.. translatef("For further information "
.. "<a href=\"%s\" target=\"_blank\">"
.. "see online documentation</a>", "https://github.com/openwrt/packages/blob/master/net/travelmate/files/README.md"))
+m.apply_on_parse = true
-function m.on_after_commit(self)
+function m.on_apply(self)
luci.sys.call("env -i /etc/init.d/travelmate restart >/dev/null 2>&1")
luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "travelmate"))
if uplink == "" then
ds = m:section(NamedSection, "global", "travelmate", translate("Interface Wizard"))
- o = ds:option(Value, "", translate("Uplink interface"))
+ o = ds:option(Value, "trm_iface", translate("Create Uplink interface"),
+ translate("Create a new wireless wan uplink interface, configure it to use dhcp and ")
+ .. translate("add it to the wan zone of the firewall.<br />")
+ .. translate("This step has only to be done once."))
o.datatype = "and(uciname,rangelength(3,15))"
o.default = trmiface
o.rmempty = false
- btn = ds:option(Button, "trm_iface", translate("Create Uplink Interface"),
- translate("Create a new wireless wan uplink interface, configure it to use dhcp and ")
- .. translate("add it to the wan zone of the firewall. This step has only to be done once."))
- btn.inputtitle = translate("Add Interface")
- btn.inputstyle = "apply"
- btn.disabled = false
- function btn.write(self, section)
- local iface = o:formvalue(section)
- if iface then
- uci:set("travelmate", section, "trm_iface", iface)
- uci:save("travelmate")
- uci:commit("travelmate")
- local net = nw:add_network(iface, { proto = "dhcp" })
+ function o.validate(self, value)
+ if value then
+ local net = nw:add_network(value, { proto = "dhcp" })
if net then
- nw:save("network")
- nw:commit("network")
local zone = fw:get_zone_by_network("wan")
if zone then
- zone:add_network(iface)
- fw:save("firewall")
- fw:commit("firewall")
+ zone:add_network(value)
- luci.sys.call("env -i /bin/ubus call network reload >/dev/null 2>&1")
- luci.http.redirect(luci.dispatcher.build_url("admin", "services", "travelmate"))
+ return value
return m
<td style="<%=style%>"><%=bssid%></td>
<td style="<%=style%>"><%=encryption%></td>
<td class="cbi-value-field" style="width:80px">
- <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-up" type="button" value="" onclick="location.href='<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/services/travelmate/wifiorder')%>?cfg=<%=section%>;dir=up'" alt="<%:Move up%>" title="<%:Move up%>"/>
- <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-down" type="button" value="" onclick="location.href='<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/services/travelmate/wifiorder')%>?cfg=<%=section%>;dir=down'" alt="<%:Move down%>" title="<%:Move down%>"/>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-up" type="button" value="" onclick="location.href='<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/services/travelmate/wifiorder')%>?cfg=<%=section%>&dir=up'" alt="<%:Move up%>" title="<%:Move up%>"/>
+ <input class="cbi-button cbi-button-down" type="button" value="" onclick="location.href='<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/services/travelmate/wifiorder')%>?cfg=<%=section%>&dir=down'" alt="<%:Move down%>" title="<%:Move down%>"/>
<td class="cbi-value-field" style="width:150px">
<input type="button" class="cbi-button cbi-button-edit" onclick="location.href='<%=luci.dispatcher.build_url('admin/services/travelmate/wifiedit')%>?cfg=<%=section%>'" title="<%:Edit this Uplink%>" value="<%:Edit%>"/>