apt-get update
apt-get upgrade -y
apt-get install -y python-pip postgresql python-virtualenv virtualenvwrapper \
- git nginx
+ git nginx postgresql-server-dev-9.1 libxslt1-dev \
+ libxml2-dev libmemcached-dev python-dev
echo "CREATE USER vagrant WITH CREATEROLE LOGIN; CREATE DATABASE karmaworld OWNER vagrant;" | su postgres -c "psql"
su vagrant -c "git clone /vagrant karmaworld"
-# TODO run pip commands in the virtualenv
-pip install fabric fabric-virtualenv
+pip install fabric
#su vagrant -c "cd karmaworld; fab here first_deploy"
# end of script
import os
from fabric.api import cd, env, lcd, prefix, run, task, local, settings
-from fabvenv import virtualenv
+from fabric.contrib import files
######### GLOBAL
env.proj_repo = 'git@github.com:FinalsClub/karmaworld.git'
+env.repo_root = '~/karmaworld'
+env.proj_root = '/var/www/karmaworld'
+env.branch = 'prod'
+env.code_root = '{0}/{1}-code'.format(env.proj_root, env.branch)
######## Define host(s)
def here():
Connection information for the local machine
####### Define beta host
def beta():
- """
- Connection Information for beta machine
+ """
+ Connection Information for beta machine
env.user = 'djkarma'
######## Run Commands in Virutal Environment
def virtenv_exec(command):
- """
- Execute command in Virtualenv
- """
+ """
+ Execute command in Virtualenv
+ """
- with virtualenv('%s/%s' % (env.proj_root, env.branch)):
- run('%s' % (command))
+ path = os.path.sep.join( (env.proj_root, env.branch) )
+ with prefix('source {0}/bin/activate'.format(path)):
+ run(command)
######## Sync database
def syncdb():
- """
- Sync Database
- """
- env.run('%s/manage.py syncdb --migrate' % env.proj_root )
+ """
+ Sync Database
+ """
+ virtenv_exec('{0}/manage.py syncdb --migrate'.format(env.code_root))
####### Collect Static Files
def make_virtualenv():
- Create our Virtualenv in $SRC_ROOT
+ Create our Virtualenv in env.proj_root
- run('virtualenv %s/%s' % (env.proj_root, env.branch))
- env.run('pip install -r %s/reqs/%s.txt' % (env.proj_root, env.branch) )
+ path = os.path.sep.join( (env.proj_root, env.branch) )
+ if not files.exists(path):
+ run('virtualenv {0}'.format(path))
+ if not files.exists(env.code_root):
+ run('ln -s {0} {1}'.format(env.repo_root, env.code_root))
def start_supervisord():
####### Update Requirements
def update_reqs():
- env.run('pip install -r reqs/prod.txt')
+ virtenv_exec('pip install -r {0}/reqs/{1}.txt'.format(env.repo_root, env.branch))
####### Pull new code
def update_code():
- env.run('cd %s; git pull' % env.proj_root )
+ virtenv_exec('cd %s; git pull' % env.proj_root )
def backup():
Create backup using bup
+ pass
def first_deploy():
Sets up and deploys the project for the first time.