2008-07-23 Steven Barthi18n: Added dynamic registration for translations
2008-07-23 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/core: add inline documentation to luci...
2008-07-22 Steven Barthlibs/core: Fixed luci.utils, Added missing in-line...
2008-07-22 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/core: added inline documentation to luci...
2008-07-22 Steven Barthlibs/core: Add in-line documentation for luci.util...
2008-07-22 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/core: add inline documentation to luci.sys
2008-07-22 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/core: added inline documentation to luci...
2008-07-22 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: added inline documentation to luci...
2008-07-20 Jo-Philipp... * luci/admin: fix inverted signedness of timezone speci...
2008-07-20 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: several small tweaks in openwrt.org...
2008-07-20 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/cbi: print a notice in empty tblsections
2008-07-19 Steven Barthlibs/sgi-cgi: Workaround for broken CGI implementation...
2008-07-19 Steven Barththemes: Fixed title-tag in case we don't serve a dispat...
2008-07-19 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: use aliased ltn12. instead of luci...
2008-07-19 Steven Barthmodules/admin-full, modules/admin-mini: Fixed firmware...
2008-07-19 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: little title fix for openwrt.org theme
2008-07-19 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: Add "general" submenu links
2008-07-19 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: fix a few corner cases which can...
2008-07-19 Steven BarthSend Cache-Control headers by default
2008-07-19 Steven BarthImproved browser title
2008-07-19 Steven Barthapplications/luci-olsr: Remove work-arounds of a former...
2008-07-19 Steven BarthImproved reloading system, fixed a bug with saving...
2008-07-19 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: Improvements in PPPoE/PPTP option...
2008-07-19 Steven Barthi18n/english: Added missing translations
2008-07-19 Steven Barthi18n/english: Fixed a typo
2008-07-19 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: Added WLAN-Scan page
2008-07-19 Steven BarthAdded non-stripped debug target for LuCI
2008-07-18 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: Minor template fix
2008-07-18 Steven BarthPackage description updates
2008-07-18 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: Several tweaks, initial status...
2008-07-18 Steven Barthlibs/web: Fixed a bug regarding % characters in luci...
2008-07-18 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: fix "attempt to compare string with...
2008-07-18 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: replace url decoder in http.protocol
2008-07-18 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: added more sanity checks to mime...
2008-07-18 Steven Barthmodules/admin-full: Improved system configuration page
2008-07-18 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: fix wrong varname in http.protocol
2008-07-18 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: replaced mime decoder in http.protocol
2008-07-18 Steven Barthupdated about page
2008-07-18 Steven BarthA few smaller usability improvements
2008-07-17 Steven BarthAdded new applications luci-ddns to luci-full and luci...
2008-07-17 Steven Barthcontrib/luaposix: Updated to 5.1.3
2008-07-17 Steven BarthAdded new application luci-ntpc to luci-full and luci...
2008-07-17 Steven BarthNew application luci-upnp for luci-full and luci-mini
2008-07-17 Steven Barthlibs/core: Fixed luci.fs.isfile
2008-07-17 Steven Barthapplications/luci-qos: Smaller enhancements, support...
2008-07-16 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: Added Wifi configuration
2008-07-16 Jo-Philipp... * libs/http: fix blocksize-related mime decoding proble...
2008-07-16 Steven Barthi18n: Replaced an outdated note with a note regarding...
2008-07-16 Steven BarthAdded a note to the Freifunk menu for OpenWRT
2008-07-16 Steven Barthlibs/web: Prevent luci.http to prematurely parse the...
2008-07-16 Steven BarthSeveral small cleanups and improvements
2008-07-16 Steven Barthapplications/luci-fw: Added support for luci-mini
2008-07-16 Steven Barthlibs/web: Made luci.http.write a sink
2008-07-16 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fixed AbstractSection.create
2008-07-16 Steven Barthlibs/web: Added luci.web.dispatcher.registered
2008-07-16 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Cleaned up *Section.create
2008-07-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes/openwrt.org: replace header image with...
2008-07-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes/openwrt.org: workaround for empty menu...
2008-07-16 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: layout changes for smalltext tables...
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci: associate luci_ethers reload with luci_ethers...
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci/splash: fix #92
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: css fixed in openwrt.org theme
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/cbi: fix syntax error in mvalue template
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/cbi: various template cleanups
2008-07-15 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: Added DHCP page
2008-07-15 Steven Barththemes/openwrt.org: Fixed UCI change display
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/cbi: fix <label> assignment for checkbox...
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci/addons: add empty luci_ethers configuration
2008-07-15 Steven Barthmodules/admin-mini: some work on lan and wan configuration
2008-07-15 Jo-Philipp... * luci/addons: add initscript for generating /etc/ether...
2008-07-15 Steven BarthGeneralized UCI changes display
2008-07-15 Steven Barthlib/cbi: Added support for multiple CBI maps per model
2008-07-15 Steven BarthSplit up admin-core into admin-core and admin-full...
2008-07-14 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fixed MultiValue select widget
2008-07-14 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fixed MultiValues
2008-07-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: fix two typos in http.protocol
2008-07-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: use a more flexible aproach when...
2008-07-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: remove left over field initialisation
2008-07-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/http: implement multi-value support in...
2008-07-14 Jo-Philipp... * luci: add memory status patches from soma
2008-07-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: small css fix vor field descriptions...
2008-07-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/cbi: remove now ununsed tiny_value*.htm...
2008-07-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: remove behaviour hack from css file
2008-07-13 Steven Barthlibs/cbi: Fixed dependency JavaScript to match the...
2008-07-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci/splash: add missing in require in luci-splashd
2008-07-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: made margin for value description IE...
2008-07-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: more fixes for openwrt.org theme
2008-07-13 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: IE6 fixes for openwrt.org theme
2008-07-12 Jo-Philipp... * luci: added community package for Freifunk Augsburg
2008-07-12 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: lots of fixes in openwrt.org theme
2008-07-12 Steven Barthapplications/luci-splash: Added UCI-state based server...
2008-07-09 Steven Barthapplications/luci-olsr: Update CBI model for upstream...
2008-07-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci: fixup svn properties
2008-07-07 Steven BarthAdded copyright-tags to templates
2008-07-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/web: fixed whitespace strip condition in...
2008-07-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci/libs/web: extended template syntax to allow...
2008-07-07 Steven Barthlibs/web: Added template comments
2008-07-07 Steven BarthUpdated about-page
2008-07-07 Steven BarthUpdated notice and contributors information
2008-07-07 Jo-Philipp... * luci/themes: next round of css fixes for openwrt...