const struct GNUNET_MessageHeader *hdr,
enum RouteMessageOptions options)
- // FIXME: pick on or two 'random' queue (under constraints of options)
- // Then add wrapper and enqueue message!
+ struct GNUNET_TIME_Absolute now;
+ unsigned int candidates;
+ unsigned int sel1;
+ unsigned int sel2;
+ /* Pick one or two 'random' queues from n (under constraints of options) */
+ now = GNUNET_TIME_absolute_get ();
+ /* FIXME-OPTIMIZE: give queues 'weights' and pick proportional to
+ weight in the future; weight could be assigned by observed
+ bandwidth (note: not sure if we should do this for this type
+ of control traffic though). */
+ candidates = 0;
+ for (struct Queue *pos = n->queue_head; NULL != pos;
+ pos = pos->next_neighbour)
+ {
+ /* Count the queue with the visibility task in all cases, as
+ otherwise we may end up with no queues just because the
+ time for the visibility task just expired but the scheduler
+ just ran this task first */
+ if ((0 == (options & RMO_UNCONFIRMED_ALLOWED)) ||
+ (pos->validated_until.abs_value_us > now.abs_value_us) ||
+ (NULL != pos->visibility_task))
+ candidates++;
+ }
+ if (0 == candidates)
+ {
+ /* Given that we above check for pos->visibility task,
+ this should be strictly impossible. */
+ GNUNET_break (0);
+ return;
+ }
+ sel1 = GNUNET_CRYPTO_random_u32 (GNUNET_CRYPTO_QUALITY_WEAK, candidates);
+ if (0 == (options & RMO_REDUNDANT))
+ sel2 = candidates; /* picks none! */
+ else
+ sel2 = GNUNET_CRYPTO_random_u32 (GNUNET_CRYPTO_QUALITY_WEAK, candidates);
+ candidates = 0;
+ for (struct Queue *pos = n->queue_head; NULL != pos;
+ pos = pos->next_neighbour)
+ {
+ /* Count the queue with the visibility task in all cases, as
+ otherwise we may end up with no queues just because the
+ time for the visibility task just expired but the scheduler
+ just ran this task first */
+ if ((pos->validated_until.abs_value_us > now.abs_value_us) ||
+ (NULL != pos->visibility_task))
+ {
+ if ((sel1 == candidates) || (sel2 == candidates))
+ queue_send_msg (pos, NULL, hdr, ntohs (hdr->size));
+ candidates++;
+ }
+ }