2015-03-20 Christian SchoenebeckMerge pull request #347 from chris5560/master-app-ddns
2015-03-20 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-ddns: fix errors in global.lua 347/head
2015-03-18 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: fix backslash escaping in luci.util.serializ...
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #336 from legendtang/fix
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #304 from nmav/ocserv-crypt
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #333 from legendtang/master
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #338 from chris5560/master-app-privoxy
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #339 from Seak/master
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #337 from chris5560/master-app-ddns
2015-03-10 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #340 from hnyman/png-close-logspam
2015-03-04 Manuel MunzMerge pull request #344 from melle/fix-dns-community...
2015-03-04 Thomas MellenthinFixed default DNS settings for community Potsdam 344/head
2015-03-02 Hannu Nymanluci-statistics: fix uhttpd log spam from extra png... 340/head
2015-03-02 江海客/etc/config/dhcp 339/head
2015-03-01 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-privoxy: cleanup and fixes for #298 #334 #335 338/head
2015-03-01 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-ddns: patches for #298 #334 #335 337/head
2015-02-28 Legend Tangluci-base: fix wrong pattern of urlencode() (encode... 336/head
2015-02-28 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #334 from legendtang/fix
2015-02-28 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-upnp: supress stderr when listing MINIUPNPD...
2015-02-28 Legend Tangtheme/bootstrap: add a mssing class style in form secti... 334/head
2015-02-28 Legend Tangadd media queries for better responsive UI on mobile... 333/head
2015-02-28 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #325 from chris5560/master-app-ddns
2015-02-25 Manuel Munzcontrib/community-profiles/demo: remove openwifimap
2015-02-25 Manuel Munzcontrib/community-profiles/augsburg: remove openwifimap
2015-02-25 somacontrib/meshwizard: add madwifi iface options if needed
2015-02-25 somacontrib/freifunk-common: fix wifi device and iface...
2015-02-20 Manuel MunzMerge pull request #328 from chris5560/master-pending-1
2015-02-20 Manuel Munzapplications/luci-splash: fix fac02283137f6ff59363695bb...
2015-02-19 Manuel Munzapplications/olsr-services: fix error on public service...
2015-02-19 Manuel Munzthemes/freifunk-generic: fix error with version string...
2015-02-18 Manuel MunzMerge pull request #330 from Maltis/patch-1
2015-02-18 MaltisDelete profile_neuss 330/head
2015-02-18 Manuel MunzMerge pull request #329 from yayachiken/master
2015-02-18 David KolossaRemoved outdated information for Freifunk Aachen 329/head
2015-02-14 Christian Schoenebeckwifi.lua: add "Back to Overview" button 328/head
2015-02-10 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-ddns: update to version 2.2.0-1 325/head
2015-02-10 Manuel MunzMerge pull request #323 from jmccrohan/master
2015-02-09 Jo-Philipp... Avoid setting duplicate cookies
2015-02-09 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: pass session timeout as integer
2015-02-09 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-freifunk: fix public status page
2015-02-09 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: establish ubus connection before dropping...
2015-02-09 Jonathan McCrohanluci-app-asterisk: fix typo in package description 323/head
2015-02-08 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #302 from chris5560/master
2015-02-08 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #320 from chris5560/master
2015-02-08 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #315 from poranje/proto-ipv6+aiccu
2015-02-08 Christian Schoenebeckadmin_network: interface details, implement back to... 320/head
2015-02-08 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #305 from nmav/compression
2015-02-08 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #319 from nmav/oc-iface
2015-02-08 Nikos Mavrogiannopoulosopenconnect: ask for the output interface name 319/head
2015-02-06 Paul Oranjeluci-proto-ipv6: aiccu fixed ip6prefix datatype 315/head
2015-02-06 Paul Oranjeluci-proto-ipv6: aiccu improvements
2015-02-06 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #317 from hnyman/fix-zoneinfo2lua
2015-02-06 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #316 from hnyman/timezone-2015a
2015-02-04 Hannu Nymanzoneinfo2lua.pl to generate shorter copyright messages 317/head
2015-02-04 Paul Oranjeluci-proto-ipv6: fix typo in aiccu mtu range
2015-02-04 Hannu NymanTimezone data: Update to 2015a 316/head
2015-02-04 Paul Oranjeluci-proto-ipv6: set aiccu mtu option range
2015-02-03 Paul Oranjeluci-proto-ipv6: add aiccu
2015-01-29 Jo-Philipp... Move inline documentation into separate files.
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-jsonc: add api documentation
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: add api documentation
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-nixio: move CHANGELOG and README into nixio...
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... build: remove *.luadoc files before packaging
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... Remove outdated luadoc from contrib
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... build: add modified luadoc for use with LuCI sources
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: add functions to deal with IPv6 mapped...
2015-01-28 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: multiple fixes
2015-01-26 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-firewall: rework internal/external zone list...
2015-01-26 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: improve login/logout handling
2015-01-26 Jo-Philipp... libs: add luci-lib-jsonc, a Lua binding for JSON-C
2015-01-26 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: accept 2nd netmask argument in new(),...
2015-01-25 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: fix segfault in link() on systems with...
2015-01-25 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-privoxy: fix path to luci.mk after move
2015-01-25 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #308 from chris5560/master
2015-01-24 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-admin-full: use sysupgrade -T to test images
2015-01-24 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: fix netlink receiving in link()
2015-01-24 Christian Schoenebeckluci-app-privoxy: move from openwrt/packages to openwrt... 308/head
2015-01-23 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: optimize luci.tools.webadmin.iface_get_network()
2015-01-23 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: add link() method to get basic iface info
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: always return table for dump, even if...
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: remove unused functions from luci.sys.net
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: support filtering neighbors by mac or...
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-splash: convert ip4mac() to luci.ip.neighbors()
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-splash: convert luci.sys.net.arptable() to...
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-admin-mini: convert luci.sys.net.arptable...
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-admin-full: convert luci.sys.net.arptable...
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: rewrite luci.tools.webadmin and remove unuse...
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-olsr: rewrite mac address resolving
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-freifunk: switch to luci.ip route functions
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-coovachilli: switch to luci.ip route functions
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-siitwizard: switch to luci.ip route functions
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-mod-admin-full: switch to luci.ip route functions
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-ip: fix routes() for non-callback invocations
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-app-olsr: use luci.ip.routes() to find default gw
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: depend on luci-lib-ip and remove ip.lua
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-lib-nixio: always assume Linux target (#307)
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... libs: add luci-lib-ip
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: use serialize_json() in luci.http
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... luci-base: add luci.util.serialize_json()
2015-01-22 Jo-Philipp... Merge pull request #306 from Preffer/master