.TH "opkg" 1 "August 2010" "opkg 0.1.8" "User Commands" .SH NAME opkg-key \- utility to manage opkg's list of trusted keys . .SH SYNOPSIS .B \fBopkg-key\fP [\fIOPTIONS...\fP] \fIsub-command\fP [\fIARGUMENTS...\fP] . .SH DESCRIPTION \fBopkg-key\fP is a utility to manage opkg's list of trusted keys. Opkg is a lightweight package management system based on Ipkg. . .SH SUB-COMMANDS .TP \fBadd <\fIfile\fP>\fR add the key contained in \fIfile\fP ('\-' for stdin) .TP \fBdel <\fIkeyid\fP>\fR remove the key \fIkeyid\fP .TP \fBlist\fR list trusted keys . .SH OPTIONS .TP \fB\-o <\fIroot\fP>\fR use \fIroot\fP as the offline root directory . .SH "REPORTING BUGS" Report bugs to http://code.google.com/p/opkg/issues/list . .SH COPYRIGHT .P Copyright \(co Opkg development team. .P Copyright \(co Ipkg development team. .