abstracted Course-Department relationship and applied it\r\rto ProfessorTaught-Professor-Course-Department relationship. super button\rworks but does not forward. template not updated. need to use ManyToMany in\rcourse instead of ProfessorAffiliation.\r\r# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting\r# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.\r# On branch feature_course_add_with_dept\r# Your branch is ahead of 'origin/feature_course_add_with_dept' by 1 commit.\r#\r# Changes to be committed:\r# (use "git reset HEAD^1 <file>..." to unstage)\r#\r# modified: forms.py\r# modified: models.py\r# modified: views.py\r# modified: ../../templates/courses/course_detail.html\r# modified: ../../templates/courses/course_list_entry.html\r# modified: ../../templates/partial/add_course.html\r# modified: ../../templates/user_profile.html\r# new file: ../../utils/forms.py\r#