msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "utilitza aplicacions de compartició de fitxers en aquesta xarxa"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "malgasta l'amplada de banda amb baixades o corrents innecessaris"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "používat aplikace na sdílení souborů v této síti"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "plýtvat šířkou pásma nepotřebným stahováním nebo streamy"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "Filesharing betreiben"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "Bandbreite durch unnötige Downloads oder Streams zu verschwenden."
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "usar aplicaciones de compartición de ficheros en esta red"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "malgastar ancho de banda con descargas innecesarias o multimedia"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "השתמש בתוכנות לשיתוף קבצים ברשת זו."
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "לבזבז רוחב פס עם הורדות או שידורים מיותרים"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "utilizzare le applicazioni di filesharing su questa rete"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "sprecate banda con download o flussi inutili"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgstr "używał programów do dzielenia się plikami w tej sieci"
# j.w.
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "marnował transfer na niepotrzebne pobieranie plików i strumieni"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "usar aplicativos de compartilhamento de arquivos nesta rede"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "usar banda com fluxos ou arquivos baixados não necessários"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "использование файлообменных приложений в этой сети"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "тратить пропускную способность на ненужные загрузки или потоки"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "använd fildelningsapplikationer i det här nätverket"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "slösa bandbredd med onödiga nerladdningar eller strömmar"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr ""
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr ""
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "在此网络上使用文件共享应用程序"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "用不必要的下载或流媒体浪费带宽"
msgid "whitelisted"
msgid "use filesharing applications on this network"
msgstr "在此網路上使用檔案共享應用程式"
-msgid "waste bandwidth with unneccesary downloads or streams"
+msgid "waste bandwidth with unnecessary downloads or streams"
msgstr "用不必要的下載或流媒體浪費頻寬"
msgid "whitelisted"