descriptionUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
last changeSat, 16 May 2020 21:04:05 +0000 (23:04 +0200)
2020-05-16 Matthias SchifferDo not print line number in debug messages master
2020-05-16 Matthias SchifferFix length checks in cert_load()
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: improve usign -F output handling
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: return code fixes
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: close writing end of pipe early in parent...
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: remove redundant return statements
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: change usign_f_* fingerprint argument to...
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: do not close stdin and stderr before exec
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: fix exec error handling
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferusign-exec: simplify usign execv calls
2020-05-16 Matthias SchifferIntroduce read_file() helper, improve error reporting
2020-05-16 Matthias SchifferFix return code of write_file()
2020-05-16 Matthias Schifferstdout/stderr improvements
2020-01-21 Petr Štetiarci: fix unit test failures by enabling full ucert build
2019-12-26 Petr Štetiarci: enable unit testing
2019-12-16 Petr Štetiarfix certificate blob parsing vulnerability by using...
3 years ago master