s.defaults.ip_source = "network"
s.defaults.ip_network = "wan"
-s:option(Value, "check_interval").default = 10
-unit = s:option(ListValue, "check_unit")
+s:option(Value, "check_interval", translate("Check for changed IP every")).default = 10
+unit = s:option(ListValue, "check_unit", translate("Check-Time unit"))
unit.default = "minutes"
unit:value("minutes", "min")
unit:value("hours", "h")
-s:option(Value, "force_interval").default = 72
-unit = s:option(ListValue, "force_unit")
+s:option(Value, "force_interval", translate("Force update every")).default = 72
+unit = s:option(ListValue, "force_unit", translate("Force-Time unit"))
unit.default = "hours"
unit:value("minutes", "min")
unit:value("hours", "h")
m = Map("upnpd", translate("Universal Plug & Play"), translate("UPNP allows clients in the local network to automatically configure the router."))
s = m:section(NamedSection, "config", "upnpd", "")
+s.addremove = false
e = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("enable"))
e.rmempty = false
return (os.execute("/etc/init.d/miniupnpd enabled") == 0) and "1" or "0"
-s:option(Flag, "secure_mode").rmempty = true
-s:option(Flag, "log_output").rmempty = true
-s:option(Value, "download", nil, "kByte/s").rmempty = true
-s:option(Value, "upload", nil, "kByte/s").rmempty = true
+s:option(Flag, "secure_mode", translate("Enable secure mode")).rmempty = true
+s:option(Flag, "log_output", translate("Log output")).rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "download", translate("Downlink"), "kByte/s").rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "upload", translate("Uplink"), "kByte/s").rmempty = true
return m
m = Map("upnpd", translate("Universal Plug & Play"), translate("UPNP allows clients in the local network to automatically configure the router."))
s = m:section(NamedSection, "config", "upnpd", "")
+s.addremove = false
e = s:option(Flag, "enabled", translate("enable"))
e.rmempty = false
return (os.execute("/etc/init.d/miniupnpd enabled") == 0) and "1" or "0"
-s:option(Value, "download", nil, "kByte/s").rmempty = true
-s:option(Value, "upload", nil, "kByte/s").rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "download", translate("Downlink"), "kByte/s").rmempty = true
+s:option(Value, "upload", translate("Uplink"), "kByte/s").rmempty = true
return m
#. Custom Update-URL
#: applications/luci-ddns/luasrc/i18n/ddns.en.lua:8
-msgid "ddns_service_updateurl"
+msgid "Custom Update-URL"
msgstr "Custom Update-URL"
#. Uplink
#: applications/luci-upnp/luasrc/i18n/upnp.en.lua:7
-msgid "upnpd_config_upload"
+msgid "Uplink"
msgstr "Uplink"