2008-10-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport interface config tweaks
2008-10-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport 3G support
2008-10-12 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: merge ppp config support (r3562-r3568)
2008-10-12 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport password authentication fixes
2008-10-10 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport forgotten html fixes from r3323...
2008-10-08 Steven BarthOptimized IPKG info parser
2008-10-08 Steven BarthFixed a typo
2008-10-08 Steven BarthBackported conntrack page
2008-10-08 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport statistics dns plugin fix
2008-10-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport luci-app-initmgr
2008-10-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backported shadow password support and...
2008-10-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: merge translation fixes
2008-10-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport cbi upload fix
2008-10-06 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport portuguese-brazilian translation...
2008-10-04 Steven BarthRules should not be removed / created from the detailed...
2008-10-04 Steven BarthMade distinction between INPUT and FORWARD rules less...
2008-10-03 Steven BarthBackported back references
2008-10-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport hd-idle multiple instances fix
2008-10-03 Steven BarthBackported Tinyproxy application
2008-10-03 Steven BarthRedesigned firewall configuration
2008-10-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport hd-idle i18n fix
2008-10-03 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport hd-idle application
2008-10-01 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsr translation fixes
2008-09-30 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport firewall fixes
2008-09-30 Steven BarthFixed a typo which prevented proper dependency tracking...
2008-09-29 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport p910nd translation fix
2008-09-29 Steven BarthFallback to working theme if selected one does not...
2008-09-28 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: remove doubled line breaks from cbi dynlist...
2008-09-25 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport new layout for apply messages
2008-09-25 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport uvl scheme reorganisation
2008-09-25 Steven BarthRemove unneeded dependencies
2008-09-25 Steven BarthPush luaposix to 5.1.4
2008-09-24 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport luci_hosts init order fix
2008-09-24 Steven BarthBroadcom should handle keep_avail now
2008-09-24 Steven Barthsome BSD compatibility stuff
2008-09-24 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport ushare updates
2008-09-24 Steven BarthAdded REJECT target to firewall zone configuration
2008-09-24 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport ushare application
2008-09-23 Steven Barthhttpd sections are not unique anymore
2008-09-23 Steven BarthOptimize return value checks for luci-reload
2008-09-23 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport multiple httpd instance enhancement
2008-09-23 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport conffiles fix
2008-09-23 Steven BarthKill luci-addons package
2008-09-22 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsr and wireless scheme fixes
2008-09-22 Steven BarthBetter descriptions for firewall pages
2008-09-19 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport statistics translation fixes
2008-09-19 Steven BarthFixed a typo in english translations
2008-09-19 Steven Barthadmin-full/admin-mini: Fixed backup module
2008-09-19 Steven BarthChange source URLs to local mirror
2008-09-19 Steven Barthlibs/http: Updated inline documentation for mimedecode_...
2008-09-19 Steven BarthPush full metadata to the file callback (parsed and...
2008-09-19 Steven BarthRemove default latlon_file specification
2008-09-19 Steven BarthFixed a typo for broadcom maclist, Improved general...
2008-09-19 Steven BarthOverall CBI improvements: DummyValue handling, dependen...
2008-09-18 Steven Bartholsrd-luci: Enable position independent code for certai...
2008-09-18 Steven Barthadmin-mini: Merge MAC-Address detection from admin...
2008-09-18 Steven BarthWork around an ugly Opera and Internet Explorer event...
2008-09-17 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport dhcp scheme fix
2008-09-17 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport fstab fix
2008-09-17 Steven BarthDon't validate dependencies for fields which are not...
2008-09-16 Steven Barthadmin-mini: Override UVL values for wireless mode
2008-09-16 Steven BarthFixed UCI save support for LuCI SDK
2008-09-16 Steven BarthMore IE compatibility fixes
2008-09-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport p910nd application
2008-09-16 Steven Barthadmin-full: Override UVL values for mode field
2008-09-16 Steven BarthInternet suXplorer JavaScript compatibility fixes
2008-09-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport fix for wrapped lines in df
2008-09-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport second fstab fix
2008-09-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport fstab fix
2008-09-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport freifunk contact page translation...
2008-09-15 Steven BarthFixed statistics
2008-09-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsrd dyngw patch
2008-09-15 Steven Barthluci-flash does not need to by verbose
2008-09-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsr translation fixes
2008-09-15 Steven BarthFixed some typos in the english translation
2008-09-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: merge freifunk translations
2008-09-15 Steven BarthTuned dispatcher behaviour
2008-09-15 Steven BarthOptimized caching behaviour, automatically flush caches...
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport init and ucitrack fixes
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsrd config and layout fixes
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsrd init fix
2008-09-14 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fix option initialisation errors
2008-09-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport olsr translations
2008-09-14 Steven BarthBackport scheme and uci fixes
2008-09-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport luci-app-olsr improvements
2008-09-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport updated olsrd package
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackport: Overall CBI-UVL ineraction fixes
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackported WiFi configuration: "override section valida...
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackported UVL schemes
2008-09-13 Steven BarthBackported UVL optimizations
2008-09-12 Steven Barthlibs/core: Backported code optimizations
2008-09-11 Steven BarthUVC-Streamer: Upstream configuration file is named...
2008-09-11 Steven Barthluci-ntpc: Fixed option definitions
2008-09-07 Steven BarthBackported wpa_supplicant/hostapd checks for WiFi Encry...
2008-09-07 Steven BarthFixed DHCP-Options and some CBI stuff
2008-09-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci-0.8: backport network scheme fix
2008-09-07 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fixed DynamicLists
2008-09-07 Steven BarthBackported dynamic section optional field generating
2008-09-07 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Catch errors while creating named sections
2008-09-07 Steven Barth* luci/modules/admin-full: fix character encoding in...