{"pass", OPT_PASS, 's', "Private key file pass phrase source"},
{"CApath", OPT_CAPATH, '/', "PEM format directory of CA's"},
{"CAfile", OPT_CAFILE, '<', "PEM format file of CA's"},
- {"CAstore", OPT_CAFILE, ':', "URI to store of CA's"},
+ {"CAstore", OPT_CASTORE, ':', "URI to store of CA's"},
{"no-CAfile", OPT_NOCAFILE, '-',
"Do not load the default certificates file"},
{"no-CApath", OPT_NOCAPATH, '-',
"Do not load certificates from the default certificates directory"},
- {"no-CAstore", OPT_NOCAPATH, '-',
+ {"no-CAstore", OPT_NOCASTORE, '-',
"Do not load certificates from the default certificates store"},
{"requestCAfile", OPT_REQCAFILE, '<',
"PEM format file of CA names to send to the server"},