if display_apply then
- %><input class="btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply" type="button" value="<%:Save & Apply%>" onclick="cbi_submit(this, 'cbi.apply')" /> <%
+ %><input class="btn cbi-button cbi-button-apply" type="button" value="<%:Save & Apply%>" onclick="cbi_submit(this, 'cbi.apply')"<%=ifattr(not has_writeable_map, "disabled")%> /> <%
if display_save then
- %><input class="btn cbi-button cbi-button-save" type="submit" value="<%:Save%>" /> <%
+ %><input class="btn cbi-button cbi-button-save" type="submit" value="<%:Save%>"<%=ifattr(not has_writeable_map, "disabled")%> /> <%
if display_reset then
- %><input class="btn cbi-button cbi-button-reset" type="button" value="<%:Reset%>" onclick="location.href='<%=REQUEST_URI%>'" /> <%
+ %><input class="btn cbi-button cbi-button-reset" type="button" value="<%:Reset%>" onclick="location.href='<%=REQUEST_URI%>'"<%=ifattr(not has_writeable_map, "disabled")%> /> <%
+<% local has_writeable_map = false %>
<form method="post" name="cbi" action="<%=REQUEST_URI%>" enctype="multipart/form-data" onreset="return cbi_validate_reset(this)" onsubmit="return cbi_validate_form(this, '<%:Some fields are invalid, cannot save values!%>')"<%=
attr("data-strings", luci.util.serialize_json({
label = {
<div class="alert-message warning"><%=pcdata(msg)%></div>
<%- end end -%>
-<div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>">
+ local function has_access(config, level)
+ local rv = luci.util.ubus("session", "access", {
+ ubus_rpc_session = luci.dispatcher.context.authsession,
+ scope = "uci",
+ object = config,
+ ["function"] = level
+ })
+ return (type(rv) == "table" and rv.access == true) or false
+ end
+ local is_readable = has_access(self.config, "read")
+ local is_writable = has_access(self.config, "write")
+ has_writeable_map = has_writeable_map or is_writable
+<% if is_readable then %>
+<div class="cbi-map" id="cbi-<%=self.config%>"<%=ifattr(not is_writable, "style", "opacity:.6; pointer-events:none")%>>
<% if self.title and #self.title > 0 then %>
<h2 name="content"><%=self.title%></h2>
<% end %>
<%- self:render_children() %>
<% end %>
+<% else %>
+<div class="alert-message warning"><%:Insufficient permissions to read UCI configuration.%></div>
+<% end %>