I am using BB 0.60.2 in a floppy distro, and the syslog (and logger) is
unable to log the "<" char. This shows up in ppp logfiles. [...]
#logger "<pcomp>" results in "comp>" arriving at the log.
int pri = (LOG_USER | LOG_NOTICE);
char line[ BUFSIZE + 1 ];
unsigned char c;
+ int gotpri = 0;
char *q = line;
tmpbuf[ n_read - 1 ] = '\0';
while (p && (c = *p) && q < &line[ sizeof (line) - 1 ]) {
- if (c == '<') {
+ if ((c == '<') && !gotpri && isdigit(p[1])) {
/* Parse the magic priority number. */
+ gotpri = 1;
pri = 0;
while (isdigit (*(++p))) {
pri = 10 * pri + (*p - '0');