2008-09-15 Steven BarthFixed some typos in the english translation
2008-09-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: merge freifunk translations
2008-09-15 Steven BarthTuned dispatcher behaviour
2008-09-15 Steven BarthOptimized caching behaviour, automatically flush caches...
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport init and ucitrack fixes
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsrd config and layout fixes
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsrd init fix
2008-09-14 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fix option initialisation errors
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsr translations
2008-09-14 Steven BarthBackport scheme and uci fixes
2008-09-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport luci-app-olsr improvements
2008-09-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport updated olsrd package
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackport: Overall CBI-UVL ineraction fixes
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackported WiFi configuration: "override section valida...
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackported UVL schemes
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackported UVL optimizations
2008-09-12 Steven Barthlibs/core: Backported code optimizations
2008-09-11 Steven BarthUVC-Streamer: Upstream configuration file is named...
2008-09-11 Steven Barthluci-ntpc: Fixed option definitions
2008-09-07 Steven BarthBackported wpa_supplicant/hostapd checks for WiFi Encry...
2008-09-07 Steven BarthFixed DHCP-Options and some CBI stuff
2008-09-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport network scheme fix
2008-09-07 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fixed DynamicLists
2008-09-07 Steven BarthBackported dynamic section optional field generating
2008-09-07 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Catch errors while creating named sections
2008-09-07 Steven Barth* luci/modules/admin-full: fix character encoding in...
2008-09-07 Steven BarthRemove "done." message from luci-reload
2008-09-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport fix for reparse bug in cbi which...
2008-09-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport firewall scheme fix
2008-09-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport luci-addons conffiles fix
2008-09-07 Steven BarthBackported UCI-Dependency Tracking and Responsiveness...
2008-09-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport firewall scheme fixes
2008-09-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: register on_commit action for luci_hosts
2008-09-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport /etc/hosts configuration pages
2008-09-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: merge cbi error handling fixes
2008-09-06 Steven BarthRemove unstable packages from menuconfig
2008-09-06 Steven BarthBackported network scheme
2008-09-06 Steven BarthPushed version to 0.8, adapted Makefile
2008-09-06 Steven BarthFixed Luasocket build
2008-09-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci: create 0.8 branch
2008-09-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci/modules/admin-full: fix syslog page luci-0.8@3141 tags/0.8.0@3141 tags/0.8.1@3141
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/applications/uvc-streamer: fix possible crash...
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed a few FF-Wizard issues
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/cbi: remove dead code
2008-09-05 Steven BarthAdded bytecodecache
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: add required css classes for cbi-uvl...
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: fix dependencies in qos scheme
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/cbi: improved error integration with uvl
2008-09-05 Steven BarthAdded memory tracer
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed last commit
2008-09-05 Steven BarthMove RPC-bidnings out of the way to prevent the indexer...
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/applications/uvc_streamer:
2008-09-05 Steven BarthSmall dispatcher improvement
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFix UVL RPC-API
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed luci.config
2008-09-05 Steven BarthRemoved inefficient environment manipulation functions
2008-09-05 Steven BarthHeavy memory/performance optimizations #4
2008-09-05 Steven BarthHeavy memory/performance optimizations #3
2008-09-05 Steven BarthHeavy memory/performance optimizations #2
2008-09-05 Steven BarthHeavy memory/performance optimizations #1
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: fix an error message in luci.uvl.read_...
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl:
2008-09-05 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Pass default values from UVL
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed UVL bindings
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed JSON-RPC API, added uvl API-Bindings
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: translation fixes
2008-09-05 Steven BarthInprove sanity check for luci.sauth.read
2008-09-05 Steven Barthlibs/web: Turn dependency tracking on by default
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed some minor session handling issues
2008-09-05 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: make "proto=dhcp" the default value...
2008-09-05 Steven Barthlibs/sys: Added luci.sys.call
2008-09-05 Steven BarthAdded .href parameter to DummyValues
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed luci.uci.Cursor.delete_all
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed HTTP stack to parse urlencoded data from Internet...
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFix whitespace issues in CBI template
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFixed Reboot pages
2008-09-05 Steven BarthOptimized error handling
2008-09-05 Steven BarthPush new Freifunk configuration
2008-09-05 Steven BarthFFWizard rewrite
2008-09-04 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl:
2008-09-04 Steven BarthAdded device hints to fstab configuration page.
2008-09-04 Steven BarthUse /usr/bin/env lua instead of /usr/bin/lua in develop...
2008-09-04 Steven BarthAdded placeholder example application
2008-09-04 Steven BarthAdd table-comparators to luci.model.uci.delete_all
2008-09-04 Jo-Philipp... * luci/applications/uvc_streamer: sync xml translations
2008-09-04 Jo-Philipp... * luci/application/uvc_streame: apply translation enhan...
2008-09-04 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Use a Combobox for optional values if a secti...
2008-09-04 Steven BarthFixed event handlers to be more standards compliant
2008-09-04 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl:
2008-09-03 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Compatibility changes for non-standards-compl...
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/modules: fix default translation of no-encryptio...
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/contrib/luci-addons: always create /var/etc...
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: fix error handling of OPT_INVVALUE too
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl:
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: fix zone references in firewall scheme
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: completed firewall scheme
2008-09-03 Steven BarthAdded cbi2uvl converter
2008-09-03 Steven Barthlibs/web: Fixed luci.template
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/uvl: add "network" option to firewall scheme
2008-09-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci/contrib/olsrd-luci: add timer fix from (gredler...