2012-02-21 Seth Woodworthadding archived courses back to the site and readding...
2012-02-21 Seth WoodworthAdding Northeastern to another list.
2012-02-21 Seth WoodworthAdding Northeastern to the school-name dropdown in...
2012-02-19 Seth WoodworthRemoving EveryAuth from app.js and from requirements
2012-02-09 Seth WoodworthMerge pull request #26 from sethwoodworth/test
2012-02-08 Seth Woodworthadding a dev server kickoff script 26/head
2012-02-08 Seth Woodworthadding additional deploy script to be merged with setup.sh
2012-02-08 Seth Woodworthadding fresh epl and bc
2012-02-08 Seth Woodworthremoving all submodules to readd clean
2012-02-08 Seth Woodworthupdating gitmodules url location
2012-02-08 Seth Woodworthupdating the epl pointer
2012-02-08 Seth WoodworthUpdate etherpad-lite
2012-02-07 Seth Woodworthupdating epl commit refs
2012-02-07 Seth Woodworthupdated bc
2012-02-07 Seth Woodworthupdating backchannel to not show comments in a specific...
2012-02-01 Andrew MagliozziUpdate public/index.html
2012-02-01 Andrew Magliozziminor grammatical edit on homepage.
2012-02-01 bobcallAdded the new "static" pages to (SRC_ROOT)/public/index...
2012-01-30 Seth WoodworthMerge branch 'test' of github.com:finalsclubdev/FinalsC...
2012-01-30 Seth Woodworthadd back authorization to schools
2012-01-29 jordancleared aside to correct alignment
2012-01-29 bobcallRemoved mongodb-2.0.2 from setup.sh
2012-01-29 bobcallChanged setup.sh to include whole process and start...
2012-01-29 bobcall Added setup.sh
2012-01-29 bobcallRevised setup start and stop scripts
2012-01-28 Andrew MagliozziMerge pull request #25 from finalsclubdev/test
2012-01-28 Seth Woodworthadding jade to requreiments 25/head
2012-01-28 Seth WoodworthMerge branch 'devel' of github.com:finalsclubdev/Finals...
2012-01-28 Seth Woodworthchecking in bob's deploy scripts with comments
2012-01-28 Seth Woodwortha
2012-01-28 Seth Woodworthupdating EPL to Pita's latest and other updates
2012-01-28 Seth Woodworthmoving to jquery tmpl for courses page
2012-01-28 Seth Woodworthadd todo
2012-01-26 Andrew Magliozzitextual copy changes to the homepage, create account...
2012-01-24 Seth Woodworthupdates to rendering jquery tmpls
2012-01-23 Seth Woodworthtesting
2012-01-23 Seth Woodworthmodify app for fbauth
2012-01-23 Seth Woodworthmake school slug page work
2012-01-23 Seth Woodworthadding course count to app and template schools page
2012-01-23 Seth WoodworthMerge branch 'master' of github.com:sethwoodworth/Final...
2012-01-23 Seth WoodworthMerge pull request #1 from chrisrhoden/patch-1
2012-01-23 Chris Rhodenuntested but this should give you a starting point
2012-01-22 Seth WoodworthMerge branch 'devel' of github.com:finalsclubdev/Finals...
2012-01-22 Seth Woodworthadding reqs for fb
2012-01-22 Seth Woodworthadding fb connect
2012-01-22 Seth Woodworthmodify schools to have a 'slug' name value
2012-01-22 jordanadded breadcrumb to individual note pad page
2012-01-22 jordanadjustments to breadcrumb
2012-01-22 jordanplaying with subheaders again, trying to standardize...
2012-01-22 jordanstandardized format of creating new object
2012-01-22 jordanmade add a course form a sidebar, played with subheader...
2012-01-22 jordancorrected fade in of footer and content
2012-01-22 jordanadded simple default styling to buttons, moved 'create...
2012-01-22 jordanminor cleaning on lectures page and lecture page, fixed...
2012-01-21 jordancorrected login/logout link, added 'back to universitie...
2012-01-21 Seth Woodworthfixing signup and learn something links
2012-01-21 RISCi_DerpyMade first attempt to commit legal page to code repo.
2012-01-20 jordanminor reformats of commenting styles, beginning to...
2012-01-19 Seth WoodworthRevert "removing depricated jade templates"
2012-01-17 jordancompleted html and css for universities page
2012-01-16 jordansimplified footer and school listing on home, corrected...
2012-01-15 Seth Woodworthremoving more depricated code
2012-01-15 Seth Woodworthremoving depricated jade templates
2012-01-15 Seth Woodworthrenamed nonce var hcourse
2012-01-15 Seth Woodworthadding jquery.tmpl.js
2012-01-14 jordanremoved unused jquery
2012-01-14 jordanworking on home page design
2012-01-14 jordanconverted tabs to soft tabs
2012-01-14 jordanemployed new cleaner layout with futura, added asynchor...
2012-01-08 jordanMerge branch 'devel' of github.com:sethwoodworth/Finals...
2012-01-08 jordanreorganized assets, completed new header
2012-01-08 jordanconverted tabs to spaces
2012-01-08 jordanconverted tabs to spaces
2012-01-07 Seth Woodworthadding schema for harvard courses via cs50.net
2012-01-06 Seth Woodworthreturn schools and courses to schools page
2012-01-04 Seth WoodworthMerge branch 'master' of github.com:sethwoodworth/Final...
2012-01-04 Seth Woodworthin progress updates for merge
2012-01-04 Seth Woodworthcorrectly noting the current location of bc
2012-01-03 Seth WoodworthModifying app.js and git so bc lives in the FC directory
2012-01-03 Seth Woodworthfix json error
2012-01-03 Seth WoodworthUpdating package.json
2011-12-21 Andrew MagliozziMerge pull request #20 from sethwoodworth/master
2011-12-18 Seth Woodworthremove unused and unfulfilled socket.io import from... 20/head
2011-12-16 Seth Woodworthshowing create course if auth\'ed and moving it to...
2011-12-14 Seth WoodworthMerge branch 'master' of github.com:finalsclubdev/Final...
2011-12-14 Seth Woodworthseth checking in on-server changes
2011-12-08 Andrew MagliozziI changed a word just to screw around with github.
2011-12-08 Andrew MagliozziChanged paragraph two of that homepage text to what...
2011-12-07 Robert CallMerge pull request #17 from sethwoodworth/master
2011-12-07 Seth Woodworthadding mixpanel analytics 17/head
2011-12-07 Seth WoodworthUpdating homepage intro text
2011-12-07 Robert CallMerge pull request #16 from sethwoodworth/master
2011-12-07 Seth WoodworthMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/sethwoodwor... 16/head
2011-12-07 Seth WoodworthUpdate Site Header Title to "FinalsClub.org: Online...
2011-12-07 Seth Woodworthremoving a .DS_Store file and adding more things to...
2011-11-30 rcall1Committed changes submitted by B
2011-11-20 chapelMerge branch 'master' of github.com:finalsclubdev/Final...
2011-11-20 chapelWire up homepage buttons
2011-11-20 Joseph SnowMerge branch 'master' of github.com:finalsclubdev/Final...
2011-11-20 Joseph Snowadded boot script notes.