Building the shared library was broken for at least mips24_kc. Will
need to do more work to get that included.
define Package/tinyscheme/description
TinyScheme is a lightweight Scheme interpreter that implements as large a
subset of R5RS as was possible without getting very large and complicated.
+ This package installs only the tinyscheme binary, not the shared library.
define Build/Configure
--- /dev/null
+--- a/makefile 2013-04-14 12:08:33.000000000 -0800
++++ a/makefile 2018-05-01 09:12:00.895474940 -0800
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
+ LDFLAGS = -shared
+ DEBUG=-g -Wno-char-subscripts -O
+ SYS_LIBS= -ldl -lm
++PLATFORM_FEATURES= -DSUN_DL=1 -DInitFile=\"/usr/lib/tinyscheme/init.scm\"
+ # Cygwin
+@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@
+ LIBTARGET = $(LIBPREFIX)tinyscheme.$(SOsuf)
++all: scheme$(EXE_EXT)
+ %.$(Osuf): %.c
+ $(CC) -I. -c $(DEBUG) $(FEATURES) $(DL_FLAGS) $<