From: nOOb3167 <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jun 2018 11:22:17 +0000 (+0200)
Subject: Make os.tempfolder work correctly for MinGW & MSVC (#7443)
X-Git-Tag: 5.0.0~360

Make os.tempfolder work correctly for MinGW & MSVC (#7443)

diff --git a/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua b/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua
index cd4903f56..cc61fe0ad 100644
--- a/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua
+++ b/builtin/mainmenu/common.lua
@@ -171,6 +171,23 @@ os.tempfolder = function()
 	local filetocheck = os.tmpname()
+	--
+	--   The C runtime (CRT) function called by os.tmpname is tmpnam.
+	--   Microsofts tmpnam implementation in older CRT / MSVC releases is defective.
+	--   tmpnam return values starting with a backslash characterize this behavior.
+	--
+	--   MinGW tmpnam implementation is forwarded to the CRT directly.
+	--
+	--   MinGW links to an older CRT release (msvcrt.dll).
+	--   Due to legal concerns MinGW will never use a newer CRT.
+	--
+	--   Make use of TEMP to compose the temporary filename if an old
+	--   style tmpnam return value is detected.
+	if filetocheck:sub(1, 1) == "\\" then
+		local tempfolder = os.getenv("TEMP")
+		return tempfolder .. filetocheck
+	end
 	local randname = "MTTempModFolder_" .. math.random(0,10000)
 	local backstring = filetocheck:reverse()
 	return filetocheck:sub(0, filetocheck:len() - backstring:find(DIR_DELIM) + 1) ..