From 9a514bfb0dd7b656d9c4eb14aa196102c1e3593b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Christophe Genevey Metat <>
Date: Tue, 28 Jun 2016 09:47:01 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] delete mysql function

 src/include/gnunet_mysql_lib.h |  63 ---------
 src/mysql/mysql.c              | 240 ---------------------------------
 2 files changed, 303 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/include/gnunet_mysql_lib.h b/src/include/gnunet_mysql_lib.h
index fc0bfdfac..fc6f42f86 100644
--- a/src/include/gnunet_mysql_lib.h
+++ b/src/include/gnunet_mysql_lib.h
@@ -137,69 +137,6 @@ GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_Context *mc,
 			    const char *sql);
- * Run a prepared SELECT statement.
- *
- * @param sh handle to SELECT statment
- * @param result_size number of elements in results array
- * @param results pointer to already initialized MYSQL_BIND
- *        array (of sufficient size) for passing results
- * @param processor function to call on each result
- * @param processor_cls extra argument to processor
- * @param ... pairs and triplets of "MYSQL_TYPE_XXX" keys and their respective
- *        values (size + buffer-reference for pointers); terminated
- *        with "-1"
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR on error, otherwise
- *         the number of successfully affected (or queried) rows
- */
-GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run_prepared_select (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle *sh,
-					    unsigned int result_size, MYSQL_BIND * results,
-					    GNUNET_MYSQL_DataProcessor processor,
-					    void *processor_cls, ...);
- * Run a prepared SELECT statement.
- *
- * @param s statement to run
- * @param result_size number of elements in results array
- * @param results pointer to already initialized MYSQL_BIND
- *        array (of sufficient size) for passing results
- * @param processor function to call on each result
- * @param processor_cls extra argument to processor
- * @param ap pairs and triplets of "MYSQL_TYPE_XXX" keys and their respective
- *        values (size + buffer-reference for pointers); terminated
- *        with "-1"
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR on error, otherwise
- *         the number of successfully affected (or queried) rows
- */
-GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run_prepared_select_va (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle *s,
-					       unsigned int result_size,
-					       MYSQL_BIND * results,
-					       GNUNET_MYSQL_DataProcessor processor,
-					       void *processor_cls,
-					       va_list ap);
- * Run a prepared statement that does NOT produce results.
- *
- * @param sh handle to statment
- * @param insert_id NULL or address where to store the row ID of whatever
- *        was inserted (only for INSERT statements!)
- * @param ... pairs and triplets of "MYSQL_TYPE_XXX" keys and their respective
- *        values (size + buffer-reference for pointers); terminated
- *        with "-1"
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR on error, otherwise
- *         the number of successfully affected rows
- */
-GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run_prepared (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle *sh,
-				     unsigned long long *insert_id, ...);
 #if 0                           /* keep Emacsens' auto-indent happy */
diff --git a/src/mysql/mysql.c b/src/mysql/mysql.c
index 7042d662e..acd54a288 100644
--- a/src/mysql/mysql.c
+++ b/src/mysql/mysql.c
@@ -453,244 +453,4 @@ GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_get_stmt (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle *sh)
- * Bind the parameters for the given MySQL statement
- * and run it.
- *
- * @param sh statement to bind and run
- * @param ap arguments for the binding
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR on error, GNUNET_OK on success
- */
-static int
-init_params (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle *sh, va_list ap)
-  struct GNUNET_MYSQL_Context *mc = sh->mc;
-  unsigned int pc;
-  unsigned int off;
-  enum enum_field_types ft;
-  pc = mysql_stmt_param_count (sh->statement);
-  if (pc > MAX_PARAM)
-  {
-    /* increase internal constant! */
-    GNUNET_break (0);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  memset (qbind, 0, sizeof (qbind));
-  off = 0;
-  ft = 0;
-  while ((pc > 0) && (-1 != (int) (ft = va_arg (ap, enum enum_field_types))))
-  {
-    qbind[off].buffer_type = ft;
-    switch (ft)
-    {
-      qbind[off].buffer = va_arg (ap, float *);
-      break;
-      qbind[off].buffer = va_arg (ap, unsigned long long *);
-      qbind[off].is_unsigned = va_arg (ap, int);
-      break;
-    case MYSQL_TYPE_LONG:
-      qbind[off].buffer = va_arg (ap, unsigned int *);
-      qbind[off].is_unsigned = va_arg (ap, int);
-      break;
-    case MYSQL_TYPE_BLOB:
-      qbind[off].buffer = va_arg (ap, void *);
-      qbind[off].buffer_length = va_arg (ap, unsigned long);
-      qbind[off].length = va_arg (ap, unsigned long *);
-      break;
-    default:
-      /* unsupported type */
-      GNUNET_break (0);
-      return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-    }
-    pc--;
-    off++;
-  }
-  if (!((pc == 0) && (-1 != (int) ft) && (va_arg (ap, int) == -1)))
-  {
-    GNUNET_break (0);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  if (mysql_stmt_bind_param (sh->statement, qbind))
-  {
-    GNUNET_log_from (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "mysql",
-                     _("`%s' failed at %s:%d with error: %s\n"),
-                     "mysql_stmt_bind_param", __FILE__, __LINE__,
-                     mysql_stmt_error (sh->statement));
-    GNUNET_MYSQL_statements_invalidate (mc);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  if (mysql_stmt_execute (sh->statement))
-  {
-    GNUNET_log_from (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "mysql",
-                     _("`%s' failed at %s:%d with error: %s\n"),
-                     "mysql_stmt_execute", __FILE__, __LINE__,
-                     mysql_stmt_error (sh->statement));
-    GNUNET_MYSQL_statements_invalidate (mc);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  return GNUNET_OK;
- * Run a prepared SELECT statement.
- *
- * @param s statement to run
- * @param result_size number of elements in results array
- * @param results pointer to already initialized MYSQL_BIND
- *        array (of sufficient size) for passing results
- * @param processor function to call on each result
- * @param processor_cls extra argument to processor
- * @param ap pairs and triplets of "MYSQL_TYPE_XXX" keys and their respective
- *        values (size + buffer-reference for pointers); terminated
- *        with "-1"
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR on error, otherwise
- *         the number of successfully affected (or queried) rows
- */
-GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run_prepared_select_va (struct
-                                               GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle *s,
-                                               unsigned int result_size,
-                                               MYSQL_BIND * results,
-                                               GNUNET_MYSQL_DataProcessor
-                                               processor, void *processor_cls,
-                                               va_list ap)
-  int ret;
-  unsigned int rsize;
-  int total;
-  if (GNUNET_OK != prepare_statement (s))
-  {
-    GNUNET_break (0);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  if (GNUNET_OK != init_params (s, ap))
-  {
-    GNUNET_break (0);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  rsize = mysql_stmt_field_count (s->statement);
-  if (rsize > result_size)
-  {
-    GNUNET_break (0);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  if (mysql_stmt_bind_result (s->statement, results))
-  {
-                _("`%s' failed at %s:%d with error: %s\n"),
-                "mysql_stmt_bind_result", __FILE__, __LINE__,
-                mysql_stmt_error (s->statement));
-    GNUNET_MYSQL_statements_invalidate (s->mc);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  total = 0;
-  while (1)
-  {
-    ret = mysql_stmt_fetch (s->statement);
-    if (ret == MYSQL_NO_DATA)
-      break;
-    if (ret != 0)
-    {
-      GNUNET_log_from (GNUNET_ERROR_TYPE_ERROR, "mysql",
-                       _("`%s' failed at %s:%d with error: %s\n"),
-                       "mysql_stmt_fetch", __FILE__, __LINE__,
-                       mysql_stmt_error (s->statement));
-      GNUNET_MYSQL_statements_invalidate (s->mc);
-      return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-    }
-    total++;
-    if ((NULL == processor) ||
-        (GNUNET_OK != processor (processor_cls, rsize, results)))
-      break;
-  }
-  mysql_stmt_reset (s->statement);
-  return total;
- * Run a prepared SELECT statement.
- *
- * @param sh handle to SELECT statment
- * @param result_size number of elements in results array
- * @param results pointer to already initialized MYSQL_BIND
- *        array (of sufficient size) for passing results
- * @param processor function to call on each result
- * @param processor_cls extra argument to processor
- * @param ... pairs and triplets of "MYSQL_TYPE_XXX" keys and their respective
- *        values (size + buffer-reference for pointers); terminated
- *        with "-1"
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR on error, otherwise
- *         the number of successfully affected (or queried) rows
- */
-GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run_prepared_select (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle
-                                            *sh, unsigned int result_size,
-                                            MYSQL_BIND * results,
-                                            GNUNET_MYSQL_DataProcessor
-                                            processor, void *processor_cls, ...)
-  va_list ap;
-  int ret;
-  va_start (ap, processor_cls);
-  ret =
-      GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run_prepared_select_va (sh, result_size,
-                                                     results, processor,
-                                                     processor_cls, ap);
-  va_end (ap);
-  return ret;
- * Run a prepared statement that does NOT produce results.
- *
- * @param sh handle to statment
- * @param insert_id NULL or address where to store the row ID of whatever
- *        was inserted (only for INSERT statements!)
- * @param ... pairs and triplets of "MYSQL_TYPE_XXX" keys and their respective
- *        values (size + buffer-reference for pointers); terminated
- *        with "-1"
- * @return GNUNET_SYSERR on error, otherwise
- *         the number of successfully affected rows
- */
-GNUNET_MYSQL_statement_run_prepared (struct GNUNET_MYSQL_StatementHandle *sh,
-                                     unsigned long long *insert_id, ...)
-  va_list ap;
-  int affected;
-  if (GNUNET_OK != prepare_statement (sh))
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  va_start (ap, insert_id);
-  if (GNUNET_OK != init_params (sh, ap))
-  {
-    va_end (ap);
-    return GNUNET_SYSERR;
-  }
-  va_end (ap);
-  affected = mysql_stmt_affected_rows (sh->statement);
-  if (NULL != insert_id)
-    *insert_id = (unsigned long long) mysql_stmt_insert_id (sh->statement);
-  mysql_stmt_reset (sh->statement);
-  return affected;
 /* end of mysql.c */