Initial import of the CDE 2.1.30 sources from the Open Group.
[oweals/cde.git] / cde / programs / icons /
1 /* XPM */
2 /* $XConsortium: /main/3 1995/07/18 16:54:29 drk $ */
3 static char * FpPrtmg_l_pm[] = {
4 /* width height ncolors cpp [x_hot y_hot] */
5 "48 48 14 1 0 0",
6 /* colors */
7 "       s none  m none  c none",
8 ".      s iconColor2    m white c white",
9 "X    s iconGray4     m white c #949494949494",
10 "o    s iconGray2     m white c #bdbdbdbdbdbd",
11 "O    s iconGray5     m black c #737373737373",
12 "+    s bottomShadowColor m black c #636363636363",
13 "@    s iconGray6     m black c #636363636363",
14 "#    s topShadowColor m white c #bdbdbdbdbdbd",
15 "$    s iconGray3     m white c #adadadadadad",
16 "%    s iconGray1     m white c #dededededede",
17 "&    s iconGray7     m black c #424242424242",
18 "*      s iconColor4    m white c green",
19 "=    s iconGray8     m black c #212121212121",
20 "-    s selectColor m white c #737373737373",
21 /* pixels */
22 "                                                ",
23 "                                                ",
24 "                                                ",
25 "                                                ",
26 "                                                ",
27 "                                                ",
28 "                ..................              ",
29 "                ..................X             ",
30 "                   ",
31 "                   ",
32 "                ..................O             ",
33 "                ..ooooooo..oooooo.O             ",
34 "                ..................O             ",
35 "             +++..................O@+++++++#    ",
36 "            +$$O..oooo...ooooo.oo.@$$$$$$$$+#   ",
37 "           +%$$O..................@$$$$$$$$$&#  ",
38 "          +%oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooo&# ",
39 "         +%ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo&#",
40 "         +.%.%.%.%.%.%.%.%.%.%.%.%.%.%%%%%%%%%&#",
41 "         +%ooooooooooooooooooooooo%%@@@@@@@@@%&#",
42 "        ...................X%%%%%%%%@*****$O@%&#",
43 "        ..o.o........oooo..&%%%%%%%%@OOOOOOO@%&#",
44 "        ...o.o.o...........&%%OOOOOO@@@@@@@@@%&#",
45 "        ..o.o.o.o..oooooo..&o%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&#",
46 "        ...o.o.o.o.........&oo%o%o%%%%%%%%%%%%&#",
47 "     +++..o.o.o............&OOOOOOOOo%o%%%%%%%&#",
48 "    +%$$...o.o.o.o.o.o..o..&$$$$$$$$&o%o%o%%%%&#",
49 "   +%o$X..o.o.o.o.o.o......@$$$o$o$o$&ooo%o%%%&#",
50 "  +%ooo@...................@$ooooooooo&oooooo%&#",
51 " +%oooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO&ooooooooo=======&#",
52 " +.....................................=&&&==###",
53 " +.%ooooooooooooooooooooooo%@@@@@@@@@%%======#  ",
54 " +.%ooXXXooXXXooXXXooXXXooo%@*****$O@%%======#  ",
55 " +.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%@OOOOOOO@%%=######  ",
56 " +.%%%OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO@@@@@@@@@%%=#       ",
57 " +.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%=#       ",
58 " +.%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%=#       ",
59 " +.%%%XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX%%%%%%%%=#       ",
60 " +.%%%========================%%%%%%%%%=#       ",
61 " +.%%%=ooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO==%%%%%%%%%=#       ",
62 " +.$$$=%oOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO==$$$$$$$$$=#       ",
63 " +.===%$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$==========#       ",
64 " ###&&XOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO&&&&&&=&&&#       ",
65 "    ==@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@=======&&##       ",
66 "    ==@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@=======&&#        ",
67 "    ##========================- ########        ",
68 "      &&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&-                 ",
69 "       ------------------------                 "};