2015-10-30 Chocobozzzincrease timeout for a single instance
2015-10-30 ChocobozzzModify README (travis badge, typos, general organization)
2015-10-30 ChocobozzzAdd travis support
2015-10-30 ChocobozzzAdd standard as dev dependency
2015-10-30 ChocobozzzFix tests
2015-10-30 ChocobozzzReturn next to send a 500 status code
2015-10-30 ChocobozzzUpdate modules and remove browserify (dependance of...
2015-10-30 Bigard FlorianChange the node version to be exactly 0.12
2015-10-29 ChocobozzzReplace PeopleTube/PeTube by the new name PeerTube
2015-10-29 Bigard FlorianAdd link to the ARCHITECTURE.md
2015-10-29 ChocobozzzTypo
2015-10-29 ChocobozzzSpawn
2015-10-29 Bigard FlorianInitial commit