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
+ saveButton.click()
+ # See if we are taken to the new course page
+ self.wait.until(EC.title_contains(newCourseName))
+ def testCreateExistingCourse(self):
+ self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
+ # Click "Add Course"
+ addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
+ addCourseButton.click()
+ self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
+ # We shouldn't be able to save it yet
+ saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
+ self.assertIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
+ # Choose a school
+ self.selectAutocomplete("str_school", "northeastern u", 1)
+ # Check that save button is now enabled
+ self.assertNotIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
+ # Course name
+ newCourseName = "SELENIUM TEST COURSE " + uuid.uuid4().hex
+ courseNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_name")
+ courseNameInput.send_keys(newCourseName)
+ # Instructor name
+ newInstructorName = "SELENIUM TEST INSTRUCTOR " + uuid.uuid4().hex
+ instructorNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_instructor_name")
+ instructorNameInput.send_keys(newInstructorName)
+ # Click "Save"
+ saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
+ saveButton.click()
+ # See if we are taken to the new course page
+ self.wait.until(EC.title_contains(newCourseName))
+ # Now go back to the home page
+ self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
+ # Click "Add Course"
+ addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
+ addCourseButton.click()
+ self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
+ # Choose the SAME school
+ self.selectAutocomplete("str_school", "northeastern u", 1)
+ # The SAME course name
+ self.selectAutocomplete("id_name", newCourseName, 2)
+ # The SAME instructor name
+ self.selectAutocomplete("id_instructor_name", newInstructorName, 3)
+ # Make sure Save button is disabled and hidden
+ saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
+ self.assertIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
+ self.wait.until_not(EC.visibility_of(saveButton))
+ # Make sure Existing Course link is shown
+ existingCourse = self.driver.find_element_by_id("existing-course-btn")
+ self.wait.until(EC.visibility_of(existingCourse))
+ existingCourse.click()
+ # See if we are taken to the new course page
+ self.wait.until(EC.title_contains(newCourseName))
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
--- /dev/null
+from django.test import TestCase
+from karmaworld.apps.courses.models import *
+from django.test.client import Client
+from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse
+import unittest
+import json
+class CoursesTests(TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ self.harvard = School.objects.create(name="Harvard University")
+ self.harvard.save()
+ self.course1 = Course.objects.create(name="Underwater Basketweaving", instructor_name="Alice Janney", school=self.harvard)
+ self.client = Client()
+ def testCourseUniqueness(self):
+ """Make sure we can't create multiple courses with the same
+ school + course name + instructor name combination."""
+ #with self.assertRaises(Exception):
+ # Course.objects.create(name="Underwater Basketweaving", instructor_name="Alice", school=self.harvard)
+ def testSearchForSchool(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_list'),
+ {"q": "harvard u"},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ # Did we get a good response back?
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'success')
+ self.assertIn('schools', responseContent)
+ # Is the correct school in the list?
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['schools'][0]['name'], 'Harvard University')
+ def testSearchForBadSchool(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_list'),
+ {"q": "A FAKE SCHOOL"},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'success')
+ self.assertEqual(len(responseContent['schools']), 0)
+ def testSearchForCourseName(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_course_list'),
+ {"q": "under", 'school_id': self.harvard.id},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ # Did we get a good response back?
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'success')
+ self.assertIn('courses', responseContent)
+ # Is the correct school in the list?
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['courses'][0]['name'], 'Underwater Basketweaving')
+ def testSearchForBadCourseName(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_course_list'),
+ {"q": "A FAKE COURSE NAME", 'school_id': self.harvard.id},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ # Did we get a good response back?
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'success')
+ self.assertIn('courses', responseContent)
+ # Is the correct school in the list?
+ self.assertEqual(len(responseContent['courses']), 0)
+ def testSearchForCourseNameWithBadRequest(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_course_list'),
+ {"q": "under", 'school_id': '3737373737'},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ # Did we get a good response back?
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'fail')
+ def testSearchForInstructorName(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_course_instructor_list'),
+ {"q": "alice", 'course_name': self.course1.name, 'school_id': self.harvard.id},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ # Did we get a good response back?
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'success')
+ self.assertIn('instructors', responseContent)
+ # Is the correct school in the list?
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['instructors'][0]['name'], 'Alice Janney')
+ def testSearchForBadInstructorName(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_course_instructor_list'),
+ {"q": "bob", 'course_name': self.course1.name, 'school_id': self.harvard.id},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ # Did we get a good response back?
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'success')
+ self.assertIn('instructors', responseContent)
+ # Is the correct school in the list?
+ self.assertEqual(len(responseContent['instructors']), 0)
+ def testSearchForInstructorNameWithBadRequest(self):
+ """Test searching for a school by partial name"""
+ response = self.client.post(reverse('karmaworld.apps.courses.views.school_course_instructor_list'),
+ {"q": "alice", 'course_name': self.course1.name, 'school_id': '3737373737'},
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 400)
+ responseContent = json.loads(response.content)
+ # Did we get a good response back?
+ self.assertIn('status', responseContent)
+ self.assertEqual(responseContent['status'], 'fail')
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ unittest.main()
from django.core.exceptions import MultipleObjectsReturned
from django.core.exceptions import ObjectDoesNotExist
-from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotFound
+from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest
from django.views.generic import DetailView
from django.views.generic import TemplateView
from django.views.generic.edit import ProcessFormView
return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status':'success', 'schools': schools}), mimetype="application/json")
# else return that the api call failed
- return HttpResponse(json.dumps({'status':'fail'}), mimetype="application/json")
+ return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'status':'fail'}), mimetype="application/json")
def school_course_list(request):
_school_id = int(request.POST['school_id'])
- return HttpResponseNotFound(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
+ return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
'message': 'could not convert school id to integer'}),
school = School.objects.get(id__exact=_school_id)
except (MultipleObjectsReturned, ObjectDoesNotExist):
- return HttpResponseNotFound(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
+ return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
'message': 'school id did not match exactly one school'}),
# else return that the api call failed
- return HttpResponseNotFound(json.dumps({'status': 'fail', 'message': 'query parameters missing'}),
+ return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'status': 'fail', 'message': 'query parameters missing'}),
def school_course_instructor_list(request):
_school_id = int(request.POST['school_id'])
- return HttpResponseNotFound(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
+ return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
'message':'could not convert school id to integer'}),
school = School.objects.get(id__exact=_school_id)
except (MultipleObjectsReturned, ObjectDoesNotExist):
- return HttpResponseNotFound(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
+ return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'status': 'fail',
'message': 'school id did not match exactly one school'}),
# else return that the api call failed
- return HttpResponseNotFound(json.dumps({'status': 'fail', 'message': 'query parameters missing'}),
+ return HttpResponseBadRequest(json.dumps({'status': 'fail', 'message': 'query parameters missing'}),
+++ /dev/null
-from selenium import webdriver
-from selenium.webdriver.support.wait import WebDriverWait
-from selenium.webdriver.common.by import By
-from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys
-from selenium.webdriver.support import expected_conditions as EC
-import uuid
-import unittest
-class AddCourseTest(unittest.TestCase):
- """Tests the Add Course form. Requires a copy of KarmaNotes
- be available at localhost:8000. This will modify your database."""
- def setUp(self):
- self.driver = webdriver.Firefox()
- self.driver.implicitly_wait(3)
- self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 10)
- def tearDown(self):
- self.driver.close()
- def selectAutocomplete(self, inputId, keys, fieldIndex):
- input = self.driver.find_element_by_id(inputId)
- input.send_keys(keys)
- self.wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//ul[contains(@class,'ui-autocomplete')][" + str(fieldIndex) + "]/li")))
- input.send_keys(Keys.DOWN)
- autocompleteMenuItem = self.driver.find_element_by_id("ui-active-menuitem")
- autocompleteMenuItem.click()
- def testSchoolName(self):
- self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
- # Click "Add Course"
- addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
- addCourseButton.click()
- # Scroll down so the autocomplete menu is in view
- # This works around some weird failures
- self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
- # Type in part of a school name
- schoolInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("str_school")
- schoolInput.send_keys("harvard u")
- # Wait for autocomplete menu to appear
- self.wait.until(EC.element_to_be_clickable((By.XPATH, "//ul[contains(@class,'ui-autocomplete')][1]/li")))
- # Choose the first suggestion
- schoolInput.send_keys(Keys.DOWN)
- activeItem = self.driver.find_element_by_id("ui-active-menuitem")
- activeItem.click()
- self.assertEqual(schoolInput.get_attribute("value"), "Harvard University")
- schoolId = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_school")
- self.assertEqual(schoolId.get_attribute("value"), "1817")
- def testCreateCourse(self):
- self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
- # Click "Add Course"
- addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
- addCourseButton.click()
- self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
- # We shouldn't be able to save it yet
- saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
- self.assertIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
- # Choose a school
- self.selectAutocomplete("str_school", "northeastern u", 1)
- # Check that save button is now enabled
- self.assertNotIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
- # Course name
- newCourseName = "SELENIUM TEST COURSE " + uuid.uuid4().hex
- courseNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_name")
- courseNameInput.send_keys(newCourseName)
- # Instructor name
- newInstructorName = "SELENIUM TEST INSTRUCTOR " + uuid.uuid4().hex
- instructorNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_instructor_name")
- instructorNameInput.send_keys(newInstructorName)
- # Click "Save"
- saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
- saveButton.click()
- # See if we are taken to the new course page
- self.wait.until(EC.title_contains(newCourseName))
- def testCreateExistingCourse(self):
- self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
- # Click "Add Course"
- addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
- addCourseButton.click()
- self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
- # We shouldn't be able to save it yet
- saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
- self.assertIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
- # Choose a school
- self.selectAutocomplete("str_school", "northeastern u", 1)
- # Check that save button is now enabled
- self.assertNotIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
- # Course name
- newCourseName = "SELENIUM TEST COURSE " + uuid.uuid4().hex
- courseNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_name")
- courseNameInput.send_keys(newCourseName)
- # Instructor name
- newInstructorName = "SELENIUM TEST INSTRUCTOR " + uuid.uuid4().hex
- instructorNameInput = self.driver.find_element_by_id("id_instructor_name")
- instructorNameInput.send_keys(newInstructorName)
- # Click "Save"
- saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
- saveButton.click()
- # See if we are taken to the new course page
- self.wait.until(EC.title_contains(newCourseName))
- # Now go back to the home page
- self.driver.get("http://localhost:8000/")
- # Click "Add Course"
- addCourseButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("add-course-btn")
- addCourseButton.click()
- self.driver.execute_script("javascript:window.scrollBy(0,200)")
- # Choose the SAME school
- self.selectAutocomplete("str_school", "northeastern u", 1)
- # The SAME course name
- self.selectAutocomplete("id_name", newCourseName, 2)
- # The SAME instructor name
- self.selectAutocomplete("id_instructor_name", newInstructorName, 3)
- # Make sure Save button is disabled and hidden
- saveButton = self.driver.find_element_by_id("save-btn")
- self.assertIn("disabled", saveButton.get_attribute("class"))
- self.wait.until_not(EC.visibility_of(saveButton))
- # Make sure Existing Course link is shown
- existingCourse = self.driver.find_element_by_id("existing-course-btn")
- self.wait.until(EC.visibility_of(existingCourse))
- existingCourse.click()
- # See if we are taken to the new course page
- self.wait.until(EC.title_contains(newCourseName))
-if __name__ == "__main__":
- unittest.main()