local NXFS = require "nixio.fs"
local SYS = require "luci.sys"
local UTIL = require "luci.util"
+local HTTP = require "luci.http"
local DISP = require "luci.dispatcher"
local WADM = require "luci.tools.webadmin"
local DTYP = require "luci.cbi.datatypes"
+local CTRL = require "luci.controller.ddns" -- this application's controller
local DDNS = require "luci.tools.ddns" -- ddns multiused functions
-- takeover arguments -- #######################################################
-local section = arg[1]
+local section = arg[1]
-- check supported options -- ##################################################
-- saved to local vars here because doing multiple os calls slow down the system
local bold_off = "</strong>"
-- error text constants -- #####################################################
-err_ipv6_plain = translate("IPv6 not supported") .. " - " ..
+local err_ipv6_plain = translate("IPv6 not supported") .. " - " ..
translate("please select 'IPv4' address version")
-err_ipv6_basic = bold_on ..
+local err_ipv6_basic = bold_on ..
font_red ..
translate("IPv6 not supported") ..
font_off ..
"<br />" .. translate("please select 'IPv4' address version") ..
-err_ipv6_other = bold_on ..
+local err_ipv6_other = bold_on ..
font_red ..
translate("IPv6 not supported") ..
font_off ..
[[</a>]] ..
-function err_tab_basic(self)
+local function err_tab_basic(self)
return translate("Basic Settings") .. " - " .. self.title .. ": "
-function err_tab_adv(self)
+local function err_tab_adv(self)
return translate("Advanced Settings") .. " - " .. self.title .. ": "
-function err_tab_timer(self)
+local function err_tab_timer(self)
return translate("Timer Settings") .. " - " .. self.title .. ": "
+-- read services/services_ipv6 files -- ########################################
+local services4 = { } -- IPv4 --
+local fd4 = io.open("/usr/lib/ddns/services", "r")
+if fd4 then
+ local ln, s, t
+ repeat
+ ln = fd4:read("*l")
+ s = ln and ln:match('^%s*".*') -- only handle lines beginning with "
+ s = s and s:gsub('"','') -- remove "
+ t = s and UTIL.split(s,"(%s+)",nil,true) -- split on whitespaces
+ if t then services4[t[1]]=t[2] end
+ until not ln
+ fd4:close()
+local services6 = { } -- IPv6 --
+local fd6 = io.open("/usr/lib/ddns/services_ipv6", "r")
+if fd6 then
+ local ln, s, t
+ repeat
+ ln = fd6:read("*l")
+ s = ln and ln:match('^%s*".*') -- only handle lines beginning with "
+ s = s and s:gsub('"','') -- remove "
+ t = s and UTIL.split(s,"(%s+)",nil,true) -- split on whitespaces
+ if t then services6[t[1]]=t[2] end
+ until not ln
+ fd6:close()
+-- multi-used functions -- ####################################################
-- function to verify settings around ip_source
-- will use dynamic_dns_lucihelper to check if
-- local IP can be read
--- cbi-map definition -- #######################################################
-m = Map("ddns")
+-- function to check if option is used inside url or script
+-- return -1 on error, 0 NOT required, 1 required
+local function _option_used(option, urlscript)
+ local surl -- search string for url
+ local ssh -- search string for script
+ local required -- option used inside url or script
-m.title = [[<a href="]] .. DISP.build_url("admin", "services", "ddns") .. [[">]] ..
- translate("Dynamic DNS") .. [[</a>]]
+ if option == "domain" then surl, ssh = '%[DOMAIN%]', '%$domain'
+ elseif option == "username" then surl, ssh = '%[USERNAME%]', '%$username'
+ elseif option == "password" then surl, ssh = '%[PASSWORD%]', '%$password'
+ elseif option == "param_enc" then surl, ssh = '%[PARAMENC%]', '%$param_enc'
+ elseif option == "param_opt" then surl, ssh = '%[PARAMOPT%]', '%$param_opt'
+ else
+ error("undefined option")
+ return -1 -- return on error
+ end
-m.description = translate("Dynamic DNS allows that your router can be reached with " ..
- "a fixed hostname while having a dynamically changing " ..
- "IP address.")
+ local required = false
+ -- handle url
+ if urlscript:find('http') then
+ required = ( urlscript:find(surl) )
+ -- handle script
+ else
+ if not urlscript:find("/") then
+ -- might be inside ddns-scripts directory
+ urlscript = "/usr/lib/ddns/" .. urlscript
+ end
+ -- problem with script exit here
+ if not NXFS.access(urlscript) then return -1 end
+ local f = io.input(urlscript)
+ -- still problem with script exit here
+ if not f then return -1 end
+ for l in f:lines() do
+ repeat
+ if l:find('^#') then break end -- continue on comment lines
+ required = ( l:find(surl) or l:find(ssh) )
+ until true
+ if required then break end
+ end
+ f:close()
+ end
+ return (required and 1 or 0)
-m.redirect = DISP.build_url("admin", "services", "ddns")
+-- function to verify if option is valid
+local function _option_validate(self, value)
+ -- section is globally defined here be calling agrument (see above)
+ local fusev6 = usev6:formvalue(section)
+ local fsvc4 = svc4:formvalue(section)
+ local fsvc6 = svc6:formvalue(section)
+ local urlsh, used
+ -- IP-Version dependent custom service selected
+ if (fusev6 == "0" and fsvc4 == "-") or
+ (fusev6 == "1" and fsvc6 == "-") then
+ -- read custom url
+ urlsh = uurl:formvalue(section)
+ -- no url then read custom script
+ if not urlsh or (#urlsh == 0) then
+ urlsh = ush:formvalue(section)
+ end
+ -- IPv4 read from services4 table
+ elseif (fusev6 == "0") then
+ urlsh = services4[fsvc4]
+ -- IPv6 read from services6 table
+ else
+ urlsh = services6[fsvc6]
+ end
+ -- problem with url or script exit here
+ -- error handled somewhere else
+ if not urlsh or (#urlsh == 0) then return "" end
+ used = _option_used(self.option, urlsh)
+ -- on error or not used return empty sting
+ if used < 1 then return "" end
+ -- needed but no data then return error
+ if not value or (#value == 0) then
+ return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("missing / required")
+ end
+ return value
+-- cbi-map definition -- #######################################################
+local m = Map("ddns")
+m.title = CTRL.app_title_back()
+m.description = CTRL.app_description()
+m.redirect = DISP.build_url("admin", "services", "ddns")
m.on_after_commit = function(self)
if self.changed then -- changes ?
+-- provider switch was requested, save and reload page
+if m:formvalue("cbid.ddns.%s._switch" % section) then -- section == arg[1]
+ local fsvc
+ local fusev6 = m:formvalue("cbid.ddns.%s.use_ipv6" % section)
+ if fusev6 == "1" then
+ fsvc = m:formvalue("cbid.ddns.%s.ipv6_service_name" % section)
+ else
+ fsvc = m:formvalue("cbid.ddns.%s.ipv4_service_name" % section)
+ end
+ if fusev6 ~= (m:get(section, "use_ipv6") or "0") then -- IPv6 was changed
+ m:set(section, "use_ipv6", fusev6) -- save it
+ end
+ if fsvc ~= "-" then -- NOT "custom"
+ m:set(section, "service_name", fsvc) -- save it
+ else -- else
+ m:del(section, "service_name") -- delete it
+ end
+ m.uci:save(m.config)
+ -- reload page
+ HTTP.redirect( DISP.build_url("admin", "services", "ddns", "detail", section) )
+ return
-- read application settings -- ################################################
-- date format; if not set use ISO format
-date_format = m.uci:get(m.config, "global", "date_format") or "%F %R"
+local date_format = m.uci:get(m.config, "global", "date_format") or "%F %R"
-- log directory
-log_dir = m.uci:get(m.config, "global", "log_dir") or "/var/log/ddns"
+local log_dir = m.uci:get(m.config, "global", "log_dir") or "/var/log/ddns"
-- cbi-section definition -- ###################################################
-ns = m:section( NamedSection, section, "service",
+local ns = m:section( NamedSection, section, "service",
translate("Details for") .. ([[: <strong>%s</strong>]] % section),
- translate("Configure here the details for selected Dynamic DNS service.")
- .. [[<br /><a href="http://wiki.openwrt.org/doc/uci/ddns#version_1x" target="_blank">]]
- .. translate("For detailed information about parameter settings look here.")
- .. [[</a>]] )
+ translate("Configure here the details for selected Dynamic DNS service.") )
ns.instance = section -- arg [1]
ns:tab("basic", translate("Basic Settings"), nil )
ns:tab("advanced", translate("Advanced Settings"), nil )
ns:tab("logview", translate("Log File Viewer"), nil )
-- TAB: Basic #####################################################################################
--- enabled -- #################################################################
+-- enabled -- #################################################################
en = ns:taboption("basic", Flag, "enabled",
translate("If this service section is disabled it could not be started." .. "<br />" ..
"Neither from LuCI interface nor from console") )
en.orientation = "horizontal"
-function en.parse(self, section)
- DDNS.flag_parse(self, section)
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - lookup_host -- #################################################
+luh = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "lookup_host",
+ translate("Lookup Hostname"),
+ translate("Hostname/FQDN to validate, if IP update happen or necessary") )
+luh.rmempty = false
+luh.placeholder = "myhost.example.com"
+function luh.validate(self, value)
+ if not value
+ or not (#value > 0)
+ or not DTYP.hostname(value) then
+ return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("invalid FQDN / required - Sample") .. ": 'myhost.example.com'"
+ else
+ return UTIL.trim(value)
+ end
+function luh.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- use_ipv6 (NEW) -- ##########################################################
+-- use_ipv6 -- ################################################################
usev6 = ns:taboption("basic", ListValue, "use_ipv6",
translate("IP address version"),
translate("Defines which IP address 'IPv4/IPv6' is send to the DDNS provider") )
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. err_ipv6_plain
-function usev6.write(self, section, value)
- if value == "0" then -- force rmempty
- return self.map:del(section, self.option)
- else
- return self.map:set(section, self.option, value)
- end
+function usev6.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4 - service_name -- ######################################################
+-- IPv4 - service_name -- #####################################################
svc4 = ns:taboption("basic", ListValue, "ipv4_service_name",
translate("DDNS Service provider") .. " [IPv4]" )
svc4.default = "-"
svc4:depends("use_ipv6", "0") -- only show on IPv4
-local services4 = { }
-local fd4 = io.open("/usr/lib/ddns/services", "r")
-if fd4 then
- local ln
- repeat
- ln = fd4:read("*l")
- local s = ln and ln:match('^%s*"([^"]+)"')
- if s then services4[#services4+1] = s end
- until not ln
- fd4:close()
-for _, v in UTIL.vspairs(services4) do svc4:value(v) end
-svc4:value("-", translate("-- custom --") )
function svc4.cfgvalue(self, section)
local v = DDNS.read_value(self, section, "service_name")
if not v or #v == 0 then
self.map:del(section, self.option) -- to be shure
if value ~= "-" then -- and write "service_name
self.map:del(section, "update_url") -- delete update_url
+ self.map:del(section, "update_script") -- delete update_script
return self.map:set(section, "service_name", value)
return self.map:del(section, "service_name")
+function svc4.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv6 - service_name -- ######################################################
+-- IPv6 - service_name -- #####################################################
svc6 = ns:taboption("basic", ListValue, "ipv6_service_name",
translate("DDNS Service provider") .. " [IPv6]" )
svc6.default = "-"
if not has_ipv6 then
svc6.description = err_ipv6_basic
-local services6 = { }
-local fd6 = io.open("/usr/lib/ddns/services_ipv6", "r")
-if fd6 then
- local ln
- repeat
- ln = fd6:read("*l")
- local s = ln and ln:match('^%s*"([^"]+)"')
- if s then services6[#services6+1] = s end
- until not ln
- fd6:close()
-for _, v in UTIL.vspairs(services6) do svc6:value(v) end
-svc6:value("-", translate("-- custom --") )
function svc6.cfgvalue(self, section)
local v = DDNS.read_value(self, section, "service_name")
if not v or #v == 0 then
self.map:del(section, self.option) -- delete "ipv6_service_name" helper
if value ~= "-" then -- and write "service_name
self.map:del(section, "update_url") -- delete update_url
+ self.map:del(section, "update_script") -- delete update_script
return self.map:set(section, "service_name", value)
return self.map:del(section, "service_name")
+function svc6.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - change Provider -- #############################################
+svs = ns:taboption("basic", Button, "_switch")
+svs.title = translate("Really change DDNS provider?")
+svs.inputtitle = translate("Change provider")
+svs.inputstyle = "apply"
--- IPv4/IPv6 - update_url -- ###################################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - update_url -- ##################################################
uurl = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "update_url",
translate("Custom update-URL"),
translate("Update URL to be used for updating your DDNS Provider." .. "<br />" ..
"Follow instructions you will find on their WEB page.") )
-uurl:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-")
-uurl:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-")
function uurl.validate(self, value)
- local script = ush:formvalue(section)
+ local fush = ush:formvalue(section)
+ local fusev6 = usev6:formvalue(section)
- if (usev6:formvalue(section) == "0" and svc4:formvalue(section) ~= "-") or
- (usev6:formvalue(section) == "1" and svc6:formvalue(section) ~= "-") then
+ if (fusev6 == "0" and svc4:formvalue(section) ~= "-") or
+ (fusev6 == "1" and svc6:formvalue(section) ~= "-") then
return "" -- suppress validate error
elseif not value then
- if not script or not (#script > 0) then
+ if not fush or (#fush == 0) then
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("missing / required")
return "" -- suppress validate error / update_script is given
- elseif (#script > 0) then
+ elseif (#fush > 0) then
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("either url or script could be set")
return value
+function uurl.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4/IPv6 - update_script -- ################################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - update_script -- ###############################################
ush = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "update_script",
translate("Custom update-script"),
translate("Custom update script to be used for updating your DDNS Provider.") )
-ush:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-")
-ush:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-")
function ush.validate(self, value)
- local url = uurl:formvalue(section)
+ local fuurl = uurl:formvalue(section)
+ local fusev6 = usev6:formvalue(section)
- if (usev6:formvalue(section) == "0" and svc4:formvalue(section) ~= "-") or
- (usev6:formvalue(section) == "1" and svc6:formvalue(section) ~= "-") then
+ if (fusev6 == "0" and svc4:formvalue(section) ~= "-") or
+ (fusev6 == "1" and svc6:formvalue(section) ~= "-") then
return "" -- suppress validate error
elseif not value then
- if not url or not (#url > 0) then
+ if not fuurl or (#fuurl == 0) then
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("missing / required")
return "" -- suppress validate error / update_url is given
- elseif (#url > 0) then
+ elseif (#fuurl > 0) then
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("either url or script could be set")
elseif not NXFS.access(value) then
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("File not found")
return value
+function ush.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4/IPv6 - domain -- #######################################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - domain -- ######################################################
dom = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "domain",
- translate("Hostname/Domain"),
+ translate("Domain"),
translate("Replaces [DOMAIN] in Update-URL") )
-dom.rmempty = false
-dom.placeholder = "mypersonaldomain.dyndns.org"
+dom.placeholder = "myhost.example.com"
function dom.validate(self, value)
- if not value
- or not (#value > 0)
- or not DTYP.hostname(value) then
- return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("invalid - Sample") .. ": 'mypersonaldomain.dyndns.org'"
- else
- return value
- end
+ return _option_validate(self, value)
+function dom.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4/IPv6 - username -- #####################################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - username -- ####################################################
user = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "username",
- translate("Replaces [USERNAME] in Update-URL") )
-user.rmempty = false
+ translate("Replaces [USERNAME] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)") )
function user.validate(self, value)
- if not value then
- return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("missing / required")
- end
- return value
+ return _option_validate(self, value)
+function user.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4/IPv6 - password -- #####################################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - password -- ####################################################
pw = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "password",
- translate("Replaces [PASSWORD] in Update-URL") )
-pw.rmempty = false
+ translate("Replaces [PASSWORD] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)") )
pw.password = true
function pw.validate(self, value)
- if not value then
- return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("missing / required")
+ return _option_validate(self, value)
+function pw.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - param_enc -- ###################################################
+pe = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "param_enc",
+ translate("Optional Encoded Parameter"),
+ translate("Optional: Replaces [PARAMENC] in Update-URL (URL-encoded)") )
+function pe.validate(self, value)
+ return _option_validate(self, value)
+function pe.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - param_enc -- ###################################################
+po = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "param_opt",
+ translate("Optional Parameter"),
+ translate("Optional: Replaces [PARAMOPT] in Update-URL (NOT URL-encoded)") )
+function po.validate(self, value)
+ return _option_validate(self, value)
+function po.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
+-- handled service dependent show/display -- ##################################
+-- IPv4 --
+local cv4 = svc4:cfgvalue(section)
+if cv4 ~= "-" then
+ svs:depends ("ipv4_service_name", "-" ) -- show only if "-"
+ ush:depends ("ipv4_service_name", "?")
+ uurl:depends("ipv4_service_name", "?")
+ uurl:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-")
+ ush:depends ("ipv4_service_name", "-")
+ dom:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-" )
+ user:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-" )
+ pw:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-" )
+ pe:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-" )
+ po:depends("ipv4_service_name", "-" )
+for s, u in UTIL.kspairs(services4) do
+ svc4:value(s) -- fill DropDown-List
+ if cv4 ~= s then
+ svs:depends("ipv4_service_name", s )
+ else
+ dom:depends ("ipv4_service_name", ((_option_used(dom.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ user:depends("ipv4_service_name", ((_option_used(user.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ pw:depends ("ipv4_service_name", ((_option_used(pw.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ pe:depends ("ipv4_service_name", ((_option_used(pe.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ po:depends ("ipv4_service_name", ((_option_used(po.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
- return value
+svc4:value("-", translate("-- custom --") )
+-- IPv6 --
+local cv6 = svc6:cfgvalue(section)
+if cv6 ~= "-" then
+ svs:depends ("ipv6_service_name", "-" )
+ uurl:depends("ipv6_service_name", "?")
+ ush:depends ("ipv6_service_name", "?")
+ uurl:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-")
+ ush:depends ("ipv6_service_name", "-")
+ dom:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-" )
+ user:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-" )
+ pw:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-" )
+ pe:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-" )
+ po:depends("ipv6_service_name", "-" )
+for s, u in UTIL.kspairs(services6) do
+ svc6:value(s) -- fill DropDown-List
+ if cv6 ~= s then
+ svs:depends("ipv6_service_name", s )
+ else
+ dom:depends ("ipv6_service_name", ((_option_used(dom.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ user:depends("ipv6_service_name", ((_option_used(user.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ pw:depends ("ipv6_service_name", ((_option_used(pw.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ pe:depends ("ipv6_service_name", ((_option_used(pe.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ po:depends ("ipv6_service_name", ((_option_used(po.option, u) == 1) and s or "?") )
+ end
+svc6:value("-", translate("-- custom --") )
--- IPv4/IPv6 - use_https (NEW) -- ##############################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - use_https -- ###################################################
if has_ssl or ( ( m:get(section, "use_https") or "0" ) == "1" ) then
https = ns:taboption("basic", Flag, "use_https",
translate("Use HTTP Secure") )
https.orientation = "horizontal"
- https.rmempty = false -- force validate function
function https.cfgvalue(self, section)
local value = AbstractValue.cfgvalue(self, section)
if not has_ssl and value == "1" then
return value
- function https.parse(self, section)
- DDNS.flag_parse(self, section)
- end
function https.validate(self, value)
if (value == "1" and has_ssl ) or value == "0" then return value end
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) .. translate("HTTPS not supported") .. " !"
--- IPv4/IPv6 - cacert (NEW) -- #################################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - cacert -- ######################################################
if has_ssl then
cert = ns:taboption("basic", Value, "cacert",
translate("Path to CA-Certificate"),
translate("or") .. bold_on .. " IGNORE " .. bold_off ..
translate("to run HTTPS without verification of server certificates (insecure)") )
cert:depends("use_https", "1")
- cert.rmempty = false -- force validate function
cert.default = "/etc/ssl/certs"
+ cert.forcewrite = true
function cert.validate(self, value)
if https:formvalue(section) == "0" then
return "" -- supress validate error if NOT https
return nil, err_tab_basic(self) ..
translate("file or directory not found or not 'IGNORE'") .. " !"
+ function cert.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
+ end
--- TAB: Advanced ##################################################################################
--- IPv4 - ip_source -- #########################################################
+-- TAB: Advanced #################################################################################
+-- IPv4 - ip_source -- ########################################################
src4 = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "ipv4_source",
translate("IP address source") .. " [IPv4]",
translate("Defines the source to read systems IPv4-Address from, that will be send to the DDNS provider") )
self.map:del(section, self.option) -- delete "ipv4_source" helper
return self.map:set(section, "ip_source", value) -- and write "ip_source
+function src4.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv6 - ip_source -- #########################################################
+-- IPv6 - ip_source -- ########################################################
src6 = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "ipv6_source",
translate("IP address source") .. " [IPv6]",
translate("Defines the source to read systems IPv6-Address from, that will be send to the DDNS provider") )
self.map:del(section, self.option) -- delete "ipv4_source" helper
return self.map:set(section, "ip_source", value) -- and write "ip_source
+function src6.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4 - ip_network (default "wan") -- ########################################
+-- IPv4 - ip_network (default "wan") -- #######################################
ipn4 = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "ipv4_network",
translate("Network") .. " [IPv4]",
translate("Defines the network to read systems IPv4-Address from") )
return self.map:set(section, "ip_network", value) -- and write "ip_network"
+function ipn4.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv6 - ip_network (default "wan6") -- #######################################
+-- IPv6 - ip_network (default "wan6") -- ######################################
ipn6 = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "ipv6_network",
translate("Network") .. " [IPv6]" )
ipn6:depends("ipv6_source", "network")
return self.map:set(section, "ip_network", value) -- and write "ip_network"
+function ipn6.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4 - ip_url (default "checkip.dyndns.com") -- #############################
+-- IPv4 - ip_url (default "checkip.dyndns.com") -- ############################
iurl4 = ns:taboption("advanced", Value, "ipv4_url",
translate("URL to detect") .. " [IPv4]",
translate("Defines the Web page to read systems IPv4-Address from") )
return self.map:set(section, "ip_url", value) -- and write "ip_url"
+function iurl4.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv6 - ip_url (default "checkipv6.dyndns.com") -- ###########################
+-- IPv6 - ip_url (default "checkipv6.dyndns.com") -- ##########################
iurl6 = ns:taboption("advanced", Value, "ipv6_url",
translate("URL to detect") .. " [IPv6]" )
iurl6:depends("ipv6_source", "web")
return self.map:set(section, "ip_url", value) -- and write "ip_url"
+function iurl6.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4 + IPv6 - ip_interface -- ###############################################
+-- IPv4 + IPv6 - ip_interface -- ##############################################
ipi = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "ip_interface",
translate("Defines the interface to read systems IP-Address from") )
function ipi.validate(self, value)
- if (usev6:formvalue(section) == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "interface")
- or (usev6:formvalue(section) == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "interface") then
+ local fusev6 = usev6:formvalue(section)
+ if (fusev6 == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "interface")
+ or (fusev6 == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "interface") then
return ""
return value
function ipi.write(self, section, value)
- if (usev6:formvalue(section) == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "interface")
- or (usev6:formvalue(section) == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "interface") then
+ local fusev6 = usev6:formvalue(section)
+ if (fusev6 == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "interface")
+ or (fusev6 == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "interface") then
return true
-- get network from device to
return self.map:set(section, self.option, value)
+function ipi.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4 + IPv6 - ip_script (NEW) -- ############################################
+-- IPv4 + IPv6 - ip_script -- #################################################
ips = ns:taboption("advanced", Value, "ip_script",
translate("User defined script to read systems IP-Address") )
ips:depends("ipv4_source", "script") -- IPv4
ips:depends("ipv6_source", "script") -- or IPv6
-ips.rmempty = false
ips.placeholder = "/path/to/script.sh"
function ips.validate(self, value)
+ local fusev6 = usev6:formvalue(section)
local split
if value then split = UTIL.split(value, " ") end
- if (usev6:formvalue(section) == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "script")
- or (usev6:formvalue(section) == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "script") then
+ if (fusev6 == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "script")
+ or (fusev6 == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "script") then
return ""
elseif not value or not (#value > 0) or not NXFS.access(split[1], "x") then
return nil, err_tab_adv(self) ..
function ips.write(self, section, value)
- if (usev6:formvalue(section) == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "script")
- or (usev6:formvalue(section) == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "script") then
+ local fusev6 = usev6:formvalue(section)
+ if (fusev6 == "0" and src4:formvalue(section) ~= "script")
+ or (fusev6 == "1" and src6:formvalue(section) ~= "script") then
return true
return self.map:set(section, self.option, value)
+function ips.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4 - interface - default "wan" -- #########################################
+-- IPv4 - interface - default "wan" -- ########################################
-- event network to monitor changes/hotplug/dynamic_dns_updater.sh
-- only needs to be set if "ip_source"="web" or "script"
-- if "ip_source"="network" or "interface" we use their network
return DDNS.read_value(self, section, "interface")
function eif4.validate(self, value)
+ local fsrc4 = src4:formvalue(section)
if usev6:formvalue(section) == "1"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "network"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "interface" then
+ or fsrc4 == "network"
+ or fsrc4 == "interface" then
return "" -- ignore IPv6, network, interface
return value
function eif4.write(self, section, value)
+ local fsrc4 = src4:formvalue(section)
if usev6:formvalue(section) == "1"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "network"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "interface" then
+ or fsrc4 == "network"
+ or fsrc4 == "interface" then
return true -- ignore IPv6, network, interface
self.map:del(section, self.option) -- delete "ipv4_interface" helper
return self.map:set(section, "interface", value) -- and write "interface"
+function eif4.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv6 - interface (NEW) - default "wan6" -- ##################################
--- event network to monitor changes/hotplug (NEW)
+-- IPv6 - interface - default "wan6" -- #######################################
+-- event network to monitor changes/hotplug
-- only needs to be set if "ip_source"="web" or "script"
-- if "ip_source"="network" or "interface" we use their network
eif6 = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "ipv6_interface",
return DDNS.read_value(self, section, "interface")
function eif6.validate(self, value)
+ local fsrc6 = src6:formvalue(section)
if usev6:formvalue(section) == "0"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "network"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "interface" then
+ or fsrc6 == "network"
+ or fsrc6 == "interface" then
return "" -- ignore IPv4, network, interface
elseif not has_ipv6 then
return nil, err_tab_adv(self) .. err_ipv6_plain
function eif6.write(self, section, value)
+ local fsrc6 = src6:formvalue(section)
if usev6:formvalue(section) == "0"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "network"
- or src4:formvalue(section) == "interface" then
+ or fsrc6 == "network"
+ or fsrc6 == "interface" then
return true -- ignore IPv4, network, interface
self.map:del(section, self.option) -- delete "ipv6_interface" helper
return self.map:set(section, "interface", value) -- and write "interface"
+function eif6.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4/IPv6 - bind_network -- #################################################
+-- IPv4/IPv6 - bind_network -- ################################################
if has_ssl or ( ( m:get(section, "bind_network") or "" ) ~= "" ) then
bnet = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "bind_network",
translate("Bind Network") )
bnet:depends("ipv4_source", "web")
bnet:depends("ipv6_source", "web")
- bnet.rmempty = true
bnet.default = ""
bnet:value("", translate("-- default --"))
if (value ~= "" and has_ssl ) or value == "" then return value end
return nil, err_tab_adv(self) .. translate("Binding to a specific network not supported") .. " !"
+ function bnet.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
+ end
--- IPv4 + IPv6 - force_ipversion (NEW) -- ######################################
+-- IPv4 + IPv6 - force_ipversion -- ###########################################
-- optional to force wget/curl and host to use only selected IP version
-- command parameter "-4" or "-6"
if has_force or ( ( m:get(section, "force_ipversion") or "0" ) ~= "0" ) then
if (value == "1" and has_force) or value == "0" then return value end
return nil, err_tab_adv(self) .. translate("Force IP Version not supported")
- function fipv.parse(self, section)
- DDNS.flag_parse(self, section)
- end
- function fipv.write(self, section, value)
- if value == "1" then
- return self.map:set(section, self.option, value)
- else
- return self.map:del(section, self.option)
- end
- end
--- IPv4 + IPv6 - dns_server (NEW) -- ###########################################
+-- IPv4 + IPv6 - dns_server -- ################################################
-- optional DNS Server to use resolving my IP if "ip_source"="web"
dns = ns:taboption("advanced", Value, "dns_server",
dns.placeholder = "mydns.lan"
function dns.validate(self, value)
-- if .datatype is set, then it is checked before calling this function
- if not value then
+ if not value or (#value == 0) then
return "" -- ignore on empty
elseif not DTYP.host(value) then
return nil, err_tab_adv(self) .. translate("use hostname, FQDN, IPv4- or IPv6-Address")
+function dns.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- IPv4 + IPv6 - force_dnstcp (NEW) -- #########################################
+-- IPv4 + IPv6 - force_dnstcp -- ##############################################
if has_dnstcp or ( ( m:get(section, "force_dnstcp") or "0" ) ~= "0" ) then
tcp = ns:taboption("advanced", Flag, "force_dnstcp",
translate("Force TCP on DNS") )
return nil, err_tab_adv(self) .. translate("DNS requests via TCP not supported")
- function tcp.parse(self, section)
- DDNS.flag_parse(self, section)
- end
--- IPv4 + IPv6 - proxy (NEW) -- ################################################
+-- IPv4 + IPv6 - proxy -- #####################################################
-- optional Proxy to use for http/https requests [user:password@]proxyhost[:port]
if has_proxy or ( ( m:get(section, "proxy") or "" ) ~= "" ) then
pxy = ns:taboption("advanced", Value, "proxy",
function pxy.validate(self, value)
-- if .datatype is set, then it is checked before calling this function
- if not value then
+ if not value or (#value == 0) then
return "" -- ignore on empty
elseif has_proxy then
local ipv6 = usev6:formvalue(section) or "0"
return nil, err_tab_adv(self) .. translate("PROXY-Server not supported")
+ function pxy.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
+ end
--- use_syslog -- ###############################################################
+-- use_syslog -- ##############################################################
slog = ns:taboption("advanced", ListValue, "use_syslog",
translate("Log to syslog"),
translate("Writes log messages to syslog. Critical Errors will always be written to syslog.") )
slog:value("2", translate("Notice"))
slog:value("3", translate("Warning"))
slog:value("4", translate("Error"))
+function slog.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- use_logfile (NEW) -- ########################################################
+-- use_logfile -- #############################################################
logf = ns:taboption("advanced", Flag, "use_logfile",
translate("Log to file"),
translate("Writes detailed messages to log file. File will be truncated automatically.") .. "<br />" ..
translate("File") .. [[: "]] .. log_dir .. [[/]] .. section .. [[.log"]] )
logf.orientation = "horizontal"
-logf.rmempty = false -- we want to save in /etc/config/ddns file on "0" because
-logf.default = "1" -- if not defined write to log by default
-function logf.parse(self, section)
- DDNS.flag_parse(self, section)
+logf.default = "1" -- if not defined write to log by default
--- TAB: Timer #####################################################################################
--- check_interval -- ###########################################################
+-- TAB: Timer ####################################################################################
+-- check_interval -- ##########################################################
ci = ns:taboption("timer", Value, "check_interval",
translate("Check Interval") )
ci.template = "ddns/detail_value"
-ci.default = 10
-ci.rmempty = false -- validate ourselves for translatable error messages
+ci.default = "10"
function ci.validate(self, value)
if not DTYP.uinteger(value)
or tonumber(value) < 1 then
function ci.write(self, section, value)
- -- simulate rmempty=true remove default
+ -- remove when default
local secs = DDNS.calc_seconds(value, cu:formvalue(section))
if secs ~= 600 then --default 10 minutes
return self.map:set(section, self.option, value)
return self.map:del(section, self.option)
+function ci.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- check_unit -- ###############################################################
+-- check_unit -- ##############################################################
cu = ns:taboption("timer", ListValue, "check_unit", "not displayed, but needed otherwise error",
translate("Interval to check for changed IP" .. "<br />" ..
"Values below 5 minutes == 300 seconds are not supported") )
cu.template = "ddns/detail_lvalue"
cu.default = "minutes"
-cu.rmempty = false -- want to control write process
cu:value("seconds", translate("seconds"))
cu:value("minutes", translate("minutes"))
cu:value("hours", translate("hours"))
--cu:value("days", translate("days"))
function cu.write(self, section, value)
- -- simulate rmempty=true remove default
+ -- remove when default
local secs = DDNS.calc_seconds(ci:formvalue(section), value)
if secs ~= 600 then --default 10 minutes
return self.map:set(section, self.option, value)
return true
+function cu.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- force_interval (modified) -- ################################################
+-- force_interval (modified) -- ###############################################
fi = ns:taboption("timer", Value, "force_interval",
translate("Force Interval") )
fi.template = "ddns/detail_value"
-fi.default = 72 -- see dynamic_dns_updater.sh script
-fi.rmempty = false -- validate ourselves for translatable error messages
+fi.default = "72" -- see dynamic_dns_updater.sh script
+--fi.rmempty = false -- validate ourselves for translatable error messages
function fi.validate(self, value)
if not DTYP.uinteger(value)
or tonumber(value) < 0 then
return self.map:del(section, self.option)
+function fi.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- force_unit -- ###############################################################
+-- force_unit -- ##############################################################
fu = ns:taboption("timer", ListValue, "force_unit", "not displayed, but needed otherwise error",
translate("Interval to force updates send to DDNS Provider" .. "<br />" ..
"Setting this parameter to 0 will force the script to only run once" .. "<br />" ..
"Values lower 'Check Interval' except '0' are not supported") )
fu.template = "ddns/detail_lvalue"
fu.default = "hours"
-fu.rmempty = false -- want to control write process
+--fu.rmempty = false -- want to control write process
--fu:value("seconds", translate("seconds"))
fu:value("minutes", translate("minutes"))
fu:value("hours", translate("hours"))
return true
+function fu.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- retry_count (NEW) -- ########################################################
+-- retry_count -- #############################################################
rc = ns:taboption("timer", Value, "retry_count")
rc.title = translate("Error Retry Counter")
rc.description = translate("On Error the script will stop execution after given number of retrys")
.. "<br />"
.. translate("The default setting of '0' will retry infinite.")
-rc.default = 0
-rc.rmempty = false -- validate ourselves for translatable error messages
+rc.default = "0"
function rc.validate(self, value)
if not DTYP.uinteger(value) then
return nil, err_tab_timer(self) .. translate("minimum value '0'")
return value
-function rc.write(self, section, value)
- -- simulate rmempty=true remove default
- if tonumber(value) ~= self.default then
- return self.map:set(section, self.option, value)
- else
- return self.map:del(section, self.option)
- end
+function rc.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- retry_interval -- ###########################################################
+-- retry_interval -- ##########################################################
ri = ns:taboption("timer", Value, "retry_interval",
translate("Error Retry Interval") )
ri.template = "ddns/detail_value"
-ri.default = 60
-ri.rmempty = false -- validate ourselves for translatable error messages
+ri.default = "60"
function ri.validate(self, value)
if not DTYP.uinteger(value)
or tonumber(value) < 1 then
return self.map:del(section, self.option)
+function ri.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- retry_unit -- ###############################################################
+-- retry_unit -- ##############################################################
ru = ns:taboption("timer", ListValue, "retry_unit", "not displayed, but needed otherwise error",
translate("On Error the script will retry the failed action after given time") )
ru.template = "ddns/detail_lvalue"
ru.default = "seconds"
-ru.rmempty = false -- want to control write process
+--ru.rmempty = false -- want to control write process
ru:value("seconds", translate("seconds"))
ru:value("minutes", translate("minutes"))
--ru:value("hours", translate("hours"))
return true -- will be deleted by retry_interval
+function ru.parse(self, section, novld)
+ DDNS.value_parse(self, section, novld)
--- TAB: LogView (NEW) #############################################################################
+-- TAB: LogView ##################################################################################
lv = ns:taboption("logview", DummyValue, "_logview")
lv.template = "ddns/detail_logview"
lv.inputtitle = translate("Read / Reread log file")