* @param regex regular expression string
* @param len length of the string
- * @return NFA.Needs to be freed using GNUNET_REGEX_destroy_automaton
+ * @return NFA, needs to be freed using GNUNET_REGEX_destroy_automaton
struct GNUNET_REGEX_Automaton *
GNUNET_REGEX_construct_nfa(const char *regex, const size_t len);
* @param regex regular expression string
* @param len length of the regular expression
- * @return DFA. Needs to be freed using GNUNET_REGEX_destroy_automaton
+ * @return DFA, needs to be freed using GNUNET_REGEX_destroy_automaton
struct GNUNET_REGEX_Automaton *
GNUNET_REGEX_construct_dfa (const char *regex, const size_t len);
* Calculates the closure set for the given set of states.
- * @param states set of states for which to calculate the closure
- * @param count number of states in 'states'
- * @param literal for the transition
+ * @param states list of states on which to base the closure on
+ * @param literal transitioning literal for which to base the closure on,
+ * pass 0 for epsilon transition
- * @return set of states that can be reached from the given 'states' when
- * using only 'literal' transitions
+ * @return nfa closure on literal (epsilon closure if 'literal' == 0)
create_nfa_closure (struct GNUNET_CONTAINER_SList *states, const char literal)