#include <asm/arch/spr_syscntl.h>
#include <linux/mtd/st_smi.h>
+/* Reserve some space to store the BootROM's stack pointer during SPL operation.
+ * The BSS cannot be used for this purpose because it will be zeroed after
+ * having stored the pointer, so force the location to the data section.
+ */
+u32 bootrom_stash_sp __attribute__((section(".data")));
static void ddr_clock_init(void)
struct misc_regs *misc_p = (struct misc_regs *)CONFIG_SPEAR_MISCBASE;
u32 mode = 0;
- /* Currently only SNOR is supported as the only */
- if (snor_boot_selected()) {
+ if (usb_boot_selected()) {
+ } else if (snor_boot_selected()) {
/* SNOR-SMI initialization */
+ * In a few cases (Ethernet, UART or USB boot, we might want to go back into the
+ * BootROM code right after having initialized a few components like the DRAM).
+ * The following function is called from SPL common code (board_init_r).
+ */
+void board_return_to_bootrom(void)
+ /*
+ * Retrieve the BootROM's stack pointer and jump back to the start of
+ * the SPL, where we can easily branch back into the BootROM. Don't do
+ * it right here because SPL might be compiled in Thumb mode while the
+ * BootROM expects ARM mode.
+ */
+ asm volatile ("ldr r0, =bootrom_stash_sp;"
+ "ldr r0, [r0];"
+ "mov sp, r0;"
+ "blx back_to_bootrom;"
+ "bl back_to_bootrom;"
+ );
.globl reset
+ .globl back_to_bootrom
* SPL has to return back to BootROM in a few cases (eg. Ethernet boot,
- * UART boot, USB boot): save registers in BootROM's stack.
+ * UART boot, USB boot): save registers in BootROM's stack and then the
+ * BootROM's stack pointer in the SPL's data section.
push {r0-r12,lr}
+ ldr r0, =bootrom_stash_sp
+ str sp, [r0]
* Flush v4 I/D caches
bl _main /* _main will call board_init_f */
pop {r0-r12,pc}