from south.db import db
from south.v2 import DataMigration
from django.db import models
+import re
import markdown
-from notes.models import NoteMarkdown
from notes import sanitizer
class Migration(DataMigration):
# Note: Don't use "from appname.models import ModelName".
# Use orm.ModelName to refer to models in this application,
# and orm['appname.ModelName'] for models in other applications.
+ # find URLs in markdown tags
+ expr = re.compile('\[(.*)\]\(([^)]+)\)')
+ # find whitespace
+ whitespace = re.compile('[\s]+')
+ # remove all whitespace found in second group of a regex result
+ def remove_whitespace_from_tag(match):
+ parms = list(match.groups())
+ parms[1] = whitespace.sub('', parms[1])
+ return u'[{0}]({1})'.format(*parms)
+ # filter non-empty markdown fields into the html field
for notemarkdown in orm['notes.NoteMarkdown'].objects.exclude(markdown=""):
- notemarkdown.html = sanitizer.sanitize_html_to_editable(markdown.markdown(notemarkdown.markdown))
+ # find markdown link tags and remove all whitespace from the URLs.
+ #
+ md = expr.sub(remove_whitespace_from_tag, notemarkdown.markdown)
+ # convert markdown to HTML
+ md = markdown.markdown(md)
+ # cleanup converted HTML
+ notemarkdown.html = sanitizer.sanitize_html_to_editable(md)
def backwards(self, orm):