2015-08-28 Hannu Nymanstatistics: clarify CPU/processor graph by removing... 455/head
2015-08-28 Hannu Nymanstatistics: clarify stats introduction
2015-08-28 Hannu Nymanstatistics: memory plugin - improve graph by better...
2015-08-28 Hannu Nymanstatistics: support rrdtool's alt_autoscale and alt_aut...
2015-08-28 Hannu Nymanstatistics: cpu graph - add label definitions, add...
2015-08-21 kdarbyshirebryantDelete luci-upnp
2015-08-19 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #445 from hnyman/for-15.05
2015-08-19 Hannu Nymanstatistics: fix ping graph label regression 445/head
2015-08-18 Karl Palssonhttp.protocol: Support filehandlers for unhandled encodings
2015-08-18 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #442 from hnyman/for-15.05
2015-08-17 Hannu Nymanfor-15:05: Timezone information: update to 2015f 442/head
2015-08-10 Michael Marleyluci-app-vnstat: Fix blank graphs for iface names with...
2015-07-27 Georgi ValkovFix: A disabled wireless network may be shown as enable...
2015-07-27 Georgi ValkovFix: Status for disabled wireless networks may display...
2015-07-27 Georgi ValkovWhen editing an AP wireless network in LuCI, if one...
2015-07-27 Georgi ValkovWorkaround: saved administration site user and pass...
2015-07-15 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-rpc: move luci config require into the authent...
2015-07-15 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-rpc: add missing luci config require
2015-07-07 Manuel Munzcontrib/meshwizard: fix LAN with OLSR and DHCP
2015-07-04 Manuel Munzcontrib/meshwizard: fix a bug that occured when process...
2015-06-28 Manuel Munzfix ifname in wifi overview (freifunk public status).
2015-06-28 Manuel MunzFix routes on freifunk public status page
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzcontrib/community-profiles/augsburg: Increase leasetime...
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzapplications/splash: remove set -x from splash.sh
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzmodules/freifunk: fix basics cbi model
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzapplications/olsr: change config file download on olsr...
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzcontrib/meshwizard: add ipv6only option to txtinfo...
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzapplications/olsr: redirect errors on jsoninfo connects...
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzapplications/olsr: Get jsoninfo source port prom olsrd...
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzmeshwizard: use different port (9091) for ipv6 jsoninfo
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzadd changes that were missing in the last commit
2015-06-22 Manuel Munzcontrib/meshwizard: fix interaction with uci in OpenWrt...
2015-06-16 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #418 from chris5560/for-15.05
2015-06-16 Christian Schoenebeck[for-15.05] luci-app-radicale: copied from master 418/head
2015-06-16 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #415 from chris5560/for-15.05
2015-06-16 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #417 from fabio70mi/patch-2
2015-06-15 fabio70miUpdate base.po 417/head
2015-06-14 Christian Schoenebeck[for-15.05]luci-app-privoxy: update to version 1.0.4-2 415/head
2015-06-14 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #412 from chris5560/for-15.05
2015-06-14 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #413 from oneru/for-15.05
2015-06-14 Jonathan BennettLuci-app-fwknopd:add a couple config options to the... 413/head
2015-06-14 Christian Schoenebeck[for-15.05] luci-app-ddns: update to 2.2.4-1 (not copie... 412/head
2015-06-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #390 from hnyman/for-15.05
2015-05-26 Jonathan BennettLuci-app-fwknopd: Update uci-defaults as key-gen is...
2015-05-26 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: rename .gitignore to .placeholder
2015-05-23 Hannu NymanUpdate timezone data to 2015d 390/head
2015-05-21 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #386 from oneru/for-15.05
2015-05-20 Jonathan Bennettluci-app-fwknopd: Add qr code support 386/head
2015-05-20 Jonathan BennettAdd initial luci-app-fwknopd - a way to control the...
2015-05-06 Jo-Philipp... collections/luci: depend on luci-proto-ipv6 if IPV6...
2015-05-05 Jo-Philipp... luci.mk: don't builtin translations selected by CONFIG_ALL
2015-04-28 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #374 from wongsyrone/patch-1
2015-04-28 Syrone Wongluci-app-ddns: fix Simplified Chinese translations 374/head
2015-04-27 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #358 from freifunk-leipzig/master
2015-04-27 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #370 from 981213/pull_request
2015-04-27 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #371 from aidvu/fstab-swap
2015-04-25 Andrija Vucinicluci-mod-admin-full: mount points SWAP fix 371/head
2015-04-24 郭传鈜luci-base:Add some Simplified Chinese translation for... 370/head
2015-04-24 郭传鈜luci-app-ddns:Fix Simplified Chinese translation for...
2015-04-23 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #369 from openwrt/revert-367-transla...
2015-04-23 Christian SchoenebeckRevert "luci-app-ddns:Fix Simplified Chinese translation." 369/head
2015-04-23 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #367 from 981213/translate_pull_request
2015-04-23 郭传鈜luci-app-ddns:Fix Simplified Chinese translation. 367/head
2015-04-22 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #364 from chris5560/master
2015-04-21 Christian Schoenebeckfix wrong xhtml tags in po files 364/head
2015-04-20 Jo-Philipp... Synchronize translations
2015-04-20 Jo-Philipp... build: rework i18n-sync.sh to support new structure
2015-04-20 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-ahcp: remove leftover po templates
2015-04-20 Jo-Philipp... Update .gitignore
2015-04-19 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #361 from hnyman/timezone2015c
2015-04-19 Hannu NymanTimezone data: Update to 2015c 361/head
2015-04-17 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-admin-full: handle missing size for block...
2015-04-15 FreifunkUFOluci-mod-admin-full: switch to a ipv6 enabled host 358/head
2015-04-12 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-admin-full: simply fstab configuration 357/head
2015-04-10 Steven BarthFix typo in last commit
2015-04-10 Steven Barthproto_hnet: fix homenet dependency
2015-04-10 Steven Barthproto_hnet: add missing categories
2015-03-31 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #355 from nmav/no-defaultroute
2015-03-29 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosluci-proto-openconnect: Added option for default gateway 355/head
2015-03-20 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #347 from chris5560/master-app-ddns
2015-03-20 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-ddns: fix errors in global.lua 347/head
2015-03-18 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: fix backslash escaping in luci.util.serializ...
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #336 from legendtang/fix
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #304 from nmav/ocserv-crypt
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #333 from legendtang/master
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #338 from chris5560/master-app-privoxy
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #339 from Seak/master
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #337 from chris5560/master-app-ddns
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #340 from hnyman/png-close-logspam
2015-03-04 Manuel MunzMerge pull request #344 from melle/fix-dns-community...
2015-03-04 Thomas MellenthinFixed default DNS settings for community Potsdam 344/head
2015-03-02 Hannu Nymanluci-statistics: fix uhttpd log spam from extra png... 340/head
2015-03-02 江海客/etc/config/dhcp 339/head
2015-03-01 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-privoxy: cleanup and fixes for #298 #334 #335 338/head
2015-03-01 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-ddns: patches for #298 #334 #335 337/head
2015-02-28 Legend Tangluci-base: fix wrong pattern of urlencode() (encode... 336/head
2015-02-28 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #334 from legendtang/fix
2015-02-28 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-upnp: supress stderr when listing MINIUPNPD...
2015-02-28 Legend Tangtheme/bootstrap: add a mssing class style in form secti... 334/head
2015-02-28 Legend Tangadd media queries for better responsive UI on mobile... 333/head