port: 8000
-procfile: Procfile-development
+procfile: Procfile
web: newrelic-admin run-program gunicorn -b$PORT karmaworld.wsgi
-celerywrapper: sh celerywrapper.sh
+worker: python manage.py celery worker -B -l info -Q $CELERY_QUEUE_NAME
+++ /dev/null
-web: python manage.py runserver "$PORT" --settings "$DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"
processes in a way that is similar to that of Heroku. This allows better
consistency with local, staging, and production deployments.
+To run web-only, but no celery or beat, run `foreman start web` to specify
+strictly the web worker.
Press ctrl-C to kill foreman. Foreman will run Django's runserver command.
If you wish to have more control over how this is done, you can do
`foreman run python manage.py runserver <options>`. For running any other
+++ /dev/null
-python manage.py celery worker --pidfile=/tmp/celeryd.pid -l info -Q $CELERY_QUEUE_NAME &
-sleep 5
-workerpid=`cat /tmp/celeryd.pid`
-echo "Started celery worker with pid $workerpid"
-python manage.py celery beat --pidfile=/tmp/celerybeat.pid -l info &
-sleep 5
-beatpid=`cat /tmp/celerybeat.pid`
-echo "Started celery beat with pid $beatpid"
-wait $workerpid
-wait $beatpid