2018-06-10 Loic BlotFix many Android build issues
2018-06-03 stujones11Android: Update build system for ndk-r15x
2018-06-03 SmallJokerBump version to 0.4.17 0.4.17
2018-06-03 Loic BlotBackport buildbot win32 scripts too
2018-06-03 Loic BlotUpdate macosx build from master
2018-06-03 Loic BlotFix windows toolchain due to missing packages, upgrade...
2018-06-03 SmallJokerC++03 oldify in various source files
2018-06-03 Loic BlotMore C++03 fixes
2018-06-03 rubenwardyFix luajit include not being found
2018-06-03 ParamatDungeons: Mostly fix missing stair nodes
2018-06-03 mazocompFix i386 bit build at OpenBSD (#7259)
2018-06-03 Loic BlotFix C++03 compiling due to C++11 initialization issues...
2018-06-03 SmallJokerBuiltin auth handler: Speed up file writing (#7252)
2018-06-03 ParamatCavegen: Fix variable typo that broke mgvalleys large...
2018-06-03 sfan5Fix segfault caused by wrong wgettext()
2018-06-03 minduser00Fix for translating empty strings
2018-06-03 SmallJokerupright_sprite: Fix texture position for players Fixes...
2018-06-03 Loïc BlotHuge LBM lookup performance improvement on mapblock...
2018-06-03 SmallJokercore.rotate_node: Do not trigger after_place_node ...
2018-06-03 D Tim CummingsmacOS: don't require X11 libraries during compilation...
2018-06-03 paramatMinetest ASCII art: Move from actionstream to rawstream
2018-06-03 paramatGenerate Notifier: Clear events once after all 'on...
2018-06-03 red-001Fix liquid post effect colour behaviour in third person...
2018-06-03 paramatCollisionMoveSimple: Collide with 'ignore' nodes
2018-06-03 paramatSAO limits: Allow SAOs to exist outside the set 'mapgen...
2018-06-03 paramatFind nodes in area (under air): Raise volume limit...
2018-06-03 Muhammad Rifqi... Delete world dialog: Move buttons to avoid double click...
2018-06-03 dopik/shutdown can't do countdown when using reconnect and...
2018-06-03 sfan5Check argument types inside MetaDataRef Lua API (#7045)
2018-06-03 youFix "Ignoring CONTENT_IGNORE redefinition" warning...
2018-06-03 paramatItem entity: Delete in 'ignore' nodes
2018-06-03 paramatFalling.lua: Delete falling node entities on contact...
2018-06-03 youAllow dumping userdata (#7012)
2018-06-03 red-001Move `setlocale` from Lua to C++.
2018-06-03 youAdd minetest.is_player (#7013)
2018-06-03 mazocomp"static constexpr v3s16 light_dirs[8]" fails to compile...
2018-06-03 mazocompFix C++11 feature detection for undefined _MSC_VER...
2018-06-03 sfan5Refine movement anticheat again (#7004)
2018-06-03 sfan5Apply physics overrides correctly during anticheat...
2018-06-03 Pedro GimenoFix off-by-one in log output line length (#6896)
2018-06-03 Pedro GimenoFix buffer parameter not working in LuaPerlinNoiseMap...
2018-06-03 youFix Wstringop-overflow warning from util/srp.cpp (...
2018-06-03 rubenwardyFix rounding error in g/set_node caused by truncation...
2018-06-03 number ZeroFix dancing text
2018-06-03 nOOb3167Fix undefined behaviour on getting pointer to data...
2018-06-03 VitaliyFix wrong scrolling (#6809)
2018-06-03 SmallJokerBuiltin: Fix handle_node_drops crash with nil digger
2018-06-03 SmallJokerDamage: Remove damage ignore timer
2018-06-03 Luis CáceresEnsure no item stack is being held before crafting...
2018-06-03 raymooShut down mapgen threads before other shutdown tasks...
2018-06-03 sfan5Update documentation regarding authentication handler...
2018-06-03 sfan5Hint at problematic code when logging deprecated calls
2018-06-03 EzhhImprove documentation for player:set_attribute()
2018-06-03 SmallJokerInventory: Restrict access from too far away
2018-06-03 SmallJokercore.rotate_node: Run callbacks like with any regular...
2018-06-03 paramatBiome dust node: Only place on 'walkable' cubic non...
2018-06-03 ezhhImprove Settings tab button alignments
2018-06-03 paramatLua_api.txt: Add documentation of required mapgen aliases
2018-06-03 EzhhRemove incorrect entry from settingtypes
2018-06-03 sfan5Make use of safe file writing in auth handler (fixes...
2018-06-03 sfan5Add minetest.safe_write_file() to script API
2018-06-03 Muhammad Rifqi... Fix issue Minetest crash when custom font path is not...
2018-06-03 EzhhFix Settings tab formspec alignment (#6585)
2018-06-03 Lars HofhanslDo not scale texture unless necessary.
2018-06-03 sfan5httpfetch: Enable gzip support
2018-06-03 Rob BlanckaertAdd sha1 to lua utils. (#6563)
2018-06-03 rubenwardyFix day_night_ratio_do_override not being initialised...
2018-06-03 lhofhanslAvoid filtering low-res textures for animated meshes...
2018-06-03 raymooFix default item callbacks to work with nil users ...
2018-06-03 Auke KokCorrect `prot_vers` in lua_api.txt.
2018-06-03 Esteban I. RMDon't try to craft a non-existent item
2018-06-03 rubenwardyProfiler: Fix var args not being passed to callback...
2018-06-03 Loïc BlotThread: fix a crash on Windows due to data race conditi...
2018-06-03 Loic BlotNetworkPacket::putRawPacket: resize m_data to datasize...
2018-06-03 adridoReplace deprecated WINAPI GetVersionInfoEx (#6496)
2018-06-03 Rob BlanckaertAdd setting for near plane distance. (#6395)
2018-06-03 SmallJokerUnkown nodes: Provide position on interact (#6505)
2018-06-03 SmallJokerParticleSpawner::step cleanup and rotation fix (#6486)
2018-06-03 paramatCAO footstep sounds: Reduce gain to balance volume
2018-06-03 raymooFix attached particle spawners far from spawn (#6479)
2018-06-03 SmallJokerLocalplayer: Fix disable_jump effect and getStandingNod...
2018-06-03 raymooDocument orientation parameter of set_attach (#6473)
2018-06-03 ParamatFix recent commit: std::max -> std::fmax for floats...
2018-06-03 paramatPositional sound: Limit volume when closer than 1 node
2018-06-03 sfan5Fix blocks written by vmanip not being marked as modified
2018-06-03 DTA7Set placer to nil instead of a non-functional one in...
2018-06-03 paramatLeveled nodebox: Change levels from 1/63rds to 1/64ths
2018-06-03 tenplus1Fix Rotate Node Placement (#6424)
2018-06-03 sfan5ServerEnv: Clean up object lifecycle handling (#6414)
2018-06-03 sfan5Fix core.wrap_text and make its behaviour consistent...
2018-06-03 rubenwardyFix empty legacy meta being persisted
2018-06-03 Nathanaël CourantStatbars: fix incorrect half-images in non-standard...
2018-06-03 ParamatAndroid stepheight: Only increase if 'touching ground...
2018-06-03 Dániel JuhászFix Android node selection distance (#6187)
2018-06-03 Loïc Blotserialize: use a temporary for SerializeException Excep...
2018-06-03 Loic BlotTypo fix in compat code from commit 1d8d01074fdb52946f8...
2018-06-03 Loïc BlotClientInterface: add a function to verify (correctly...
2018-06-03 Dániel JuhászMake dropped items colorable
2018-06-03 SmallJokerTrigger on_rightclick regardless on the formspec meta...
2018-06-03 FixerFull viewing range key message clarified