From f8bf8051fd6c2c0787d7273daa05cd113624494f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: bobcall <>
Date: Sun, 30 Jun 2013 14:58:52 -0400
Subject: [PATCH] fleshed out fabfile, still needs work, but conceptually works

--- | 114 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 1 file changed, 111 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index 937fef7..fa01b63 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ env.proj_repo = ''
 def here():
-Connection information for the local machine
+    Connection information for the local machine
+    """
     # This is required for the same reason as above
     env.proj_dir = os.getcwd()
@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ Connection information for the local machine
 def prod():
+    """
+    Connection Information for production machine
+    """
     env.user = 'djkarma'
     env.hosts = ['']
     env.proj_root = '/var/www/karmaworld'
@@ -40,6 +44,10 @@ def prod():
 ######## Run Commands in Virutal Environment
 def virtenv_exec(command):
+        """
+	Execute command in Virtualenv
+	"""
         with virtualenv('%s/%s' % (env.proj_dir, env.branch)):
                 run('%s' % (command))
@@ -48,31 +56,131 @@ def virtenv_exec(command):
 ######## Sync database
 def syncdb():
+	"""
+	Sync Database
+	"""
+'%s/ syncdb --noinput --migrate' % env.proj_dir )
 ####### Collect Static Files
 def collect_static():
+	"""
+	Collect static files (if AWS config. present, push to S3
+	"""
+'%s/ collectstatic --noinput' % env.proj_dir )	
 ####### Run Dev Server
 def dev_server():
+	"""
+	Runs the built-in django webserver
+	"""
+'%s/ runserver' % env.proj_dir )	
 ####### Create Virtual Environment
 def make_virtualenv():
+	"""
+	Create our Virtualenv in $SRC_ROOT
+	"""
 	run('virtualenv %s/%s' % (env.proj_dir, env.branch))'pip install -r %s/reqs/dev.txt' % env.proj_dir )
 ####### Supervisord
 def start_supervisord():
-	config_file = '%s/%ssupervisord.conf' % (env.proj_dir,env.confs)
+	"""
+	Starts Supervisord
+	"""
+	config_file = '%s/confs/prod/supervisord.conf' % (env.proj_dir)'supervisord -c %s' % config_file)
+def stop_supervisord():
+    	"""
+    	Stops supervisord
+    	"""
+	config_file = '%s/confs/prod/supervisord.conf' % (env.proj_dir)
+'supervisorctl -c %s shutdown' % config_file)
+def restart_supervisord():
+    	"""
+    	Restarts supervisord
+    	"""
+    	stop_supervisord()
+    	start_supervisord()
+def supervisorctl(action, process):
+	"""
+    	Takes as arguments the name of the process as is
+    	defined in supervisord.conf and the action that should
+    	be performed on it: start|stop|restart.
+   	 """
+	config_file = '%s/confs/prod/supervisord.conf' % (env.proj_dir)
+'supervisorctl -c %s %s %s' % (config_file, action, process))
+def start_celeryd():
+    """
+    Starts the celeryd process
+    """
+    supervisorctl('start', 'celeryd')
+def stop_celeryd():
+    """
+    Stops the celeryd process
+    """
+    supervisorctl('stop', 'celeryd')
+def start_gunicorn():
+    """
+    Starts the gunicorn process
+    """
+    supervisorctl('start', 'gunicorn')
+def stop_gunicorn():
+    """
+    Stops the gunicorn process
+    """
+    supervisorctl('stop', 'gunicorn')
+def restart_gunicorn():
+    """
+    Restarts the gunicorn process
+    """
+    supervisorctl('restart', 'gunicorn')
 def update_code():'cd %s; git pull' % env.proj_dir)
+def deploy():
+    """
+    Deploys the latest changes
+    """
+    update_code()
+    update_reqs()
+    syncdb()
+    manage_static()
+    restart_supervisord()
+def User():