2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffconvert sqlite peerstore to using libgnunetsq
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffindentation only
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofflink against libgnunetsq
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffallow use of NULL for stirings
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffconvert sqlite plugin to use libgnunetsq
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofffix leaks, note that APIs are deprecated (NTR instead...
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofffix possible NPE
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffone more rval check
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffcheck multihashmap32_put return value in mq.c
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffcheck sqlite3_close() return value in test
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffcheck unlink() return value in test
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofffix theoretical leak in test
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffclarify
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofffix tutorial: SERVICEHOME is obsolete, we now have...
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofffix include
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffrenaming CADET APIs to match naming conventions again...
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffrename libgnunetcadetnew -> libgnunetcadet
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffgetting rid of the old cadet client library (pre-MQ)
2017-03-13 Julius BüngerMerge branch 'master'
2017-03-13 Julius Büngerfix rps
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffmajor clean up and bugfixes of SET
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffindentation fix
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffnote about performance issue, indentation fix
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffimprove logging, shutdown on error without timeout...
2017-03-13 Christian Grothoffimprove logging, indentation
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofffix debug levels
2017-03-13 Christian Grothofffix minor leak
2017-03-12 Julius Büngeradapting the Makefile for the new cadet api
2017-03-12 Julius Büngerlast step to new cadet api
2017-03-12 David BarksdaleForgot to remove decl for GNUNET_DATASTORE_update
2017-03-12 Julius Büngerremoved unneeded function call
2017-03-12 Julius Büngermigrated rps to new cadet api
2017-03-12 Christian Grothoffde-duplicate operation types
2017-03-12 Christian Grothoffalways initialize HT upon state creation
2017-03-12 Christian Grothoffadd missing headers
2017-03-12 Christian Grothoffmigrating namecache to use SQ lib
2017-03-12 Christian Grothoffmigrating namecache to use SQ lib
2017-03-12 Christian Grothofffix sq issue
2017-03-12 Christian Grothofffix ftbfs
2017-03-12 Christian Grothoffuse new GNUNET_SQ_reset where applicable
2017-03-12 Christian Grothoffconverting datacache to sqlite, fixing misc. issues...
2017-03-11 Christian Grothofffix logging, immediately switch to full set transmissio...
2017-03-11 Christian Grothoffcleaning up set handlers, eliminating 2nd level demulti...
2017-03-11 Christian Grothofffix memory leak
2017-03-11 Christian Grothoffrename cadet*new to just cadet, except for libgnunetcad...
2017-03-11 Christian Grothoffdrop 'new' suffix from tests
2017-03-11 Christian Grothoffremove old CADET testcases
2017-03-11 Christian Grothoffremove old CADET service code
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffuse libgnunetsq throughout plugin_datastore_sqlite...
2017-03-10 xrsMerge branch 'master' of ssh://gnunet.org/gnunet
2017-03-10 xrstest_multicast_2peers: formatting and stuff
2017-03-10 xrstest_multicast_2peers: formatting and stuff
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffcheck GNUNET_PROGRAM_run return value
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix potential NPE
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix memory leak
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix use of uninitialized value host1 on error logging
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix missing time conversion
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffadd assertion to make static analysis happy
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffadd assertion to make static analysis happy
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffadd assertion to make static analysis happy
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffuse correct channel when switching
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix comment
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffcheck return value from GNUNET_program_run
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffcheck return value from dup2
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffremove redundant condition in assertion
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix out-of-bounds case in parser
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffproperly detect and handle parse error
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix integer overflow test to actually work
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffadd assertion to make static analysis happy
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffdisambiguate enum type of value
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffadd assertion to make static analysis happy
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix double-free
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffprevent division by zero
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix ICMP IPv4/IPv6 type conversion logic
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix double-free
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix memory leak
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix memory leak
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix memory leak
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix memory leak
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffproperly handle error on empty queue
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix comment
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffhandle case 'diff' is NULL - fixes NPE
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffmake sure 'err' is initialized on all error paths
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffmake compiler happy
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix use of uninitialized (shadow-issue) expiration
2017-03-10 Christian Grothofffix link error
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffstarting conversion of plugin_datastore_sqlite to use...
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffreset statement on error
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffintroduce warning if QE fails to make progress
2017-03-10 Christian Grothoffremove empty files, fix indentation
2017-03-09 Christian Grothofffix #4608
2017-03-09 xrsadd test_multicast_2peers.c
2017-03-09 Christian Grothofffix issue with NAT logic overwriting port specified...
2017-03-08 psyc://loupsycedyglg... -gnunet-social CLI fixes
2017-03-08 psyc://loupsycedyglg... upstyle gnunet-cadet docs
2017-03-08 Christian Grothoffwe use CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXITS, this requires postgre...
2017-03-08 xrstest_multicast_multipeer.c: add ping pong test
2017-03-08 xrsMerge branch 'master' of ssh://gnunet.org/gnunet
2017-03-08 Christian Grothoffremove dead enum values
2017-03-08 Christian Grothofffix more of #4890