2019-06-06 SmallJokerHTTP API: Allow binary downloads and headers (#8573)
2019-06-01 ParamatDungeons: Settable density noise, move number calculati...
2019-05-26 SmallJokerFix persistent ^[brighten after damage again (#5739)
2019-05-25 David Goverride.txt: Fix crash due to CRLF endings (#8439)
2019-05-25 SmallJokerDo not drag-place stack into 'craftpreview' slot (...
2019-05-24 stujones11Add IGUIScrollbar implementation with variable bar...
2019-05-21 SmallJokerFix forgotten PlayerSAO cast in a90f2ef
2019-05-21 DSMake autoforward simulate the 'up' key (#8249)
2019-05-21 ANAND ツCheck for out-of-bounds breath when setting breath_max...
2019-05-21 Paul OuelletteFix API site build (#8551)
2019-05-21 SmallJokerl_mapgen.cpp: Fix LINT broken since b1b40fe
2019-05-20 HybridDogPrioritise craft recipes
2019-05-20 HybridDogTest crafting hash type only once for a recipe
2019-05-18 ParamatAllow multiple cave liquids in a biome definition ...
2019-05-18 Carles Pastor... Add content_rating tag to appdata (#8538)
2019-05-18 Jozef BehranOptimize string (mis)handling (#8128)
2019-05-12 ANAND ︻气デ═一Revert "Inventory: Make addItem for empty ItemStacks...
2019-05-12 ANAND ︻气デ═一Move HTTP request logging to infostream (#8526)
2019-05-11 ANAND ︻气デ═一Define operators == and != for ItemStack
2019-05-04 ANANDbuiltin/../register.lua: Abort make_wrap_deregistration...
2019-05-03 ANANDminimal: Fix crash due to assertion fail
2019-04-29 ANANDBetter document behavior of on_punchplayer
2019-04-29 ANANDPlayerSAO::setHP - Don't call on_hpchange callbacks...
2019-04-27 ParamatRemove unnecessary CSM warning (#8485)
2019-04-27 sofarForce send a mapblock to a player (#8140)
2019-04-27 ANANDImprove readability of debug menu by using '|' (#8488)
2019-04-27 ANANDRange-limit value passed to PlayerSAO::set{HP|Breath...
2019-04-27 Muhammad Rifqi... Use player as starting point instead of camera when...
2019-04-26 SmallJokerCorrect the checkbox selection box position (#8246)
2019-04-26 ANANDCMakeLists.txt: Remove references to Minecraft and...
2019-04-19 stujones11Android: Clear chat open flag on cancel or completion...
2019-04-14 paramatAttend to review, re-arrange blank lines, update lua_ap...
2019-04-14 Pedro GimenoFix regression in automatic_face_movement_max_rotation_...
2019-04-14 Jozef BehranVarious network performance improvements (#8125)
2019-04-13 ParamatWorld start time: Move to first full light (day night...
2019-04-12 VitaliyAdd Irrlicht-specific smart pointer (#6814)
2019-04-12 Paul OuelletteAdd Mkdocs API site (#8133)
2019-04-11 Paul OuelletteAdd node field to PlayerHPChangeReason table (#8368)
2019-04-09 ParamatNodedef 'drop' documentation: Improve, add tool filteri...
2019-04-08 ANANDutil/hex.h: Remove whitespace-only line (#8460)
2019-04-07 Paramatdaynightratio.h: Improve codestyle, minor optimisations...
2019-04-07 ParamatAndroid settings: Use 'simple' leaves instead of 'fancy...
2019-04-07 Jozef BehranOptimize random turns in dungeongen (#8129)
2019-04-07 adridoFind PostgreSQL correctly (#8435)
2019-04-07 starling13util/hex.h: Reserve result space in hex_encode()
2019-04-07 ANANDAdd deprecation warnings for ObjectRef:get/set_attribut...
2019-04-04 ParamatStabilise 'day night ratio' to fix object brightness...
2019-04-04 ANANDChange sign of pitch angle in debug menu (#8438)
2019-04-03 rubenwardyChange pitch fly binding to 'P', add to change keys...
2019-03-31 Loic BlotFix comments
2019-03-31 Loïc BlotCreate ServerThread earlier in the startup process
2019-03-31 Loïc Blotmapgen: drop mapgen id from child mapgens.
2019-03-31 Loïc BlotEmergeManager::initMapgens use FATAL_ERROR if and drop...
2019-03-31 HybridDogUse unordered_map instead of map for craft definitions...
2019-03-27 DSOptimize core.after in a simple way (#8351)
2019-03-27 ParamatRequire 'waving = 3' in a nodedef to apply the liquid...
2019-03-26 ParamatDungeons: Do not remove nodes that have 'is_ground_cont...
2019-03-26 rubenwardyPrevent multi-line chat messages server-side (#8420)
2019-03-20 ParamatDocument 'highly unstable' mapgens instead of 'stable...
2019-03-19 sfan5Fix texture rotation for wallmounted nodeboxes
2019-03-18 sfan5httpfetch: Disable IPv6 here too if requested by settin...
2019-03-18 Paramatnum_emerge_threads: Initialise value to cope with setti...
2019-03-17 paramatnum_emerge_threads: Fix documentation of automatic...
2019-03-17 WuzzyAdd newline before itemstring in item tooltip (#8213)
2019-03-17 ANANDcore.after: Improve assertion message (#8388)
2019-03-17 ANANDBuiltin: Add vector.angle(). Returns the angle between...
2019-03-16 ParamatLua_api.txt: Document blockpos, coordinate conversion...
2019-03-14 Paramatnum_emerge_threads: Warn of crashes when > 1 (#8357)
2019-03-14 Loïc BlotLINT fixes since recent tooling update
2019-03-14 Loïc BlotUpdate our tooling (Clang 5 -> 7, GCC 7 -> 8)
2019-03-14 ParamatValleys mapgen code rewrite (#8101)
2019-03-12 Loïc BlotDrop GUIConfirmRegistration::m_address unused field
2019-03-12 rubenwardyFix cast from const by accessing string data directly...
2019-03-12 rubenwardyHPChange Reason: Fix push after free, and type being...
2019-03-10 rubenwardyFix serialization of std::time_t by casting to u64...
2019-03-10 DSDocument the `float` special group (#8306)
2019-03-10 Ragulan RDisplay pitch angle in debug menu (#8321)
2019-03-10 ParamatConfirm registration GUI: Remove positional strings...
2019-03-07 HybridDogAbort when trying to set a not registered node (#7011)
2019-03-07 HybridDogWorld config: Make depends easier to read (#7396)
2019-03-07 Jozef BehranOptimize string handling in path search (#8098)
2019-03-07 Jozef BehranOptimize interaction distance checker (#8193)
2019-03-07 sfan5Update a few dependency versions for buildbot (#8319)
2019-03-07 rubenwardyFix detach inventory serialisation (#8331)
2019-03-06 rubenwardyFix incorrect string length check after cast
2019-03-06 rubenwardyFix clang tidy error due to incorrect use of quotes...
2019-03-05 ParamatChange 'num_emerge_threads' default to 1 (#8303)
2019-03-05 HybridDogAdd math.factorial (#8298)
2019-03-05 Loic BlotAdd Android keystore to the repository
2019-03-05 DSAdd sounds for falling and attached nodes (#7719)
2019-03-05 HybridDogFix --color command line parameter ignorance (#7173)
2019-03-05 Benjamin LindleyReplace for loop with call to standard library function...
2019-03-05 rubenwardyHide uninstall package button on unmodifiable paths...
2019-03-05 sofarAdd referer to remote media requests. (#8135)
2019-03-05 sofargetS16NoEx() returns true unless syntactical error...
2019-03-04 sfan5Continue with 5.1.0-dev
2019-03-04 sfan5Bump version to 5.0.0 5.0.0
2019-03-03 Loïc BlotBump android version code
2019-03-02 adridoDon't include and link to gettext if gettext is not...
2019-03-02 ANANDREADME: Remove references to Minecraft and InfiniMiner...