LUCI_DESCRIPTION:=Provides Web UI for DNS Over HTTPS Proxy
LUCI_DEPENDS:=+luci-compat +luci-mod-admin-full +https-dns-proxy
include ../../
module("luci.controller.https-dns-proxy", package.seeall)
function index()
if nixio.fs.access("/etc/config/https-dns-proxy") then
- entry({"admin", "services", "https-dns-proxy"}, cbi("https-dns-proxy"), _("DNS HTTPS Proxy"))
+ entry({"admin", "services", "https-dns-proxy"}, cbi("https-dns-proxy"), _("DNS HTTPS Proxy")).acl_depends = { "luci-app-https-dns-proxy" }
entry({"admin", "services", "https-dns-proxy", "action"}, call("https_dns_proxy_action"), nil).leaf = true
s3 = m:section(TypedSection, "https-dns-proxy", translate("Instances"),
- translatef("When you add/remove any instances below, they will be used to override the 'DNS forwardings' section of <a href=\"%s\">DHCP and DNS</a>.", dispatcher.build_url("admin/network/dhcp")) .. helperText)
+ translatef("When you add/remove any instances below, they will be used to override the 'DNS forwardings' section of %sDHCP and DNS%s.", "<a href=\"" .. dispatcher.build_url("admin/network/dhcp") .. "\">", "</a>") .. helperText)
s3.template = "cbi/tblsection"
s3.sortable = false
s3.anonymous = true
#: applications/luci-app-https-dns-proxy/luasrc/model/cbi/https-dns-proxy.lua:113
msgid ""
"When you add/remove any instances below, they will be used to override the "
-"'DNS forwardings' section of <a href=\"%s\">DHCP and DNS</a>."
+"'DNS forwardings' section of %sDHCP and DNS%s."
msgstr ""
#: applications/luci-app-https-dns-proxy/luasrc/model/cbi/https-dns-proxy.lua:34