In the settings for the Cloudfront Distribution, copy the "Domain Name" from
-General settings as a host URL (`//`) and paste the URL into
-both the `CLOUDFRONT_URL` environment variable and the `CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN`
-environment_variable (used for the Boto `AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN` setting, an
-explanation is [here](
+General settings and set `CLOUDFRONT_DOMAIN` to it. For example, ``.
### Amazon Mechanical Turk
Mechanical turk is employed to generate human feedback from uploaded notes.
This service is helpful for generating flash cards and quizzes.
-This service might be optional and it might cause unexpected charges when
-deployed. If the required environment variable is not found, then no errors will occur and no mechanical turk tasks will be created, avoiding any unexpected
+This service is optional and it might cause unexpected charges when
+deployed. If the required environment variable is not found,
+then no errors will occur and no mechanical turk tasks will be created, avoiding any unexpected
The `MTURK_HOST` environment variable is almost certainly
If you wish to host your system publicly, you'll need an SSL certificate
signed by a proper authority.
-If you are working on local system for development, a self signed certificate
-will suffice. There are plenty of resources available for learning how to
-create one, so that will not be detailed here. Note that the Vagrant file will
-automatically generated a self signed certificate within the virtual machine.
-The certificate should be installed using nginx.
+Follow [Heroku's SSL setup](
+to get SSL running on your server.
# Local Install
KarmaNotes is a Heroku application. Download the [Heroku toolbelt](
-To run KarmaNotes locally, do `foreman start`. Before your first run, there are
+Before your running it for the first time, there are
a few setup steps:
1. `virtualenv venv`
1. `source venv/bin/activate`
1. `foreman run python import_usde _csv ./schools.csv`
1. `foreman run python sanitize_usde_schools`
+To run KarmaNotes locally, make sure you are inside your
+virtual environment (`source venv/bin/activate`) and run `foreman start`.
+Press ctrl-C to kill foreman. Foreman will run Django's runserver command.
+If you wish to have more control over how this is done, you can do
+`foreman run python runserver <options>`. For running any other
+`` commands, you should also precede them with `foreman run` like just shown.
+This simply ensures that the environment variables from `.env` are present.
# Heroku Install
KarmaNotes is a Heroku application. Download the [Heroku toolbelt](
To run KarmaNotes on Heroku, do `heroku create` and `git push heroku master` as typical
-for a Heroku application. This will deploy KarmaNotes to Heroku with a supporting buildpack.
+for a Heroku application. Set your the variable `BUILDPACK_URL` to
+`` to use a buildpack designed
+to support KarmaNotes.
You will need to import the US Department of Education's list of accredited schools.
1. Fetch USDE schools with