From: Hannu Nyman <>
Date: Thu, 12 May 2016 07:26:59 +0000 (+0300)
Subject: luci-app-statistics: option for max/avg data when not rrasingle

luci-app-statistics: option for max/avg data when not rrasingle

Introduce option that enables the user to select max values
instead of averages for graphs if the user has disabled RRAsingle.

The option defaults to average values, which have been the default
in Luci statistics.

Remove 'optional' from RRASingle, as it is a key option for statistics.

Signed-off-by: Hannu Nyman <>

diff --git a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/model/cbi/luci_statistics/rrdtool.lua b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/model/cbi/luci_statistics/rrdtool.lua
index b3bdf874c..f31fb2093 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/model/cbi/luci_statistics/rrdtool.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/model/cbi/luci_statistics/rrdtool.lua
@@ -47,10 +47,16 @@ heartbeat:depends( "enable", 1 )
 rrasingle = s:option( Flag, "RRASingle",
 	translate("Only create average RRAs"), translate("reduces rrd size") )
 rrasingle.default  = true
-rrasingle.rmempty  = true
-rrasingle.optional = true
 rrasingle:depends( "enable", 1 )
+-- collectd_rrdtool.rramax (RRAMax)
+rramax = s:option( Flag, "RRAMax",
+	translate("Show max values instead of averages"),
+	translate("Max values for a period can be used instead of averages when not using 'only average RRAs'") )
+rramax.default  = false
+rramax.rmempty  = true
+rramax:depends( "RRASingle", 0 )
 -- collectd_rrdtool.rratimespans (RRATimespan)
 rratimespans = s:option( Value, "RRATimespans",
 	translate("Stored timespans"), translate("seconds; multiple separated by space") )
diff --git a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
index cd2395e11..4e00e7f1f 100644
--- a/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
+++ b/applications/luci-app-statistics/luasrc/statistics/rrdtool.lua
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ function Graph.__init__( self, timespan, opts )
 	-- options
 	opts.timespan  = timespan       or sections.rrdtool.default_timespan or 900
 	opts.rrasingle = opts.rrasingle or ( sections.collectd_rrdtool.RRASingle == "1" )
+	opts.rramax    = opts.rramax    or ( sections.collectd_rrdtool.RRAMax == "1" )      =      or sections.collectd.Hostname        or luci.sys.hostname()
 	opts.width     = opts.width     or sections.rrdtool.image_width      or 400
 	opts.rrdpath   = opts.rrdpath   or sections.collectd_rrdtool.DataDir or "/tmp/rrd"
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ function Graph._generic( self, opts, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, index )
 		-- is first source in stack or overlay source: source_stk = source_nnl
 		if not prev or source.overlay then
-		     if self.opts.rrasingle then
+		     if self.opts.rrasingle or not self.opts.rramax then
 			-- create cdef statement for cumulative stack (no NaNs) and also
                         -- for display (preserving NaN where no points should be displayed)
 			_tif( _args, "CDEF:%s_stk=%s_nnl", source.sname, source.sname )
@@ -185,7 +186,7 @@ function Graph._generic( self, opts, plugin, plugin_instance, dtype, index )
 		-- is subsequent source without overlay: source_stk = source_nnl + previous_stk
-		     if self.opts.rrasingle then
+		     if self.opts.rrasingle or not self.opts.rramax then
 			-- create cdef statement
 			_tif( _args, "CDEF:%s_stk=%s_nnl,%s_stk,+", source.sname, source.sname, prev )
 			_tif( _args, "CDEF:%s_plot=%s_avg,%s_stk,+", source.sname, source.sname, prev )